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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #5371
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    There's also this constant drumbeat for the "third wave" and now we hear talk of the "fourth wave."

    But... the holy vaccine? If we're going to have a third and fourth wave which, let me take a wild guess, will occur seasonally just like any respiratory disease spike, won't the holy vaccine mean the majority is protected, especially those in the vulnerable groups? So we won't need more lockdowns and restrictions, will we?

    Because, just like any respiratory disease, there will be a fifth wave, and a sixth, and wave #100, 200, 300 as time progresses. Just like flu, just like pneumonia, etc. We aren't going to fuck up the whole country every time, are we? We won't be going around in masks and social distancing for the rest of our lives, will we? That would be insane and it's highly unlikely insane people are in charge, you would hope.

    Besides, wouldn't carrying on with this Covid lark interfere with the coming climate restrictions and lockdowns?
    you're forgetting that there's loads of morons not taking the vaccine, mixing freely in close proximity without masks etc and basically doing everything they can to ensure there are indeed further waves

  2. #5372
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    you're forgetting that there's loads of morons not taking the vaccine, mixing freely in close proximity without masks etc and basically doing everything they can to ensure there are indeed further waves
    So these "morons" would be at risk then, but not the non-morons who have taken an untested, unapproved drug that apparently doesn't stop them contracting or spreading a disease that has a 99.7'ish percent survival rate.

    You won't have to worry, will you? You were probably first in the queue for the vaccine. You probably tweeted jokes about morons in queues at Ikea, while you queued.
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  3. #5373
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    an untested, unapproved drug
    Clearly not true.

    disease that has a 99.7'ish percent survival rate.

  4. #5374
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    There's also this constant drumbeat for the "third wave" and now we hear talk of the "fourth wave."
    I'm not sure what you mean by this. There is certainly a large rise in infections and deaths in some countries in Europe. I work closely with people in Poland, I had a look at their numbers and it's been going up a lot. They've just closed schools again there.
    It's not happening here yet. Will it? Maybe, but a lot have people have vaccinated so yes, we will see how effective that has been.
    My opinion is the real test will be this autumn/winter when these sorts of viruses proliferate.

  5. #5375
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Clearly not true.

    This drug is untested, because the tests are still going on and are scheduled to end between 2023 and 2025. And these drugs are not approved by any national or global health agency (because they have not been tested). The drugs are being used under emergency powers and under the cover of blanket indemnity.

    Maybe that's more clear for you?

    And around and around we go again. Source? Well use the BBC one discussed last week - remember? (of course not). Although now the lying bastards have been forced to admit they have rigged the analysis, that number is even lower.

    Why don't you let your girlfriend fight his own battles?
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  6. #5376
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I'm not sure what you mean by this. There is certainly a large rise in infections and deaths in some countries in Europe. I work closely with people in Poland, I had a look at their numbers and it's been going up a lot. They've just closed schools again there.
    It's not happening here yet. Will it? Maybe, but a lot have people have vaccinated so yes, we will see how effective that has been.
    My opinion is the real test will be this autumn/winter when these sorts of viruses proliferate.
    You reckon? That's radical!

    I'm going to stick my neck out and agree with you. I too think seasonal respiratory illness may occur seasonally.

    Of course we won't have to worry because the holy vaccine will compensate for the human immune system that disappeared in 2020. Stupid UCL reckons we've already reached natural herd immunity. Although it's highly unlikely the biology of millennia continued to function in 2020, if it somehow did or even partially made a difference, add that to the holy vaccine and there's no way Ronie stands a chance, right? Smallpox vaccine, smallpox goes away. Polio vaccine, polio goes away (eradicated, apart from in the third of the world where the vaccine is killing thousands from eradicated polio). Covie vaccine, Covid goes away.

    Or is it different this time? New biology. New chemistry. Certainly new maths. New medical protocols. New laws. New medical practices, sorry, malpractices. We only have a thousands of years of history and knowledge to fall back on, so I can see why this political and economic virus could be different to everything else we've ever seen before.

    It actually hurts the brain having to try to point out realities that are so self-evident. I think many people have reached the point where they are too embarrassed to admit they have been taken hook, line and needle.
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  7. #5377
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    Denmark suspend use of the AZ vaccine

  8. #5378
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  9. #5379
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    LOL - better late than never.

    They just hand the cash over in broad daylight now. Don't even bother with the brown envelope. Then they call it "free" as if Handjob is paying out of his own wallet.

    The lab based PCR "tests" are just as unreliable, btw, because they have been misused from day one. Which means we've never actually known, even roughly, how many cases ("case" being yet another redefined term applied to people who aren't sick). Which means the "with a positive test in the last 28 days" is a figure pulled straight from Witty's arsehole, upon which citizens that previously had human rights will eventually be abused and disenfranchised by discriminatory application of digital IDs - which will protect nobody because the whole anti-scientific shit heap measures nothing at all.

    What a sick joke. But you'll still get the flock sticking stuff up their noses and actually believing it's all real.
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  10. #5380
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    LMAO - They're in the money... they're in the money!

    Who could have predicted the whole vaccine thing is just a revenue stream? A vaccine that doesn't stop you getting sick or infecting other people? That's useful, no? Vaccines that don't remove the need to wear masks or anti-social distancing. Get me one of those! Or two, or three... in fact just keep sending them and here's a bucket of money!

    I wonder why they won't admit the infection isn't spread asymptomatically? That way they could at least present ONE benefit of these vaccines - assuming they are even telling the truth about that lone benefit. That's what I'd do if I was marketing these things. Any good marketer knows you have to have at least one compelling benefit.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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