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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #26921
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    A newly published report suggests that if the Chinese had properly informed the rest of the world when the CHINESE VIRUS first broke out in CHINA - perhaps 95% of current cases could have been avoided. Don't have a clue if that's true or not (I'm just being guided by the science), but if it turns out to be true then I hope the rest of the world does something about it. We can't just go back to business as usual after this.
    Never liked those Chinese types. Too loud, obnoxious and inconsiderate. I would say cut all ties with them but they make all our shit, so what can you do eh?

  2. #26922
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Never liked those Chinese types. Too loud, obnoxious and inconsiderate. I would say cut all ties with them but they make all our shit, so what can you do eh?
    Home production, end to outsourcing, jobs for people here in the UK, an ditto for every other nation. Next time this happens, let's be producing our own shit down the road rather than waiting for China to deliver it from thousands of miles away. And the vulture capitalists who rely on Chinese slave labour, like Apple, tough shit, you're out of the slavery business.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #26923
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Apart from thousands of people dying in agony, which some think is pretty bad (though not elements of the "compassionate left" or the environmental cult), it's certainly starting to become clear there's an intellectual underclass (or you might say semi-sentient classless element) that are rather enjoying proceedings. Unfortunately, they seem to be great carriers for disease (mostly because they shit in the streets and inject themselves with anything on hand), but not so great at dying from it (nature is cruel). Possibly some lab engineered weapon that targets anyone with an IQ below 7 has become thinkable? But where do you draw the line between vital public service and Nazism?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #26924
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Never liked those Chinese types. Too loud, obnoxious and inconsiderate. I would say cut all ties with them but they make all our shit, so what can you do eh?
    good food though...

  5. #26925
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    In case anyone didn't know, Italy now has more deaths than the truthful China (disclaimers apply). Tune into Sky News and the BBC for the breathless, blow-by-blow body count. Can anyone challenge the Italians or are they going to run away with this? Place your bets. Smart money is on the UK coming up on the rails. The excitement is building.

    Tonight, Sky's Team is going into Italy's overwhelmed health service to film the last moments of victims gasping for breath. Like they did last night. I doubt a film crew fucking around will cause problems for the critically pressed staff. Don't forget to tune in.

    If you are a fucking ghoul.

    I'm on the verge of hoping all these media swine get it, and die. Not quite there yet, but maybe they'll keep going. Maybe they'll continue to be a huge part of the problem.
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  6. #26926
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    good food though...
    Some of it. Never liked the fried bat much.
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  7. #26927
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    LOL - Sky ghoul was wanking furiously on camera as he was gloating over the economic crash and the costs, he was just about to blast a full load over the camera and then his charts all crashed. Poor bastard. He'll have to get his pipes cleaned by the crisis whore on the main newsdesk.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #26928
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Home production, end to outsourcing, jobs for people here in the UK, an ditto for every other nation. Next time this happens, let's be producing our own shit down the road rather than waiting for China to deliver it from thousands of miles away. And the vulture capitalists who rely on Chinese slave labour, like Apple, tough shit, you're out of the slavery business.
    Aye. Trouble is, people aren't going to put up with paying double for their stuff.
    They pass the slavings on to us.
    The development team I've worked with in China don't get paid until the work they've done is accepted by the business.
    If there are bugs then...sorry chaps but you're not getting paid for that either so you're going to stay there all night till you've fixed it, and you're not getting paid any extra for doing so.
    I should stress at this point that these are the rules the manager in China imposes on them, not us.
    And you'll be unsurprised to hear it does not lend itself to good quality software. 'Cos if your pay is linked to delivering stuff which looks superficially like it'll work, and if you don't get paid for fixing bugs then you're going to bang stuff out as quickly as you can. And they do. But look under the bonnet and it's a pile of crap.
    Cheap though, and people like cheap stuff, so long as it works.

  9. #26929
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Aye. Trouble is, people aren't going to put up with paying double for their stuff.
    They pass the slavings on to us.
    The development team I've worked with in China don't get paid until the work they've done is accepted by the business.
    If there are bugs then...sorry chaps but you're not getting paid for that either so you're going to stay there all night till you've fixed it, and you're not getting paid any extra for doing so.
    I should stress at this point that these are the rules the manager in China imposes on them, not us.
    And you'll be unsurprised to hear it does not lend itself to good quality software. 'Cos if your pay is linked to delivering stuff which looks superficially like it'll work, and if you don't get paid for fixing bugs then you're going to bang stuff out as quickly as you can. And they do. But look under the bonnet and it's a pile of crap.
    Cheap though, and people like cheap stuff, so long as it works.
    So let's ask people when they are being admitted to hospital, do you want the $9.99 ventilator or the $999 one? Care to bet which they'll chose? This understanding has to be passed along in all consumerism, which actually means a return to utilitarianism and the death of perpetual "growth". Growth is a keyword for ponzi profits. We need balance, not growth. I mean, sometimes growth is good. A person invents something useful, everyone wants it, it creates a boom but the piece of shit thing lasts and has function for years, rather than the 10 minutes an Apple device gives you. The whole Apple model is to make their own shit obsolete as quickly as possible so they can make the next sale. That iPhone3 sitting on a scrapheap slowly poisoning Africans has more processing power than the computer than put men on the moon. We can't afford waste like that as a species, for the sake of profits for the few. That's not capitalism. Capitalism is survival of the best idea, delivered to the most people, at economies of scale. Vulture capitalism is the opposite, survival of the most obscene shit fucks, at any cost, to the detriment of most people. And the excuse is - human nature. Well tell that to the HNS staff leaving their kids in potentially infected schools as they go, every day, right into the heart of a global pandemic. ALL people are not bad by nature, this is the huge lie that allows a few people to manipulate everyone else. So how do you even go about bringing this into reality? Information. I think I said around 10 years back (or more) when I first joined this forum. The key to liberty and progress is lifting the stone on the few who do everything to stifle liberty and progress. These scum control governments, media, corporations, all of it. But there are so few of them. If people had facts, enough would act. A tiny percentage of US dwarfs THEM. So, IIRC, I said release ALL top secret documents everywhere, no matter what they say. It's a good, if not bloody, start. But 50K casualties for a better world is a better alternative than 50mill casualties on a regular basis to preserve a shitty world. I'd be happy to volunteer. It really wouldn't bother me. I'd sleep like a baby between shifts. Or else, it just carries on. Hell, even the weirdos like the warmist lot and the wannabe commies would agree with me, for all the wrong reasons but still the desirable outcome.

    I guess I could have used paragraphs there, but these are strange times.
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  10. #26930
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    I'll tell you what else. I build web sites for a living, put simply. It's a bit more complex than that and it takes a lot of knowledge to do what I do. And I do it well. But basically, I build web sites for people who want to make a lot of money. Other people cure the sick, help the suffering, save lives. You'd have to be seriously afflicted to be confused about which job is more important. And I get paid a lot more than them. I don't know how it has come to this. Something went badly wrong somewhere along the line. Fucking web developers, insurance agents, lawyers, useless fucking people in the grand scheme of things. I won't be criticising the NHS again. I still think the horrific imbalance between administrators and useful staff is criminal. But for those useful staff, out in the front line, good job people. Fucking outstanding. It's at times like this that clarity can be achieved, if you want to look. After this, I'll still be too thick to be a doctor, but I am going to try to stretch myself a bit beyond superficial consumerism.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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