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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #3841
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    And in to what? We had this conversation. I think we agree that society is a good and necessary thing and I think we agree that a society needs rules. Yes?
    And I think we agree that government isn't the only way of defining them, but is there a better way? Or a less bad way, maybe.
    I do think our form of government and "democracy" is a particularly bad one, but that's a different discussion.

    Of course. My mechanic is just a person, but if my car goes wrong then I'm going to call him. If I'm ill I'll go to a doctor.
    We are all people but of course people have different areas of expertise and understand more about the areas they've studied and worked in. And yes, of course they'll make mistakes. But I don't understand why the very concept of expertise is sneered at. If you're talking about economic experts then I'm not sure they are saying they have everything under control. And I certainly agree they don't. The economy is complex and I don't think anyone really has it figured out.

    Everyone thinks for themselves. But everyone also has inputs into that thinking, of course they do. I am not an expert on vaccines or immunology, so any opinion I form on those things isn't because I "did my own research", that sort of research takes years of study and...well, actual research. My opinions on these and many topics comes from things I read, and so do yours. So does everyone's.
    If your mechanic failed to fix your car every time, would you keep going back to him? So why do people have different standards for politicians? Name the last politician who added a net benefit for the average Briton.

    As an aside, I highlighted the word "experts" in a way that makes my meaning obvious. You responded by producing an actual expert, a trained mechanic, so you could set up a therefore irrelevant response, present that response in a seemingly reasonable manner and claim one of those debating points that seems so crucial to you. Ironically one of the fan base responded with "sheep", before two more followed along. You could view that as a miniature demonstration of the very point I was making. A trivial, manufactured position becoming grounds for mockery while the issue itself is buried and lost.

    Well we know the above is accurate because you coyly go on to question if I'm (maybe, possibly, perhaps) referring to economists. That's so close. Perhaps if you'd paid more attention to my opening line you could have nailed it. But you can't do that because here we are again, politicians fucking it up. Just like every time. And my point, which you so neatly defused and disposed of, was - what? Oh yeah, "expertise".

    You even pretended to agree with me in certain places, most likely to reinforce the "reasonableness" of your initial subterfuge. Yeah, I can't recall where we've agreed government is not the only way to define society. The casual way in which you suggest government defines society guarantees we could never agree on such a preposterous position.

    Then again, back to your definition of "thinking". You read something. I read something. You say your something is better than my something.

    Is that the "thinking" you are talking about?

    Well how about the following thought experiment?

    Minus my degree and years of experience in the field, I brashly proclaim natural immunity still exists, just like it did in 2019 and for a million years beforehand. And the very "experts" who spent two years calling people like me ignorant for my unread expression of reality also agreed with the very same thing in 2019 and for their careers beforehand.

    So I agree, it often takes years of study to reach meaningful conclusions on complex matters. And study often involves reading. But there's a lot more to thinking. It's how you put that information together that counts. How you compare and contrast and test the consistency over time. It's actually easy to debunk an "expert" who claims one thing on a Monday and the very opposite come Friday minus any credible information in support of such a change.

    That's what I did throughout the pandemic. Raised notice of these strange swings in the "science" and the sudden requirement to just take these "experts" words as gospel. The supposed merits of every piece of bullshit can be argued to death in isolation (as you know). But put it all together and the shit stands out. That's where the thinking comes into it, even if you limit yourself to reading. You see the latest BBC bullshit and it makes you actually think, hey, what was that I read in 2001, or 2003, or 2008 or even last week because that's how fast the propaganda flows these days.

    My point stands unchallenged. It's time to grow up and grow out of government. It hasn't served society, it has fed on it. The evidence is all there, along with an excuse for every abuse. The trend is obvious to anyone who genuinely thinks. The costs far outweigh the benefits, sometimes in the most lethal manner. I'm not demanding we dispose of government, I'm asking the question, what's next? Government has quite obviously failed so what can we, as supposedly independent and intelligent people, do next?

    Government stands secure for now because the majority always answers that question by stating, usually without thought, nothing can be done and nothing else exists.

    So my other points stands. Most people are definitely not thinking.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #3842
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    If your mechanic failed to fix your car every time, would you keep going back to him? So why do people have different standards for politicians?
    They don't. No-one considers politicians experts. The hope is that they engage with experts to get the advice they need do the right things. I would certainly agree that they often don't.
    Your meaning wasn't obvious to me although looking back I should probably have picked it up. I was responding to the general trend these days to disregard expert opinion.
    That might not have been what you were expressing in that post, but you have displayed that attitude on multiple issues previously.

    You even pretended to agree with me in certain place
    No. I listed a few things which I think we agree on. I was clear that I wasn't certain. But your use of the word "pretended" is interesting, you can't help yourself thinking there is something underhand going on all the time.
    That's how you ended up listening to a perfectly reasonable conversation between a USPS worker and some agents and ended up making all kinds of assertions about it which just aren't true if you listen to the audio.
    It's how you ended up believing that the lockdowns would be escalated to curfews and checkpoints.
    And when this is pointed out you don't seem to concede any ground. There seems to be no consideration that you were wrong - and it really couldn't be any clearer that you were about the Covid restrictions which have all been removed now, in the UK at least. There seems to be no introspection to consider why you were wrong.

    Yeah, I can't recall where we've agreed government is not the only way to define society.
    We haven't. Hence me not being certain we agree. But in a previous conversation I suggested various ways that the rules of society could be defined. One is government, but there are others.
    You didn't clearly disagree with that. And I didn't say government defines society, I said they defined the laws which govern society. Which they clearly do. Hence them being able to make laws which forbid people to meet up, and revoke those laws when they are no longer needed. You may think government is a bad way of defining laws, if so then I largely agree - particularly with the way we elect governments here. But for me it's the least bad way. In the previous conversation I outlined some alternatives and explained why in my view they weren't an improvement. I don't remember you suggesting a better alternative. In this conversation you've said we need to grow out of government, I asked what we should grow in to and you haven't answered. Saying that something is bad is all well and good, but it's more constructive to say what would be better and outline why it would be better.

    Then again, back to your definition of "thinking". You read something. I read something. You say your something is better than my something.
    Is that the "thinking" you are talking about?
    And you say your something is better too - you regularly sneer at the sorts of things I read/watch. So I could ask you the same question.
    But the point is your opinion on climate change isn't based on years of expertise and research in the field. You don't have a litany of published, peer reviewed papers in the relevant journals.
    Your opinion is based on stuff you've read and watched, just like mine is. Yes, I favour more mainstream sources. And I don't think the mainstream is to be implicitly trusted but neither is everything they output wrong. When the BBC reported how bad the Covid situation was getting in India I checked with colleagues there who confirmed things were pretty grim. Stuff like that gives me confidence they're not just making stuff up.

    Minus my degree and years of experience in the field, I brashly proclaim natural immunity still exists, just like it did in 2019 and for a million years beforehand. And the very "experts" who spent two years calling people like me ignorant for my unread expression of reality also agreed with the very same thing in 2019 and for their careers beforehand.
    Which experts were saying natural immunity didn't exist during the pandemic? They may have said that relying on that wasn't the best way of dealing with the pandemic, but who was saying it didn't exist?

    But there's a lot more to thinking. It's how you put that information together that counts. How you compare and contrast and test the consistency over time. It's actually easy to debunk an "expert" who claims one thing on a Monday and the very opposite come Friday minus any credible information in support of such a change.
    Yes, this is reasonable. Although recognising that as situations change and more data is gathered opinions will change - that is what should happen, an "expert" who stays consistent in their views as the data shifts making their opinion increasingly invalid should also be distrusted. And it's also worth noting that there is unlikely to be complete consensus amongst any community of experts. And this is the trouble. The minority view isn't necessarily incorrect, but the smaller that minority gets the more likely I'd suggest it is to be incorrect. But with the wonders of the internet that minority voice can be made disproportionately loud.
    Dealing with a pandemic is complicated, loads of data is coming in, people will interpret it different ways. And your interpretation is coloured by your deep distrust of the mainstream and government, the feeling you have that anyone in authority is "up to something". You might counter that mine is coloured by an implicit trust of authority. That would be fair up to a point, I don't think government exist solely to crush and oppress us and I don't think that everything in the mainstream media is bunk - a lot of it is true. But I don't implicitly trust them either. Your mistake is to believe that anyone who comes to different conclusions to you can't be thinking - you dismiss too many people on here, me included, as unintelligent when actually we just have a different world view.

    I'm not demanding we dispose of government, I'm asking the question, what's next? Government has quite obviously failed so what can we, as supposedly independent and intelligent people, do next?
    Government stands secure for now because the majority always answers that question by stating, usually without thought, nothing can be done and nothing else exists.
    So my other points stands. Most people are definitely not thinking.
    Most people think, but a lot of people aren't that intelligent. Most people can't conceive of anything better - or less bad - than government. The fact is pretty much every Civilisation in history has had some form of ruler or rulers to make the rules which govern it. Only a few models have been tried - we've had a king, some countries still do (I mean one who makes the rules). Some countries have dictatorships. Those countries don't seem to function that well. Some form of democratic government is generally thought to be best. I'd suggest that the problems we have are because of the way we elect ours and the lack of accountability when they're in power. In most elections a government is elected by a minority of the population. And right now we have a PM who has no mandate to govern, other than 81,000 people and some change. 81,000 people voted for her to be PM and she's now free to do what the hell she likes because of the thumping majority Boris delivered. That isn't right and it isn't a failure of government, it's a failure of our system of it. So yeah, I'm all for reform of our system but I don't believe throwing out the concept of government is the right thing to do. But I'm open to other suggestions if you have any.

  3. #3843
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    A standing ovation after the week she's had

  4. #3844
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    They don't. No-one considers politicians experts. The hope is that they engage with experts to get the advice they need do the right things. I would certainly agree that they often don't.
    Your meaning wasn't obvious to me although looking back I should probably have picked it up. I was responding to the general trend these days to disregard expert opinion.
    That might not have been what you were expressing in that post, but you have displayed that attitude on multiple issues previously.

    No. I listed a few things which I think we agree on. I was clear that I wasn't certain. But your use of the word "pretended" is interesting, you can't help yourself thinking there is something underhand going on all the time.
    That's how you ended up listening to a perfectly reasonable conversation between a USPS worker and some agents and ended up making all kinds of assertions about it which just aren't true if you listen to the audio.
    It's how you ended up believing that the lockdowns would be escalated to curfews and checkpoints.
    And when this is pointed out you don't seem to concede any ground. There seems to be no consideration that you were wrong - and it really couldn't be any clearer that you were about the Covid restrictions which have all been removed now, in the UK at least. There seems to be no introspection to consider why you were wrong.

    We haven't. Hence me not being certain we agree. But in a previous conversation I suggested various ways that the rules of society could be defined. One is government, but there are others.
    You didn't clearly disagree with that. And I didn't say government defines society, I said they defined the laws which govern society. Which they clearly do. Hence them being able to make laws which forbid people to meet up, and revoke those laws when they are no longer needed. You may think government is a bad way of defining laws, if so then I largely agree - particularly with the way we elect governments here. But for me it's the least bad way. In the previous conversation I outlined some alternatives and explained why in my view they weren't an improvement. I don't remember you suggesting a better alternative. In this conversation you've said we need to grow out of government, I asked what we should grow in to and you haven't answered. Saying that something is bad is all well and good, but it's more constructive to say what would be better and outline why it would be better.

    And you say your something is better too - you regularly sneer at the sorts of things I read/watch. So I could ask you the same question.
    But the point is your opinion on climate change isn't based on years of expertise and research in the field. You don't have a litany of published, peer reviewed papers in the relevant journals.
    Your opinion is based on stuff you've read and watched, just like mine is. Yes, I favour more mainstream sources. And I don't think the mainstream is to be implicitly trusted but neither is everything they output wrong. When the BBC reported how bad the Covid situation was getting in India I checked with colleagues there who confirmed things were pretty grim. Stuff like that gives me confidence they're not just making stuff up.

    Which experts were saying natural immunity didn't exist during the pandemic? They may have said that relying on that wasn't the best way of dealing with the pandemic, but who was saying it didn't exist?

    Yes, this is reasonable. Although recognising that as situations change and more data is gathered opinions will change - that is what should happen, an "expert" who stays consistent in their views as the data shifts making their opinion increasingly invalid should also be distrusted. And it's also worth noting that there is unlikely to be complete consensus amongst any community of experts. And this is the trouble. The minority view isn't necessarily incorrect, but the smaller that minority gets the more likely I'd suggest it is to be incorrect. But with the wonders of the internet that minority voice can be made disproportionately loud.
    Dealing with a pandemic is complicated, loads of data is coming in, people will interpret it different ways. And your interpretation is coloured by your deep distrust of the mainstream and government, the feeling you have that anyone in authority is "up to something". You might counter that mine is coloured by an implicit trust of authority. That would be fair up to a point, I don't think government exist solely to crush and oppress us and I don't think that everything in the mainstream media is bunk - a lot of it is true. But I don't implicitly trust them either. Your mistake is to believe that anyone who comes to different conclusions to you can't be thinking - you dismiss too many people on here, me included, as unintelligent when actually we just have a different world view.

    Most people think, but a lot of people aren't that intelligent. Most people can't conceive of anything better - or less bad - than government. The fact is pretty much every Civilisation in history has had some form of ruler or rulers to make the rules which govern it. Only a few models have been tried - we've had a king, some countries still do (I mean one who makes the rules). Some countries have dictatorships. Those countries don't seem to function that well. Some form of democratic government is generally thought to be best. I'd suggest that the problems we have are because of the way we elect ours and the lack of accountability when they're in power. In most elections a government is elected by a minority of the population. And right now we have a PM who has no mandate to govern, other than 81,000 people and some change. 81,000 people voted for her to be PM and she's now free to do what the hell she likes because of the thumping majority Boris delivered. That isn't right and it isn't a failure of government, it's a failure of our system of it. So yeah, I'm all for reform of our system but I don't believe throwing out the concept of government is the right thing to do. But I'm open to other suggestions if you have any.
    I said unthinking, not unintelligent. As your post demonstrates.
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  6. #3846
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    Literally every Tory
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

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    We are currently replaying the 1992-1997 parliament, Once the Tories are no longer trusted on the economy you’re just waiting for them to go into opposition. There are key differences of course, Liz Truss is worse than John Major (although Black Wednesday was caused by government policy as much as the current issue is) but equally this Labour Party is worse than thirty years ago when John Smith was leader.

    At this point even a change of leader is shuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic, barring some unforeseen event The Tories are out at the next election and in a big way.

  8. #3848
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    Hearing that Kwarteng is sacked as Truss makes a screeching U-turn.

    Can they all just fuck off now please?
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  9. #3849
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    They actually found someone worse than Boris.
    Genuinely incredible

  10. #3850
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    They actually found someone worse than Boris.
    Genuinely incredible
    Johnson isn’t actually that incompetent, he’s a shit that’s always been his problem.

    In Truss we are seeing the Tory equivalent of Corbyn, someone completely useless and unsuited to office being placed in by the members

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