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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #24911
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    They should be locked up for premeditated child abuse. If they want to pump each others shithole that's one thing, and (provided they don't do it anywhere near me or try to serve me food or do anything else that requires hygiene) that's their business. But inflicting it on a child. It really is quite amazing how social services will persecute law abiding people in secret courts but ignore overt child abuse that happens under their noses.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #24912
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    Fucking faggots.

  3. #24913
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    It's interesting.
    I don't have much time for The Daily Mail but Richard Littlejohn wrote a piece about this questioning why this was being considered as "normal" and this sort of nonsense was the reaction:


    "Center Parcs says it was 'completely unacceptable' its ads appeared next to piece which told readers not to 'pretend two dads is the new normal'"

    It's funny how the most intolerant people now seem to be those who rail against intolerance while refusing to accept any other view than their own. Only one opinion is allowed now. Even questioning it is no longer allowed.

  4. #24914
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  5. #24915
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    "downloading his sperms in my butt"

  6. #24916
    You have to love countries with institutionalised hatred of queers

  7. #24917
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It's interesting.
    I don't have much time for The Daily Mail but Richard Littlejohn wrote a piece about this questioning why this was being considered as "normal" and this sort of nonsense was the reaction:



    It's funny how the most intolerant people now seem to be those who rail against intolerance while refusing to accept any other view than their own. Only one opinion is allowed now. Even questioning it is no longer allowed.
    This is a new tactic that has been going on for months (years probably). But it is becoming a huge issue, especially online. YouTube has hired the Southern Poverty Law Group to root out all dissent to the lefty mania and shut it down. They don't even make a pretence any more. The left has been intolerant of anything bar their own agenda for ages now. They're even intolerant of their own kind when their own kind shows any tolerance. Division and intolerance is what they thrive on.

    Their attacks aren't only directed against those who disagree with them, but also against those who don't FULLY agree with them, in every respect. So you see the New Statesman claiming the right wants to deny a couple of fags their moment of happiness, when that's not what people are concerned about or focused on at all. Pretty much everyone now says, fags, okay, let them get on with it. We put up with them on TV, in the films, flouncing around the workplace and nobody says boo to them. The environment has changed beyond recognition but that's not enough for them. Now they want kids, the very thing they deliberately deny themselves biologically when they opt to fuck each others arseholes instead of procreate naturally with a female. And they, nor the fucked up New Statesman, couldn't give a shit about that kid. The kid is just the political statement. It's extreme child abuse but overridden and apologised for because the gay agenda is so powerful now - the very opposite of discrimination.

    What people will realise (too late) is the gays were the gateway to the trannies and the trannies will be the gateway to the pedos. That's the ultimate aim of all this. To legitimise pedophilia. And then all those "leaders" won't be guilty of anything, will they? They'll be "normal" like the rest of us. This is why they are trying to kill of the Christians and the ONLY pedos they want to talk about are in the church. Convenient. No?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #24918
    So when homosexuality was legalised in this country in 1967 the secret clandestine puppet masters said to each other “this is the paving stone on the road to making fucking children acceptable. We may never live to see this day but it will come”

  9. #24919
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ View Post
    You have to love countries with institutionalised hatred of queers
    Awful abominations.

    My wife is a bit of a queer sympathiser and always tells me I’m going to be cursed with a gay kid such is my intolerance of them. I’d be devastated tbh.

  10. #24920
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ View Post
    So when homosexuality was legalised in this country in 1967 the secret clandestine puppet masters said to each other “this is the paving stone on the road to making fucking children acceptable. We may never live to see this day but it will come”
    Nope. Never said that, as well you know.

    But, like all political movements, it has been hijacked and taken to the extreme.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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