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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #5101
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Might have been Experion. It was one or the other of the bastards.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #5102
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Poor kids went back to school today and spent 6 hours in fucking masks.

    The teachers didn't need to wear masks.

    It's a reverso-world where fucked-up is the norm and normality is a conspiracy theory or downright RACISM! W A C I S T !!!!! W A H !!!!!

    Mad people in charge. Weak people following orders.

    I wonder where this could possibly lead? Rhetorical. Obvious. But maybe not for most.

    I'll be off to the school tomorrow to see if I can do something about the child abuse they are now openly into.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #5103
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Might I gently suggest you don’t go to the school and call them all cunts?
    Seriously, you might actually get somewhere if you go in armed with the link I posted a few pages back. The mask thing is only guidance and only applies if pupils can’t be separated by a meter.
    It doesn’t even have to be a mask, the guidance just says face covering and I think the definition of that is quite loose.

    Edit: here’s the link

    Edit: And the relevant parts:

    The use of face coverings in recommended circumstances is one element of the system of controls and must be implemented in line with other guidance.
    This is a temporary measure and will be reviewed at Easter, in partnership with health experts, to decide whether evidence suggests that these measures can be eased ahead of the summer term.
    This is guidance, not mandatory activity
    In the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, a face covering is something which safely covers the nose and mouth. You can buy reusable or single-use face coverings. You may also use a scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering but these must securely fit round the side of the face.
    It also says the exceptions which apply in other circumstances apply here too, so you could claim one of those maybe?

  4. #5104
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Some people just don't get it. They really don't.

    It's not about the bullshit rules that break the law. It's about peer pressure and being the only kid in the class that stands out for being sane. Psychological warfare is not played out on paper, it is waged in the mind.

    Anyway, I'll be having a word with the cunts, who shall be called cunts, because they are cunts - and honest is always the best policy - tomorrow.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #5105
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    OK, dude. You do you.
    Let us know how it goes, won't you?

  6. #5106
    Member WMUG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Seriously? You look at now, then look back to one year ago. And you ask that question? How oblivious do you want to be? It's happening under your nose. Which bit do you want me to paint pictures for?
    Specifically, I mean.

    You asked how will prepared I am, to answer that I'd have to know exactly what you think is coming.

    Lockdown is already here, what's going to top it?
    You used to be everything to me
    Now you're tired of fighting

  7. #5107
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WMUG View Post
    Specifically, I mean.

    You asked how will prepared I am, to answer that I'd have to know exactly what you think is coming.

    Lockdown is already here, what's going to top it?
    The global economy is being rewritten around you. Why else do you think the Ponzi scheme being blown up in such spectacular manner is tolerated? Previously everything was done short of turning up in a bandit's mask at your door to preserve the racket. Now it's expendable. Why? You think its chief beneficiaries don't have an alternative arrangement and are just prepared to let it go? Who do you think will pay for this transition? The rich? The powerful? Hell, those guys double their earnings when they give their money away.

    What effect do you imagine shutting down the western economy for the better part of a year will have on our future prospects? Forget covid, that's just the catalyst. That'll be an old and oiled problem when we move on to worse problems.

    Prepare for less of everything, except control.

    Books get balanced. They may not be books that get read on the BBC, but they are books that are maintained by very serious people who account for every penny. This will be paid for and it will be staggeringly expensive. And it ain't going to be them who pays.

    Which leaves - you.

    What do you think happens then? We all had a taster in 2008/9. But those were the good times by comparison with what's to come. You think it can't happen? Well tell it to every soul who suffered communism. Ask them how their lives vanished without a trace.

    The biggest economic upheaval in the history of mankind. That's what's coming. And it will affect every aspect of life.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #5108
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The biggest economic upheaval in the history of mankind. That's what's coming. And it will affect every aspect of life.
    I dunno. I don't really see it that way. Obviously none of us actually know. But my gut feeling is it won't have as big a long term impact as you suppose.
    There's no doubt that a big wave of redundancies is coming, the retail, hospitality and travel sectors have taken a hammering.
    The first of those was happening anyway, the high street has been dying for years. Covid has given it a big kick in the balls but there was a shift towards online long before that. And I know Amazon are evil, but they are objectively brilliant. You can order something one evening and it arrives to your door the next morning. Sure, they exploit people to make that happen but people don't care. Should they? Probably. But whaddaya do? People like convenience. That's how supermarkets became popular. Older people may look back with misty eyed fondness at the days when they went to the baker and the butcher and the fishmonger but people liked the convenience of getting everything in one go. No one was frog-marching people to supermarkets, ultimately the market spoke.
    So I don't think that's coming back, but that sector will just change. People still need stuff, the way they get it will change but that will create other opportunities and jobs.
    Hospitality and travel will rebound. There's a lot of pent up demand and a lot of people have been saving a lot of money over the last year.

    TL;DR, I don't think the shift will be as seismic as you imagine. It's accelerated the change in the retail sector which was happening anyway, other sectors will recover.

    That's wot I fink, anyway...

    EDIT: Obviously this has cost a shit ton of money and yes, that will have to be repaid and that'll be tax-burden. So that will have an impact and there will be pay freezes or maybe even cuts in certain sectors. I'm not denying there will be effects for this, I just don't think we need to start stockpiling tinned food.

  9. #5109
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Denmark, Iceland and Norway suspend AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccinations after blood clot reports

    That's what happens with experimental drugs. I can see the merit in pushing it for the elderly/vulnerable but anyone under 50 (possibly 60, maybe older) in good health has absolutely no reason to take an experimental drug for something 99.8% will make a full recovery from.

  10. #5110
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    The Danish health authority said that there was a reported death in the country but that "at present, it cannot be concluded whether there is a link between the vaccine and the blood clots.
    of Tuesday, the medicines regulator said, there were 22 cases of blood clotting reported among the three million people vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine in the European Economic Area.
    Come on, dude. Read past the headline. In 3 million people 22 is a tiny number.
    And there may not be a direct causal link.
    People on here have been mocking the idea that someone could have a positive test and then be hit by a bus and it be recorded as a “Covid death”

    Correlation does not imply causation and there isn’t even an indication of causation here.

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