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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #971
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Erm... no. I'm not claiming anything. I'm demonstrating that the crone in the first video uses obfuscation to avoid the keys issues, and the fool in the second video is prepared to use outright dishonesty. Both of them missing the fundamental point, which is deliberate.
    In both those videos people are using statistics to back up their argument that refugees and/or immigrants are behind a rise in crime, particularly serious sexual crimes and murder. If you look at the statistics in more detail though, you'll see that the claims they make just don't stack up.
    As I said I could just as easily state that the murder rate has gone down since 2011 to show that immigration hasn't caused any problems. That would be as misleading as the stats they're presenting.
    Why did you post those videos if you didn't think they made valid points? There has been no sky-rocketing crime rate, no rise in murder, sexual assault or rape other than a continuation of a general rising trend in serious crime which goes back decades.

    What are the stats telling you about the riots going on in Stockholm right now?
    That's a meaningless question. A better question would be what does the riot in Stockholm tell you about a supposed problem with immigrants or refugees. And the answer is, not much. No isolated incident tells you much. That is where statistics are more useful BUT they have to be analysed properly rather than misrepresented to make a point which doesn't stack up when you look into it properly. There were a spate of riots in the UK what...5 years ago now, 6? Can't remember. My local town centre Enfield was the scene of one of them. But it wasn't the start of the breakdown of society, people weren't living in fear, there weren't "no go" areas. It would have been very easy for someone to claim that but it wouldn't have reflected the reality.

    The scale of immigration and refugees in Sweden may well have caused some problems but videos titled "Witch Defends Sweden Rapefugees" are massively over-stating the problems by using misleading stats.

    I don't live in Sweden. Nor do you. So I don't know whether it's "a huge mess" over there and nor do you but the stats aren't showing a correlation between the refugees and serious crime and even if they did...correlation does not equal causation.

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  3. #973
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    The stats are important and prove a point. The riots are meaningless and can be explained away by any number of reasons.

    In France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece, Norway, Denmark and across Eastern Europe, do the stats also give an important insight into the meaningless problems?

    The catastrophic failure of globalisation and its central plank, multiculturalism (the destruction of culture), is going to culminate in one of two outcomes. Either everybody in the west starts facing the realities and starts talking about solutions that reverse the flood of Muslims into the culturally incompatible European states, or the politicians and the globalists can persist and Brexit and Trump will be followed by a chain of similar transformations that will result in people acting where their politicians won't. Mass immigration is going to stop one way or the other and if the globalists really do give a fuck about, "the children", then instead of sulking, they'll sit at the table to discuss the problems of German and Swedish and French and Spanish kids who, up until now, only seem to rate austerity measures. A growing majority does not want its culture subverted and polluted, it doesn't want an incompatible and backward religion transplanted into a (relatively) progressive and modern environment. It doesn't want to see the wealth of a nation flowing out to those who don't belong to that nation, whilst the natives are hammered by austerity. And why should anyone want that? These are the stats that matter.

    For those with a guilt complex, fair enough. It's sinful to vote for shitty human beings like Tony Blair and David Cameron. But do we now have to sacrifice our culture to pay for your selfishness and lack of moral fibre? Why should a whole nation suffer just because 50 odd percent didn't have enough character to do what was right? In the US you have stupid feminists denouncing the west and converting to Islam. I'm hoping I don't need to explain just how insane these people are. Feminists converting to Islam. And it begs the question for all lefties and globalists and bleeding heart fantasists - why do you want this immigration invasion so badly? Why do you go out of your way to paint every criticism of this crisis as racism or bigotry or some other form of intolerance? Is it because, "the children", need you? Is it because it's the, "right thing to do"?

    Okay. So why did the same cunts weeping and tearing their hair vote for Blair and Cameron then? If they are so concerned about children and doing the right thing? Why did they vote multiple fucking times for Bomber Blair? Where was the compassion, at mine and millions of others expense, when that particular lever was pulled? Was the selfless sacrifice of whatever personal pay-off or minor trinket worth it? Does this play on consciences any, or is it just the social warrior stuff that rings a bell? Tweet your virtue, deny your shame.

    Trump - "Not MY president!" (No, Obama the Bomber is YOUR fucking president) already has a solution for the US, the sane and sensible solution that we should have adopted from the outset. His policy is no illegal wars against helpless civilians and no more immigration from the states that have collapsed as a result of these illegal acts. Instead he's prepared to spend the money required to set up safe regions and he also managed to win concessions from Arab states to open their "culturally" compatible doors to refugees. Trump's the guy with no brain though.

    The brainy liberals, on the other hand, well they have stats that show there's nothing happening. Do they also have stats that show their slavish devotion to the people who caused these problems never happened? It doesn't really matter. The globalists are in flight and the neocon and neoliberal crackpots and the hapless fools on the left who don't even know who they are sharing a bed with (free love) are making themselves more irrelevant every day. Reality is breaking through.

    Like Trump's latest pull on the string. Look at all the dancing.
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  4. #974
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The stats are important and prove a point. The riots are meaningless and can be explained away by any number of reasons.
    I can't tell if that is you creating a distorted straw man version of my position so you can then ridicule it? If so then read my posts again, my points are quite clear.
    Riots are neither meaningless nor conclusive proof, stats are more helpful - and you are the one who started posting videos with people citing stats - but they need careful analysis and looking at in context. If you dispute my thoughts on the stats above (I'd be the first to admit it's not an area I specialise in) then feel free to have a look yourself, I've given you a link to the numbers.

    In France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece, Norway, Denmark and across Eastern Europe, do the stats also give an important insight into the meaningless problems?
    I don't know. You tell me. You're the one saying there are problems and "a crisis", the burden of proof is on you.

    I've ignored much of your rant as I'm not sure how to respond to ranting, but I will respond to this as it's a question.

    Why do you want this immigration invasion so badly? Why do you go out of your way to paint every criticism of this crisis as racism or bigotry or some other form of intolerance?
    I don't know if you think that applies to me, but I don't "want" a high level of immigration, neither do I want immigration to be stopped. A sensible level has demonstrably boosted our economy and, in my opinion, enriched our culture though.
    "Let 'em all in" is as woolly-headed an attitude as "Keep 'em all out".
    But when people start using language like "invasion" or start talking about a "crisis" and using misleading stats or one off incidents to back that up then I will challenge that. Which doesn't mean there aren't any problems but I think it's being over-stated by some and some of your language does show bigotry and intolerance.

    Trump - "Not MY president!" already has a solution for the US, the sane and sensible solution that we should have adopted from the outset. His policy is no illegal wars against helpless civilians
    Really? Is that his policy? The man who said he would "bomb the shit out of them and their families" and has advocated torture?
    Yeah, he's a real peacemaker.

    The brainy liberals, on the other hand, well they have stats that show there's nothing happening.
    This is the "people are fed up of experts" attitude which I find so depressing. Why don't people care about facts any more?

  5. #975
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    I can't tell if that is you creating a distorted straw man version of my position so you can then ridicule it? If so then read my posts again, my points are quite clear.
    Riots are neither meaningless nor conclusive proof, stats are more helpful...
    My summary is the same as your summary. Stats are what we should focus on, not the reality. How have I misrepresented what you yourself are claiming?

    On the one hand we have statistics produced by organisations that have been criticised for manipulation in order to conceal the relationship between crime and immigration, that coupled with draconian laws that target any who dare speak out against the official policy of turning a blind eye. The infamous code R291 used to conceal the ethnic identities of immigrants and roll them into the general statistics has allowed officials and supporters of the open door immigration policy to crow about insignificant immigrant crime levels. Well of course. When a senior police officer spoke up he was quickly branded a racist and now faces stiff sanctions under Sweden's see no evil, hear no evil laws. All is well. Don't trust the people who have to actually confront the violence. Trust your friends the politicians and their statisticians. It is within this ridiculous framing that debate is permitted. All else outside it is socially vilified and even prosecutable. Laws that prohibit opinion are always the giveaway.

    And yet, since 2016 and with the sheer scale of the problem now impossible to credibly deny, there has been a complete reversal of government policy seeing Sweden implement some of the toughest and most restrictive immigration laws in Europe. Why? The stats tell us there are no problems. The taxpayer funded propaganda videos reveal how marvellous the whole mass immigration policy has been. Can you have too much of a good thing? Is that the problem?

    Or were they lying in the first place and now have to admit it by action if not through apology to the Swedish people?

    And a day after Trump points this out, to give us a clue about reality and its stark contrast to the utopian propaganda, Islam is on the street again burning up cars and smashing windows. Many mainstream media outlets didn't want to speak about that though, including the BBC. They were too busy parsing individual words and correlating them to Swedish government propaganda so condescending corrections to reality could be pushed onto the repeater stack. Possibly small comfort for Swedish citizens who are caught in the middle of the violence, but there are no stats to prove that. The last I checked and true to form, nobody had been arrested thus demonstrating again the spectacularly low crime rate attached to these virtuous bomb throwers who openly scream their hatred of the west in their spare time between queueing for benefits.

    The videos I posted up, as I explained already, were not a commentary on stats. They were examples of how governments and media outlets collude to at best downplay realities and, more usually, deny them completely, in Lemon's case when they can't even be bothered to study their own propaganda. Of course there is a massive problem in Sweden and all across Europe. You literally have to go out of your way to avoid seeing it - not to see it. And that's precisely what governments and media have been doing. The age of social media has made it impossible to conceal the reality on the ground, or compartmentalise it so it doesn't gain coverage beyond the localised events. But still, the ambassador says no, CNN hacks like Lemon rush to propaganda pamphlets for "proof", the blanket gets smoothed whenever it is ruffled. Trump ended all that with a passing comment.

    I'll deal with your shameless "rant" evasion later.
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  6. #976
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    The Guardian

    Their reputation precedes them.

    What about the BBC?

    Get ready for liberals to be triggered all across the globe. This is going to be hilarious.
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  7. #977
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  8. #978
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    Lee Glendinning, editor of Guardian US, said in a statement: “This is a deeply troubling and divisive act. Holding power to account is an essential part of the democratic process, and that’s exactly what the Guardian will continue to do.

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  9. #979
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    The BBC has sought clarification from the White House on why its representative was denied access. Its Americas bureaux editor, Paul Danahar, added: “Our reporting will remain fair and impartial regardless.”

    "The WMD, the WMD, the WMD..."
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  10. #980
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    Some outlets lingered in the West Wing hallway out of frustration but were asked by a Secret Service agent, upon instructions from the White House press office, to leave the area.
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