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Thread: 2020 US General Election

  1. #721
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    Just because its 2020 and that therefore means everything goes to shit, what happens if Biden wins 270 votes & Trump around 267 (i think that is one scenario still in play) but some electoral college voters go against how they should vote and back trump over the 270 mark.

    Does that mean he wins or is there laws against that? I know last time, some voters refused to back Clinton in the electoral college despite being obligated to but given teh size of the win for trump, it didnt affect anything

  2. #722
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Which lies would those be?
    OK. He's got this thing about postal voting. Now, there may be legitimate concerns there but you and I both know why he's got a problem with it.
    Far more Democrats registered to vote by post than Republicans. Trump has zero integrity, he wouldn't give a shit about any potential for fraud if the postal vote favoured him. But it doesn't, so he starts whipping up dissent before the election, claiming widespread fraud without presenting evidence, telling his supporters to "monitor" the polling

    Then on election night he declares victory when it was far from certain and once again implies that the election is being stolen from him. No evidence presented.

    Then he's filing lawsuits to stop counting. On what basis? You can't just stop votes being counted. If you have good evidence of fraud then OK, present it. He's offered nothing.

    Is any of this behaviour helpful in an already deeply divided nation?

    And now there's mobs of people, some armed, outside some places where counts are being done. Lots of potential for that to all descend into real chaos. I hold Trump directly responsible for that.

  3. #723
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    OK. He's got this thing about postal voting. Now, there may be legitimate concerns there but you and I both know why he's got a problem with it.
    Far more Democrats registered to vote by post than Republicans. Trump has zero integrity, he wouldn't give a shit about any potential for fraud if the postal vote favoured him. But it doesn't, so he starts whipping up dissent before the election, claiming widespread fraud without presenting evidence, telling his supporters to "monitor" the polling

    Then on election night he declares victory when it was far from certain and once again implies that the election is being stolen from him. No evidence presented.

    Then he's filing lawsuits to stop counting. On what basis? You can't just stop votes being counted. If you have good evidence of fraud then OK, present it. He's offered nothing.

    Is any of this behaviour helpful in an already deeply divided nation?

    And now there's mobs of people, some armed, outside some places where counts are being done. Lots of potential for that to all descend into real chaos. I hold Trump directly responsible for that.
    I guess it probably has something to do with the Democrats trying to pin something on him throughout his presidential term, they did everything they could to have him removed and get him charged, it's was unprecedented really. I think this probably plays into why he thinks they may be willing to do anything to stop him getting into power again, doesn't mean it's true of course but that plays into it surely.

    I don't think it's simply a case of him not wanting to lose, it's to do with all the other stuff that went on before.
    Last edited by Özim; 05-11-2020 at 11:28 AM.

  4. #724
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    He got impeached . He was only not thrown out because it was his mates who had the final vote.

    And how much was he trying to pin on Clinton? He was part of the "birther" movement with Obama.
    He throws plenty of mud at anyone who disagrees with him. He's a wannabe dictator.

  5. #725
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    It's clever, isn't it? The way the narrative has been set up in advance.

    The Dem pre-election panic was down to a much larger number of Republicans registering to vote by post than anyone expected. So the Dems started begging their voters to vote in person instead. But I guess the narrative of overwhelming Dem postal voting will be baked in over the coming days until it becomes a fact.

    I can't say if Trump would care if the fraudulent votes were for him. Probably not. But that wouldn't have mattered has the normal rules applied to begin with, instead of the rushed rules that opened up the entire election to fraud. Trump wasn't proposing those, and it turns out he was right. We'd have a result now and a degree of confidence in it were it not for the rules forced through courts by Democrats. Not sure how Trump gets the blame for that, but I suppose that will become part of the narrative too.

    Of course he's filing lawsuits to stop the Dems piling tons of unaudited votes on to the pile so they can swing the states that were just about to secure a Trump win before the election was shut down. You have to do that so the situation doesn't get even worse and becomes much more difficult to untangle. Especially in Michigan where the idiots didn't take any steps to conceal the fraud. I mean how dumb are those poor bastards? I guess the idea was to pile a few Trump votes on afterwards? Who knows. But that's what you do with any crime scene, you tape it off and ensure nothing is moved.

    It will all prove to be very helpful for the legitimacy of the government, election integrity and an immeasurable number of issues to come. You can't just sit there and allow a supposedly first world nation to stage a coup in broad daylight. That's what third world nations do and that's usually one of the primary reasons they are third world nations.

    And finally, finally, we're worried about mobs of people, some armed? Christ, it's priceless. Descend into chaos? Good lord.

    Btw - there's plenty of evidence of election fraud, some of it caught on video as it happened - by lawyers, not some bloke from the pub. Not that it's needed. It's like I said before, maths will decide this election result. When you take a snapshot prior to shutdown and look at the maths it's very easy to determine the result well within a reasonable and statistical margin of error. The results as being announced right now are so far outside that margin of error it would embarrass Chris Whitty.

    Long way to go now. But stage 2 of the Dem coup will be defeated. Then onto stage 3 where it really is too close to call.
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  6. #726
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    He got impeached . He was only not thrown out because it was his mates who had the final vote.

    And how much was he trying to pin on Clinton? He was part of the "birther" movement with Obama.
    He throws plenty of mud at anyone who disagrees with him. He's a wannabe dictator.
    He got impeached for a crime committed by Joe Biden. I understand why you might not be up to speed on this because the mainstream/ social media has censored all the details. I still don't know for sure if people really don't get what's happening, or they do but just won't accept it so prefer the lie.

    Biden admitted to the crime they impeached Trump for, on video, in public. You understand that much, right? Or no? Not even that? I wonder what you think you are seeing when you watch that video? Or maybe you won't watch the video.
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  7. #727
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    The morons forgot to mark the down ticket races on the fraudulent ballots

    The idiots have left an audit trail.

    If this wasn't going to have substantial consequences for us in the UK, I'd find it quite funny. Like one of those TV shows where dumb criminals do dumb things.
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  8. #728
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The Dem pre-election panic
    What panic? It was Trump going on about it and claiming fraud without presenting evidence.

    We'd have a result now and a degree of confidence in it were it not for the rules forced through courts by Democrats.
    Right. And you're correct, it's not Trump's fault. But why do we need a result on election night? It's desirable of course, but I'd rather have the correct result than a quick one. It was known before election day that the large number of postal votes would delay things. Had it been a landslide one way or the other we would know who has won, but it isn't.

    Especially in Michigan where the idiots didn't take any steps to conceal the fraud.
    You mean this?

    And finally, finally, we're worried about mobs of people, some armed?
    Yes. Civil unrest is obviously a concern. Especially in a largely armed population. And when it's the President himself inciting it that's a bit worrying.

    Btw - there's plenty of evidence of election fraud, some of it caught on video as it happened - by lawyers, not some bloke from the pub.
    Great. Then they can present it. Trump has presented nothing.

  9. #729
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    No, I don't mean lame excuses from left wing fact checkers. I already told you what I mean. Maths.

    Here's a fact check for you. There has been civil unrest from the left for over 100 days. It only stopped (almost) once the election fraud was pulled off. So I wonder why people are now suddenly worried about civil unrest? Seems a bit disingenuous. And there's no civl unrest yet, from the right. Not that I'm aware of, although it's a fluid situation of course. The only serious unrest I have seen so far on election night was left wing thugs running around stabbing people, even stabbing BLM members.

    Dude. This is the start of it. Not the end. I can assure you now, this has not been a very sophisticated attempt to steal the election. But that's not the aim. The aim is to discredit the whole election process, and that has most certainly been achieved, so well done with that. You win this round. But the courts will have to overturn it, if they apply the law. They might not. Many of the courts are just as corrupt as the officials that tried the steal. But it'll come down to how much damage the establishment will allow to be inflicted on the institutions of government. Because they'll want those systems in place when it comes time for them to govern. It's hard to call it, these people seem very desperate.

    Stage 3 is the worrying part, the faithless delegate. That will really fuck the system once and forever.

    Meanwhile, the Dems were wiped out in the down ticket races and the Senate was held. So even if the crazies steal the Whitehouse, at least there's a barrier against the worst excesses for another 2 years. People need to get busy in the limited time remaining.

    It really does seem like you don't have much idea about what's going on here. I don't say that in an insulting manner and if it comes across that way it's not intended. Genuinely. And you might think, well how do you know, know-it-all? My answer is - direct experience. If you approach this from a right wing/ left wing point of view then you are far, far off the track. We use those terms for generalised groupings, but essentially two faces on the one mask. But in practical terms this is a battle between what we have now, as imperfect as it is, and what the globalists are determined to impose on us. Which you really, really won't like. I promise you. You think it's about racial justice, green energy, world peace? It's in your own best interests to double check your thinking. Take another look.

    Btw - if we really did have fair and free elections, from bottom to top, no way would I be voting for a guy like Trump. There's only one man I ever MIGHT have voted for, but due to the system he never had a chance to stand. No, I won't say. As you know, I don't vote. And for very good reasons. What I do is speak out against injustice. Real injustice, not media manufactured injustice. I hate a dodgy decision in a football match just as much as a dodgy election. You'll have seen me in threads calling out our own players for diving. And you'll see me here calling out corruptions of the very imperfect system of democracy. I'm okay with democracy. I don't like it. I think it sucks. I think it acts as a cover for some of the worst injustices imaginable. But, with so many irresponsible and unthinking individuals on this planet, we can't have the system I favour. So democracy is the best we can hope for right now. And if you don't even have that, then what do you have?

    This is the start of what has now been unleashed. It's very unfortunate but it's what happens when criminals don't get stepped on early and are allowed to run riot. Eventually they believe they are untouchable. Maybe they are right. We will see.
    Last edited by Niall_Quinn; 05-11-2020 at 01:08 PM.
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  10. #730
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    In the end though, leaving aside all the argument, there's a simple question that people can ask themselves.

    Why would the establishment want this man in "power"? Look at it. Set aside all else and ask what benefit can come of this man being in "power" - and who derives that benefit.

    Is it you?

    Come on man!
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