Quote Originally Posted by Goonermerree View Post
I'm just hoping for good exciting matches today after yesterday's snoozefest. Yesterday reminded me how boring these major championships can be sometime, first group matches can often be a bit cagey, I can understand that, lose your first match and you're in trouble. It takes off after that, some of the most excitement came as group positions change and teams had to go for it. Then come the knockout stages, and with that brings the safety net of penalties. If you can't go toe to toe with a team and hope to win, play negatively, and hope for penalties. Finals can be like that too.

There has to be a better way than penalties, dunno what but these games should be the most exciting, even if they're not the best technically, teams having to go for it. They've tried silver goal and golden goal, there must be something better than penalties!!
Remember this happened last time - the group stages were brilliant and then the quality did tail off a bit in the knockouts, as you say it can all get cagey.
One idea I heard was to have the penalty shootout before the game. Then the team that lost that will have to go for it.
That said, I do love the drama of a penalty shootout. Unless England are involved...