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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #22691
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    What's your doctorate in again?

    And, by the way, you don't need to be a football manager to know Wenger is a fuck up. For example.

    99% of these heroes lap up Drug Pusher Weekly from big pharma as if it's the bible. Try questioning them. Watch the arrogance sweat off them and pool on the floor. And yet they kill as many patients as they cure. 99% of them will tell you chemotherapy is an effective treatment, for example. Prior to that, 99% of them told you smoking was good for you. And prior to that, 99% of them recommended a little radioactive poisoning to promote good health.

    As I said, I don't think they deliberately set out to harm their victims. It's just they are one of the most mindless and indoctrinated group of technocrats on the planet. You can tell them literally anything and they'll believe it provided it originates from higher up their scared chain and not from some crackpot source like, say, nature.

    Deify these quacks if you want. But have a look at the evidence and it might change your mind.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #22692
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post

    And, by the way, you don't need to be a football manager to know Wenger is a fuck up. For example.

    99% of these heroes lap up Drug Pusher Weekly from big pharma as if it's the bible. Try questioning them. Watch the arrogance sweat off them and pool on the floor. And yet they kill as many patients as they cure. 99% of them will tell you chemotherapy is an effective treatment, for example. Prior to that, 99% of them told you smoking was good for you. And prior to that, 99% of them recommended a little radioactive poisoning to promote good health.

    As I said, I don't think they deliberately set out to harm their victims. It's just they are one of the most mindless and indoctrinated group of technocrats on the planet. You can tell them literally anything and they'll believe it provided it originates from higher up their scared chain and not from some crackpot source like, say, nature.

    Deify these quacks if you want. But have a look at the evidence and it might change your mind.
    The difference is you don't go through almost ten years of intense studying to become a football manager

    There is nothing to say you should be making Gods out of doctors some of them do indeed have a god complex, but then there is a layman making sweeping statements about specialist paediatricians

    Saying you Believe them all to be quacks and suggesting people should always trust their own "expertise" over a qualified medical opinion is to be guilty of the same hubris you accuse them off.

    And On the other hand the American guy who was advocating for the alternative therapy basically admitted he had neither examined the child or his medical notes.

  3. #22693
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    The difference is you don't go through almost ten years of intense studying to become a football manager

    There is nothing to say you should be making Gods out of doctors some of them do indeed have a god complex, but then there is a layman making sweeping statements about specialist paediatricians

    Saying you Believe them all to be quacks and suggesting people should always trust their own "expertise" over a qualified medical opinion is to be guilty of the same hubris you accuse them off.

    And On the other hand the American guy who was advocating for the alternative therapy basically admitted he had neither examined the child or his medical notes.
    I didn't say I ranked my medical expertise over theirs. That would be a ridiculous claim. I don't despise them as individuals, I despise their so-called profession. Or more accurately, I despise what their so-called profession has become. Just as you find offence in people criticising their intent, I find it deeply offensive to suggest these people are authoritative in all bar the most basic, mechanical aspects of human life and health. Indeed, they deliberately go out of their way to limit the scope of their knowledge. They remind me of a polished version of the Spanish Inquisition. Certainly nothing to be admired and their appalling record speaks for itself.
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  4. #22694
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    McEnroe refusing to apologise for reality.

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  5. #22695
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Cool rock formation.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  6. #22696
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I didn't say I ranked my medical expertise over theirs. That would be a ridiculous claim. I don't despise them as individuals, I despise their so-called profession. Or more accurately, I despise what their so-called profession has become. Just as you find offence in people criticising their intent, I find it deeply offensive to suggest these people are authoritative in all bar the most basic, mechanical aspects of human life and health. Indeed, they deliberately go out of their way to limit the scope of their knowledge. They remind me of a polished version of the Spanish Inquisition. Certainly nothing to be admired and their appalling record speaks for itself.
    I'm not really sure what you're even alluding to, to be honest

    Maybe a specific example rather than talking in generalities ?

  7. #22697
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    McEnroe refusing to apologise for reality.

    I don't understand this at all. What are they even annoyed with him about?

    I like Charlie Rose but he's being a massive Cuck here.

  8. #22698
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I'm not really sure what you're even alluding to, to be honest

    Maybe a specific example rather than talking in generalities ?
    I don't like doctors, in the main. I've encountered a very few decent ones who seem to give a shit and haven't been entirely brainwashed. The rest have been utter turds, some so obnoxious I'd have punched their lights out if I was a single guy. But leaving my personal experiences aside (and the experiences of the vast majority of people I've spoken to on such matters), this particular case is a specific example of the supreme arrogance and all too common incompetence of this profession.

    Read this page:

    The incompetent (not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully) (in this instance) staff at GOSH were unable to provide any solution other than to terminate the life of the child. Interestingly, they have this right whereas citizens do not, but that's another matter and another case of the state and its agents behaving unlawfully. Okay, so they can't be expected to cure every disease or condition that comes their way. But, by their own admission, in this case they had no competency to deal with the problem, if we assume death is not the desired outcome.

    The parents said thanks, we'll take the kid to the States where somebody claims they can help. We'll pay. So it's not a matter of cash, as is so often the case with our corporate, for profit, "healthcare" system. Whether this third party could help or not is irrelevant. The relevancy is in who gets to make the decision. Even when it comes to the life of a child and when the state can't preserve that life, the court here rules that the child is owned by the state. In an act of the deepest black comedy it declares the doctors, who have already admitted they can do fuck all (they are INCOMPETENT by their own admission), KNOW what's best for the child. How can they possibly know that, when they've already concluded there's no medical remedy and have therefore (you would think) removed themselves as a factor? So what are they deciding on? Personal family issues? The arrogant fucks. We can't help, so instead we'll kidnap your dying child. It's the most ridiculous assumption and yet they managed to bring their kangaroo case to the kangaroo court and win. Of course they did. What's really at stake here in a wider sense is who "owns" the child. This ruling leaves no uncertainty and the medical profession has assisted vigorously, under the unshakable belief it knows what is best - for anyone and everyone I assume. They read books for 10 years and now they get to explain to a family what dignity is? Can you imagine a more refined form of arrogance?

    This is another in a long list of reasons why it is essential and urgent to get rid of government and its drones.
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  9. #22699
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I don't understand this at all. What are they even annoyed with him about?

    I like Charlie Rose but he's being a massive Cuck here.
    The title says it. These twats were triggered. The facts, context, everything bar the trigger mechanism is ignored. It's a reality that women tennis players, even doped up steroid queens like the Williams freaks, are inferior to male tennis players - strictly in terms of the sport. These brainwashed slaves immediately conflate that to an outright and unfavourable comparison between males and females, across the board. This allows them to mount their high horse and preach to a guy simply stating facts. Not only preach, but demand apologies for the introduction of reality into their little fantasy worlds.

    This is the norm now. Most people in the public eye are either genuinely this stupid or too afraid of stupid people to speak up. McEnroe isn't one of them. He'll be hated and despised by a large segment of society as a result. For a short period of time I guess, until they find a new book reader or unlicensed thinker they can descend upon.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  10. #22700
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I don't like doctors, in the main. I've encountered a very few decent ones who seem to give a shit and haven't been entirely brainwashed. The rest have been utter turds, some so obnoxious I'd have punched their lights out if I was a single guy. But leaving my personal experiences aside (and the experiences of the vast majority of people I've spoken to on such matters), this particular case is a specific example of the supreme arrogance and all too common incompetence of this profession.

    Read this page:

    The incompetent (not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully) (in this instance) staff at GOSH were unable to provide any solution other than to terminate the life of the child. Interestingly, they have this right whereas citizens do not, but that's another matter and another case of the state and its agents behaving unlawfully. Okay, so they can't be expected to cure every disease or condition that comes their way. But, by their own admission, in this case they had no competency to deal with the problem, if we assume death is not the desired outcome.

    The parents said thanks, we'll take the kid to the States where somebody claims they can help. We'll pay. So it's not a matter of cash, as is so often the case with our corporate, for profit, "healthcare" system. Whether this third party could help or not is irrelevant. The relevancy is in who gets to make the decision. Even when it comes to the life of a child and when the state can't preserve that life, the court here rules that the child is owned by the state. In an act of the deepest black comedy it declares the doctors, who have already admitted they can do fuck all (they are INCOMPETENT by their own admission), KNOW what's best for the child. How can they possibly know that, when they've already concluded there's no medical remedy and have therefore (you would think) removed themselves as a factor? So what are they deciding on? Personal family issues? The arrogant fucks. We can't help, so instead we'll kidnap your dying child. It's the most ridiculous assumption and yet they managed to bring their kangaroo case to the kangaroo court and win. Of course they did. What's really at stake here in a wider sense is who "owns" the child. This ruling leaves no uncertainty and the medical profession has assisted vigorously, under the unshakable belief it knows what is best - for anyone and everyone I assume. They read books for 10 years and now they get to explain to a family what dignity is? Can you imagine a more refined form of arrogance?

    This is another in a long list of reasons why it is essential and urgent to get rid of government and its drones.
    I appreciate your utter commitment to the individual over the state but again nothing you've stated suggested the doctors were in anyway medically wrong to make the decision they did. Why did they deny the parents the right to take him to the states? Because they have a duty of care to their patient and it was abundantly clear he wouldn't have survived the journey let alone benefitted from the treatment which would not in fact have reversed any of the brain damage.

    Equally if you've got Christian scientists who refuse their child medical treatment which could save its life because they prefer to put their faith in the power of it fine for those individuals to make this decision?

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