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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #671
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    People on a local FB group I’m on are falling over themselves to be locked in their houses.
    Err, why, some kind of S&M thing?

  2. #672
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Daily kickabout with the kid.
    Important not to leave any bruises though or you'll have the NSPCC onto you...

  3. #673
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    Trump is (verbally) pushing drugs on stage.

    Guessing, I'd conclude he's in a war with the insurance companies who don't want to see a cheap, over the shelf drug already in plentiful supply prove useful when they could develop a scarce and extremely expensive alternative. The same companies that last week offered suspensions on co-pay and Covid19 related treatment costs (to much fanfare) only to announce this week that premium may have to go up by 40% next year to cover the costs.

    The States is a very different country to your typical European nation, the corporations have far more power over there and even presidents can't stand in their way. Trump's a little different because he uses non-traditional means of communication with the public, which is why the heavily drug funded media is threatening to cut-off and censor these pressers. They were also first out of the gate to slam any notion of these cheap drugs being effective, even though some medical professionals are already using them as prophylaxis and this particular drug, along with several others, are being used extensively and successfully in India. Trump mentioned that today as well, to give real journalists a path to follow.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #674
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Important not to leave any bruises though or you'll have the NSPCC onto you...
    Other way around really. I get a hernia these days just from thinking about running around for 5 minutes. So I do a lot of "coaching" from a sedentary position.
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  5. #675
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    That weird little retard Thunberg is back. She's found a way to ride the global pandemic to give her loony agenda a jolt, after it died in the face of a real crisis. If you can even remember her, she's the crazy mouthpiece for the warmism cult that wants to shut down fossil fuels now, today. Which would result in untold millions of deaths, probably billions. But the polar bears would be saved (although they are already just fine). Will be interesting to see if she's greeted with the absolute scorn and loathing she always deserved or if there are still gullible fools out there who pay credence to her nonsense. I won't easily forget that image of Corbyn, head bowed in reverence, seated at the right hand of the messiah and pleading, tell us what to do Greta.
    Do give it a rest

    If we don't take climate change more seriously CV will seem like a walk in the park (or not, if you get the pun)

  6. #676
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Do give it a rest

    If we don't take climate change more seriously CV will seem like a walk in the park (or not, if you get the pun)
    What do you mean, take climate change seriously? Real scientists knew about climate change long before these technocrats came along with their computer models, which have unerringly been 100% wrong btw. The globalists version of climate change is one huge scam designed to, as usual, enrich the few at the expense of the many. Same bunch of wankers that are behind outsourcing, open borders and homogenised "diversity." They view human beings as cattle to be managed, minus nations, borders and human rights.

    Covid19 is a natural consequence of crackpot schemes and agendas of these cunts. There will be many more and severe consequences if they get their way. Meanwhile, the ones who stand to make the most don't feel the need to live by what they preach. Their own carbon footprints, still vanishingly insignificant on a planetary scale, are nonetheless immense compared to the average citizen. So maybe they should shut the fuck up and show us, rather than tell us. But that will never happen.

    I'm not saying we don't have huge problems with pollution and rampant consumerism and all the waste that entails. But that's an entirely different matter to the pseudo-science being pumped out by these increasingly discredited globalists. If they have a case to make then make it with science, rather than manufactured consensus and censorship.
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  7. #677
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    For anyone with 2 mill Euro going spare:
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #678
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    NQ. You really are a kaleidoscope of conflicting ideals and viewpoints. Most of which are clambering over each other in contradictions. You on the one hand believe in a world cabal that is driving humanity to self implosion but refuse the obvious trajectory of climate change. How can you not see that oil is the driving force behind the world cabal. It's the one thing that drives all the others. Control of resources is the key and the primary resource above all others is oil. Before oil it was natural resources. Now it is oil above all else.
    You constantly rail against China. What has that country done to you. It's more capitalistic in its economy than most of Europe. The communism is only in government . So Chinese people cant vote. But you can. What difference has that made to your sense of self or well being. Do you believe you are happier than the average Joe in Shanghai? Does your vote really count...Really?
    Climate change is real. Take this oil and gas engineer and we as a planet are moving inexorably towards self destruction unless we cool this planet down by cutting consumption of hydrocarbons.
    You come across as someone lashing out in all directions without a central philosophy. Is this world fucked or are things great. Seems you think it is fucked but don't want anything to change. Are you by any chance the Roy Keane of philosophy.
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  9. #679
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    Starmer already showing johnson he won't play ball - good for him

  10. #680
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Expecting people to stay in on a sunny day is just stupid, as long as they all keep their distance what's the problem, most of these people won't have gardens plus vitamin D is good for you

    Ok, if you have to then instruct police to ask (as opposed to violently force) groups to dissemble, that's fair enough but that should be it

    Hancock and co can't seem to see the difference between what people are actually required to do (keeping 2 metres away etc) and their bleating about staying indoors. People aren't stupid, they know that the one thing doesn't require the other

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