Most of us are worried Wenger will choose the wrong players/tactics and bottle job this as usual at OT.

This Man ure side are fucking awful, plenty of cheats in their ranks and a couple of refs too so expect this to be controversial.

Team i'd go for :





If we attack them from the off then i can see us causing them probems and scoring goals. They have a shite defence and no DCM so we really cant go up there and play like we did last season when we seemed scared. Ox, Welbz and Sanchez have pace and can score goals so instruct them to run at them at every opportunity.

Wumger though will probably play Ozil Cazorla and Ramsey in the same midfield which would mean we wont go with proper wingers and thus give Man ure the upper hand.

If my team starts, 1-3, if Wumger has his way, 3-1.