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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #29691
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    Well let’s take Education, the countless amounts of schools that haven’t undergone basic inspection in ten years. The declining exam results especially in STEM subjects to which the SNP have decided to respond to by pushing pupils towards the arts and placing less priority on exams.

    In Health as I’ve stated you’ve got a borderline Drug dependency epidemic, fewer hospital beds, more money wasted on agency staff.

    Most of the SNP’s “achievements” are maintaining the measures that Scottish Labour brought in under Donald Dewer.

    The SNP are like the Tories in Westminster, unchallenged because a plurality of people will vote for them no matter what and because the opposition parties are shit. There’s nothing normal or healthy about Scottish politics.

  2. #29692
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Well let’s take Education, the countless amounts of schools that haven’t undergone basic inspection in ten years. The declining exam results especially in STEM subjects to which the SNP have decided to respond to by pushing pupils towards the arts and placing less priority on exams.

    In Health as I’ve stated you’ve got a borderline Drug dependency epidemic, fewer hospital beds, more money wasted on agency staff.

    Most of the SNP’s “achievements” are maintaining the measures that Scottish Labour brought in under Donald Dewer.

    The SNP are like the Tories in Westminster, unchallenged because a plurality of people will vote for them no matter what and because the opposition parties are shit. There’s nothing normal or healthy about Scottish politics.
    I'm naw even sure why I'm engaging you here, tbh. You're either incredibly fuckin stupid or just lying.

    Scotland has some of the best education in the world. That's demonstrable fact. Any declines or trends should be viewed in that context. There's been issues with things like mathematics results but successes in things like closing the attainment gap. Are there issues? Sure. Is labelling it a "disaster" tabloid level hyperbolic idiocy? Yep.

    The drug issues are something I'm personally close to. Firstly, these issues go back decades so labelling it as an SNP issue is, as I said, idiotic or disingenuous as utter fuck. You can decide. More importantly here though is the fact that the SNP (with Green support) have tried to do multiple things that would help hugely. Policy changes ranging from decriminalization of many drugs and creating safe drug rooms. These policies are not within the power of the Scottish government and when they requested a transfer of power to enact them Westminster refused.
    So, for you to attribute blame to the Scottish government for issues that Westminster are not only responsible for but have actively prevented the Scottish government from dealing with is fuckin disgraceful and you should be fuckin ashamed of yourself. You bootlicking cunt.
    The drug issue is one of my top reasons for supporting independence because Westminster have made it abundantly clear that they will continue to ensure Scots die at levels far greater than peers. It's utterly disgusting.

    As for maintaining Dewer's policies. Name 1, ffs. Jesus wept. In fact, don't bother as I'm done with you on this. You clearly demonstrated either stupidity or lies. I'd suggest both.

  3. #29693
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    Quote Originally Posted by mandela8 View Post
    I'm naw even sure why I'm engaging you here, tbh. You're either incredibly fuckin stupid or just lying.

    Scotland has some of the best education in the world. That's demonstrable fact. Any declines or trends should be viewed in that context. There's been issues with things like mathematics results but successes in things like closing the attainment gap. Are there issues? Sure. Is labelling it a "disaster" tabloid level hyperbolic idiocy? Yep.

    The drug issues are something I'm personally close to. Firstly, these issues go back decades so labelling it as an SNP issue is, as I said, idiotic or disingenuous as utter fuck. You can decide. More importantly here though is the fact that the SNP (with Green support) have tried to do multiple things that would help hugely. Policy changes ranging from decriminalization of many drugs and creating safe drug rooms. These policies are not within the power of the Scottish government and when they requested a transfer of power to enact them Westminster refused.
    So, for you to attribute blame to the Scottish government for issues that Westminster are not only responsible for but have actively prevented the Scottish government from dealing with is fuckin disgraceful and you should be fuckin ashamed of yourself. You bootlicking cunt.
    The drug issue is one of my top reasons for supporting independence because Westminster have made it abundantly clear that they will continue to ensure Scots die at levels far greater than peers. It's utterly disgusting.

    As for maintaining Dewer's policies. Name 1, ffs. Jesus wept. In fact, don't bother as I'm done with you on this. You clearly demonstrated either stupidity or lies. I'd suggest both.

    Calling me a bootlicking cunt just shows you up for being a short tempered Cybernat who doesn’t like to hear a few home truths

    Now it could be because you’re living over the other side of the pond you’re not in touch with what’s going on in education but just screaming “lies” at me won’t help you. Scotland was one of the best countries for education in the world correct, not only at primary and secondary level but top universities like Edinburgh and St Andrews.

    But the standards have gone down hill, the government is in hoc to the teaching unions and basic things like retention of facts is not even prioritised anymore.

    These great achievements you wang on about, Dewar’s government stopped the tuition fee from going north of the border, free eye tests were introduced in 2006 and free travel for over 60s from 2004.

    People vote for the SNP because they are tired of being taken for granted by the uk parties and whilst I have some measure of sympathy, it’s not serving them well. How many Scots went over the border to England on New Year’s Eve because Saint Nicola decided that she had to be tougher on Covid restrictions than Johnson despite the available scientific evidence that stated that the vaccine roll out had made Omicron far less deadly.

    And let’s not forget their signature achievement, scrapping the
    Constabularies and creating one centralised Police Scotland, so that if an old lady gets mugged in Auchtemuchty she will have to wait until they send some coppers over the Tay Bridge from Dundee.

  4. #29694
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    No more baby murder for you, American women!

  5. #29695
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    No more baby murder for you, American women!
    Absolutely fuckin wonderful news.

    I don't support abortion in almost any form (possible exceptions for rape/incest and certainly dire health issues) but I'm pragmatic enough to know my ideology doesn't always transfer to good policy. So, I guess my hope is that all states introduce far shorter term time limits. 12 weeks or so, although I still find it appalling, frankly.

    The one issue I have though, and this is very specific to America is that they will do absolutely fuck all by way of introducing new social support mechanisms for the often young, vulnerable, poor, etc mother's/families who will now have children to raise. This is especially prevalent among Republicans who are all about enforcing their ideology but never making the appropriate provision to support these implementations.

  6. #29696
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    Abortion should be mandatory in 100% of cases.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  7. #29697
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Abortion should be mandatory in 100% of Scottish cases.

  8. #29698
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    Cowardly scum.

    I don't even consider myself Scottish anymore.

  9. #29699
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    Quote Originally Posted by mandela8 View Post
    I don't even consider myself Scottish anymore.
    Why are you still banging on about independence thing then?

    The abortion thing. I think I pretty much agree with you, but one thing that annoys me around this whole issue is how many people on both sides of the debate pretend it's a simple black and white issue when in reality it's a pretty complex one with lots of shades of grey.

  10. #29700
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    There’s going to be so many hot takes from both sides this weekend, thanks what a turd to leave on the work desk last thing on a Friday (yes I get the time difference)

    In so far that I even care about this issue, I’m pro choice. I do honestly respect the pro life argument but I just can’t bring myself to get moist eyed about something non sentient the size of a pin head whatever it’s potential.

    However I think Roe vs Wade was a bad decision, the pro choice argument has become complacent and shrill and has barely had to make a decent justification of how women don’t tend to do this kind of thing for the fun of it. And actually would be far better to tackle the things that lead to abortion such as poverty or sexual assault.

    Well there are also LT abortions if carrying to term is unviable and threatens the life of the mother but that’s just heartbreaking all round.

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