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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #1411

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  3. #1413
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    I think, just maybe, she's done for. Tragic loss for the country if she goes.

    Similarly tragic loss for the country when her replacement is announced.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #1414
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Some fat lesbian cunt has just tried to out-May May. It's called Ruth Davidson, apparently.

    Come on people!

    Let's get behind Theresa May!

    (Well you wouldn't want the cunt lurking behind YOU would you?)
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #1415
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    Quite staggering that you don't see the connection. I don't agree with everything NQ says but I can see the connection on the problem with being too liberal and PC. For example, despite what's said in the Bible, I'm sure it will soon be illegal to preach against 'sin'. It doesn't look too far off. For example, I'm sure we'll soon see parents being accused of 'abuse' if they try to discourage their son from wearing a dress and high heels to school every morning because he wants to copy the drag queens seen on X Factor.

    Muslims are being monitored now and considering the circumstances, it's understandable why. But I'm sure a few crazy extreme right-wing nuts from the Bible belt of America could spark something similar where you'd have to be careful what you say online and elsewhere.
    The way people blandly state that such things will never happen here. I wonder how close to home it has to get.

    In Germany people are indeed getting a knock on the door based on what they have typed into Twitter or other online services. And it doesn't have to be extreme stuff either. There have been cases where simply disagreeing with something can land you in trouble and having to answer to civil "servants".

    Letters, like many people, completely misses the reversal in the relationship between the state and the citizen. It is now taken for granted the state is "in charge" and the rest of us will do what we are told. The very opposite of what government is supposed to be (and still claimed to be). This is okay for many people because they have "nothing to hide". This is of course one of the most pathetic submissions known to mankind.

    Servant: I would like to invade your privacy, track everything you do and then track every person you come into contact with too. And I'd like to run all that information across thousands of filters and see if I can place you within touching distance of a bad guy. And I'd like to do that without your permission or even your knowledge (so forget we ever had this conversation). Okay?

    Dumb Arse: Sure.

    Servant: Cool. So anyway, you are under arrest for having ties to ISIS. Come with me.

    Dumb Arse. WTF? This can't be right. I demand...

    Servant: You consented to everything, so shut the fuck up, put this bag on your head and step onto this unmarked aircraft.

    Could never, ever happen here. Except it already has. Like you say, this will expand to every facet of life. Have you said the wrong things, thought the wrong things, communicated with the wrong people, eaten the wrong things, generated an unacceptable large carbon footprint, read the wrong thing, watched the wrong thing...

    Did you see the proposed legislation that could land you in jail for watching "extremist" material online? Up to 15 years behind bars if these lunatics get their way. Then we can have a new saying, "You have nothing to fear if you only watch approved material!"

    Sad times. Not because of the bastards running all this, we expect it from them. But because of the majority of complacent and so, so naive individuals who sleep walk the rest of us into it. No matter how many times you warn them all you get back is a wise crack about conspiracy theories - another form of conditioning they are pleased to own.

    But, the minority is shrinking at least. As these things become more overt and obvious even fools are starting to scratch their heads and wonder at the nerve of our servants.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #1416
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Fuck the Tories.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  7. #1417
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Fuck the Tories.
    Use a metal condom if you don't want to catch something beyond imagination.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #1418
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post

    The way people blandly state that such things will never happen here. I wonder how close to home it has to get.

    In Germany people are indeed getting a knock on the door based on what they have typed into Twitter or other online services. And it doesn't have to be extreme stuff either. There have been cases where simply disagreeing with something can land you in trouble and having to answer to civil "servants".

    Letters, like many people, completely misses the reversal in the relationship between the state and the citizen. It is now taken for granted the state is "in charge" and the rest of us will do what we are told. The very opposite of what government is supposed to be (and still claimed to be). This is okay for many people because they have "nothing to hide". This is of course one of the most pathetic submissions known to mankind.

    Servant: I would like to invade your privacy, track everything you do and then track every person you come into contact with too. And I'd like to run all that information across thousands of filters and see if I can place you within touching distance of a bad guy. And I'd like to do that without your permission or even your knowledge (so forget we ever had this conversation). Okay?

    Dumb Arse: Sure.

    Servant: Cool. So anyway, you are under arrest for having ties to ISIS. Come with me.

    Dumb Arse. WTF? This can't be right. I demand...

    Servant: You consented to everything, so shut the fuck up, put this bag on your head and step onto this unmarked aircraft.

    Could never, ever happen here. Except it already has. Like you say, this will expand to every facet of life. Have you said the wrong things, thought the wrong things, communicated with the wrong people, eaten the wrong things, generated an unacceptable large carbon footprint, read the wrong thing, watched the wrong thing...

    Did you see the proposed legislation that could land you in jail for watching "extremist" material online? Up to 15 years behind bars if these lunatics get their way. Then we can have a new saying, "You have nothing to fear if you only watch approved material!"

    Sad times. Not because of the bastards running all this, we expect it from them. But because of the majority of complacent and so, so naive individuals who sleep walk the rest of us into it. No matter how many times you warn them all you get back is a wise crack about conspiracy theories - another form of conditioning they are pleased to own.

    But, the minority is shrinking at least. As these things become more overt and obvious even fools are starting to scratch their heads and wonder at the nerve of our servants.
    One event can change things for a lot of people. We consent to them now in the name of security but they can quite easily switch the focus. It's definitely something to think about but I'm guessing some don't despite the warnings being thrown out. Letters response shouldn't surprise me at to be honest. It explains a lot.

  9. #1419
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Boris Johnson is a horrible cunt.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  10. #1420
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    One event can change things for a lot of people. We consent to them now in the name of security but they can quite easily switch the focus. It's definitely something to think about but I'm guessing some don't despite the warnings being thrown out. Letters response shouldn't surprise me at to be honest. It explains a lot.
    In your other post you changed the subject slightly.
    Some people object to things like CCTV or monitoring of emails "on principle". I think that's a fair enough objection but personally I don't care because there isn't a person sitting there watching my every move or reading all my messages. The level of surveillance doesn't stop me going where I want or writing what I want. It doesn't stop you or NQ either.
    The key point is this is all fine if we are operating within the law and that is where I agree with some of that other post. The direction of travel in the law is of concern. I don't think it will ever become illegal for me to go to church but yes, it could become illegal to preach openly. I don't believe we will end up in a 1984 scenario but I do think there is cause for concern. I don't think this is a simple issue though. People have been arrested for things they have said on Twitter but should people be able to say or threaten people how they like in the name of free speech?

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