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Thread: World Cup Sweepstakes Redux

  1. #71
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    He's not wrong.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  2. #72
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    Has Southgate done anything wrong so far? Every decision he's made has been spot on.

    Dropped Rooney
    Dropped Hart
    Changed formation
    Promoted youth
    Tactically good
    Implemented his own style
    Good with the media
    Instilled belief
    Reconnected with fans

    No chance we would have gotten this far under Woy or Big Sam, under Woy there were diabolical performances even against minnows.

    We've got to a world cup semi final, something no-one thought we would do. Whatever happens we're on the right track.

    Big nose

    Anti-England doom and gloomers

  3. #73
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    He's not wrong.

  4. #74
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cripps View Post
    Has Southgate done anything wrong so far? Every decision he's made has been spot on.

    Dropped Rooney
    Dropped Hart
    Changed formation
    Promoted youth
    Tactically good
    Implemented his own style
    Good with the media
    Instilled belief
    Reconnected with fans

    No chance we would have gotten this far under Woy or Big Sam, under Woy there were diabolical performances even against minnows.

    We've got to a world cup semi final, something no-one thought we would do. Whatever happens we're on the right track.

    Big nose

    Anti-England doom and gloomers
    The most important thing for me is that it seems like he’s got the players to enjoy representing England again. The so called golden generation hated it and that was a major factor for the consistent failure. Definitely bodes well for the future having a team who don’t see playing for England as a chore they could do without.

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn View Post
    Letters, you, GP, MS, LDG and Maccy are about the only sensible posters left here.
    Don't be so hard on yourself.

    I'm sure a lot of it is stage managed but I don't care if they're the sorts who would help an old lady across the road, what I like about them is the way they're playing - I'm enjoying watching them - and they showed some balls against Colombia. After the late equaliser they looked mentally gone in the first half of extra time and I feared the worst but they picked it up in the second half and won the penalties. On Saturday we were good, actually good. Against a Sweden side who aren't up to much, admittedly, but how many times have we seen an England team either lose or make very hard work of a game they should have won on paper. I'm looking forward to Wednesday, actually looking forward to it. We might cock it up - head says we probably will - but whatever the outcome they have by far exceeded my expectations in this tournament.

    I agree Harry Kane is the only really world class player we have but I don't agree the other 10 aren't any good. There's some good players in there, I'd honestly no idea about Pickford before this tournament but he's made some great saves - the one at the start of the second half of the Sweden game was massive, that goes in and it's 1-1 and a different game.

    So yeah. I like them as a team, I like how they've played, they're a team I can get behind. I've no idea what they're like as individuals and I don't care. I like The Beatles but by all accounts John Lennon was quite the c***. But that's OK, I don't have to go for a drink with him, I just enjoy the music. I don't have to invite the England players round for dinner, I'm just enjoying watching them.

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    The most important thing for me is that it seems like he’s got the players to enjoy representing England again. The so called golden generation hated it and that was a major factor for the consistent failure. Definitely bodes well for the future having a team who don’t see playing for England as a chore they could do without.
    Yes. That. And again, maybe it's all about appearances but they are important and that is how it seems. Too many England players in the past seemed to almost resent playing for England as though it was an inconvenient distraction from their club careers.

  7. #77
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    I want England to win and I've been getting behind them all the way through. But in all honesty I find it almost embarrassing that they're doing so well and there aren't any Arsenal players in the squad to represent us. Apart from Welbeck, the guy who could only get 10 minutes off the bench of the reserve team...

  8. #78
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    That is completely ridiculous. Why does it matter who they play for?

  9. #79
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    What's ridiculous about wanting your club to produce players for the national team?

  10. #80
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    Nothing, I guess.
    I don't really care who England players play for though.
    I guess it would be nice if Arsenal were producing more talent. I'm not sure if I care which nationality they are.
    In principle it would be nice if they were English, maybe I've just become numb to how multi-national clubs are these days.

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