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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #941
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Le Pen is winning that one. Once again the huge tidal wave of resentment that's building all across Europe has been underestimated by the legacy establishment. Twice now the mile high writing has been ignored and they'll ignore it again, which is great news.
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  2. #942
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Le Pen is winning that one. Once again the huge tidal wave of resentment that's building all across Europe has been underestimated by the legacy establishment. Twice now the mile high writing has been ignored and they'll ignore it again, which is great news.
    Le Pen will more than likely win the first round of voting, what happens after that is anyone's guess

    More Muzzas in France than in the UK by a long way, and it's a case of which of Fillon and Le Pen they think hate them the least.

    I am more than prepared to accept this could well be the third instalment in the populist right nationalist trilogy, i think former left voters might be more attracted to Le Pen as Fillon is another Cameron/Osbourne type of conservative and France don't want to do austerity.

  3. #943
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    If Le Pen gets in and starts pulling France out of the EU, that will be curtains for the Brussels elite who are trying to create a federal Europe by the back door. And the Euro will just become the Deutsch Mark. Maybe, just maybe, they might stop and realise how out of touch they are.

  4. #944
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    The phenomenon of fake news is to be investigated by a group of influential MPs following concerns that knowingly false articles posing as journalism could become a threat to democracy.

    The inquiry, launched by the House of Commons culture, media and sport committee, will seek to determine an industry-standard definition of fake news, identify those susceptible to being misled and investigate how the BBC might have a bearing on its proliferation in the UK.

    ha ha

    HA HA HA HA HA...

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  5. #945
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Trying to break the bad news about the media's self harm to an oblivious CNN hack. Futile of course.

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  6. #946
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    Also, Heath used to regularly pilot a UFO to Saturn. Fact. And if you can disprove it then ALL of the charges are false and we can move on because there would be nothing to see here.
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  7. #947
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Politicians don't abuse children. Only dead celebrities did that.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  8. #948
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Trying to break the bad news about the media's self harm to an oblivious CNN hack. Futile of course.

    How do you think the media should be responding to Trump?

    Here's the problem. Trump at his recent rally infamously said that thing about Sweden.
    Sweden were understandably bemused because nothing had happened there.

    Trump's response was "Oh, it was something I heard on Fox News" and then he tried to claim he was talking about the general situation with refugees in Sweden - which is a flat out lie, he clearly said "what happened last night" so it was a reference to an event. An event which didn't happen.

    I've no idea what he heard on FOX. There's some speculation he might have heard about the attack in Sehwan and misheard it. Who knows? But the point is his main information sources are right wing outlets like FOX, Breitbart and Infowars. He sees things there, doesn't fact check them, doesn't consider other points of view and starts making policy based on those things.

    Same with his boast that he won the Electoral Collage by the biggest margin since Reagan. Not true and he was called out on it in his news conference. His response was "well, I don't know, that was just some information I was given.". That isn't good enough! He's the president of the United States, he will be making policy decisions. You'd like to think those decisions would be based on solid facts and evidence but far too often he's just hearing stuff from unreliable sources, forming opinions based on those sources and those opinions will help him formulate policy.

    In another interview he was called out on another "fact" he'd been spouting which wasn't true and his response was "well, a lot of people believe me". Again, that isn't good enough. The fact that a lot of people believe you doesn't make what you're saying true. It doesn't make it false either of course but that isn't an adequate response when being told you're incorrect about something.

    The media have over-reacted at times, I agree. Calling the travel ban a "Muslim Ban" isn't accurate or helpful. But the media should be scrutinising politicians and calling them out on their lies.

  9. #949
    I do wonder if this is all an elaborate scheme, the Trump administration just throws things out so fast it causes the media to get in a spin reporting on them, and then it misses the more relevant things.

    I think there will have to come a point where the media stops reporting on what Trump himself says on Twitter etc, and confines itself to reporting on what his administration does.

  10. #950
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    I already read the article you have taken these talking points from. You have answered your own question and that answer is, stop being a repeater.

    This right here, Goonersweb, is part of the media. It allows people to publish their views to anyone who wants to read them. That's all the media is, ever since the printing press liberated the written word. But what we're talking about is establishment "news" corporations, a very, very different.

    These corporations refer to themselves as the "free press." This is a lie. They are anything but free. They are owned. Literally. They are bound to a political and economic class, a very small minority who have leveraged these corporations that up until the advent of publishing platforms on the Internet had a lock on the distribution of news. This is why the establishment (not free) press has been consolidated into the hands of just a few corporations, particularly in the US. The genuine free press, or free media, exists on the local high streets and now increasingly on the Internet as privately run ventures, often the effort of single individuals or a handful of likeminded enthusiasts. The sheer number of individuals that have flooded the publishing space has unleashed a model that has obliterated the slow moving, high budget, bureaucratised corporations that have become so focused on servicing their existence through advertising revenues that they are now detached from the reporting process entirely and immersed instead in the marketing function.

    You can go and check the data for yourself. The mainstream, legacy, corporate press is being annihilated. They know it. In a few short years now they'll be gone. The Internet has exposed them and made them irrelevant and this is reflected in their approval ratings, lower than the politicians. Their response to this extinction event has been to try to copy the fast paced, citizen crowd sourced, enthusiasm and passion driven model of the "alternative" (in reality, new) media. This has of course been a disaster, a lumbering dinosaur trying to catch an agile mouse. All the while they have retained their ties to the elite that funds them and continued to try and serve the interests of these paymasters. So of course there can be no enthusiasm or passion, only cynicism and the bottom line.

    What should the corporate captive legacy press do? Why die, of course. More quickly than they are already dying. They serve no purpose other than to repeat the self-serving propaganda of a tiny minority. One lie piled upon the next, spun out of all credible context, reversed the next day without a hint of apology. A whore that will suffer any disease provided the pay is top tier. These "journalists" are the reason why the citizenry is ignorant in general. Citizens trusted these snakes to keep an eye on power on society's behalf. The betrayal has been absolute.

    Think of the press as you would think of Jimmy Saville. One day they are seemingly credible and beneficial pillars of the society. The next day, the truth emerges - kicking and screaming. Denied until the last, omitted for decades but inexorably finding the cracks and crevices in the establishment wall through which to seep into the public consciousness. Because subconsciously, we always knew, didn't we? We can only lie to ourselves most of the time.

    We had our own little moment last week when the admittedly still spritely dinosaur (who is on an extinction path nonetheless) Gary Neville came up against a bunch of citizens on the ground who have built their own publishing platform and no longer required the establishment's leave to talk directly to likeminded people. You know why Arsenal Fan TV was attacked? Because it's the brightest example of the new breed of fans doing it for themselves. Guess who might be out of a job soon. Robbie? I don't think so. How about a huge dinosaur that pumps billions into an industry filled to the brim with greed that has traded the passion of the fans, that built the game, for hype? Who's days are numbered? Sky knows this. BT knows this. Gary Neville knows this. It's the same principle across the board. People are becoming wise to and fed up of the corporations telling us how we should feel, think, behave, speak. They are done with limiting themselves to the sub-set of information permitted by the establishment.

    Gary Neville is considerably less harmful than serious make believe such as the type peddled by the mainstream fake "news" media, of course. But fake nonetheless.

    Google Pewdiepie, the number one channel on YouTube. Same principle.

    And the fake news media and Donald Trump. Same principle.

    So many people still don't get it. Trump isn't talking to YOU, he doesn't give a shit about you or what you think. He isn't talking to the fake media either. He's talking to his supporters, directly, without the filter of the gatekeepers that so often parsed every word and therefore caused every politician to examine each word and neutralise each sentiment until they always ended up saying nothing at all. That has been the effect of the 24/7 rolling media - nothingness. No news at all because nobody has the guts to make any, unless they are caught.

    You've heard your average political speech, your average political commentary, your average response on Question Time. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Bland shite so the speaker can't be pinned on any detail. Because the fake legacy media is more than petty enough to throw a thousand babies out with one little piss dribble in the bathwater. They're waiting on it, to pounce.

    Well Trump couldn't give a shit and nor do his supporters. This is the thing the corporate hacks can't get their vacuous heads around. Trump has walked right past them and made them impotent and irrelevant. When was the last time we saw such a blatant and concerted effort to bring one guy down? And all they have achieved is to help him go fro strength to strength.

    To address the trivialities you have confused with real concerns. Sweden is indeed in a huge mess having allowed so many Muslims to cross its border. Fox had a general news report on the shit state Sweden is now in. Trump saw that, and because he doesn't parse his words like a politician, and instead speaks as if he's speaking to the lads down at the pub, his phrasing was imprecise. It conveyed the point though and now people will be looking up Sweden to check if it really is in a super shit state. It is. Anywhere Muslims land ends up a shit hole, just a fact even if nobody wants to admit it. So Trump is telling us a truth but he has the details wrong. It's the truth that is important - the truth the old hat, old hack repeaters on CNN or in the Guardian hold close and don't let slip. Actually it wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump did this on purpose so the fuss is as large as possible, thus making the spotlight as large as possible. He used that technique right through the campaign and the media fell for it every time.

    What was the other thing? Uncle Tom's pack of lies that deceived a huge number of people to give him a bigger electoral college win than Never Trump? Well that was great I thought, it was a rare moment of honesty that has been so sorely missing in politicians. When pressed he said (to paraphrase), "I don't know, somebody just put that detail in front of me." If you don't think that's a very healthy think then I wonder what it is you are looking for in your politicians? More of the same shit that has taken the planet to where we are now? Really?

    Now I know there are agendas behind the Trump show too. That's power, that's politics and none of that will change overnight. But it does seem to me that, due to the sheer number of establishment figures that hate the guy, Trump may well emerge as the first president America has had in a long, long time. By president I mean a guy who represents the people who elected him. He may have his own gig on the side, but he certainly reserves plenty of time to do work for the people who put him there. Name one other politician figure in a position of authority who can claim as much?

    So far so good with Trump. I thought the legacy press was pretty well entrenched but he's managed to dig them out, expose them and (if he continues to remember the people who put him in the presidency) may well be able to hasten their inevitable demise.
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