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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #30591
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I bet myself a fiver that would be the Mr Blobby thing.
    I won

  2. #30592
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Edit. Also, holy shit I just saw the current bid

  3. #30593
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Hang on a second!

    I can’t wear it in public?

    I’m out.

  4. #30594
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I "WON'T" because I don't know it. I've said it's a low number, if you have an exact number then feel free to post it.
    But when you do so (obviously you won't) then also explain why the number is relevant.
    I've told you the numbers I looked at which I would suggest are more relevant when assessing the severity of the situation.

    Army on the streets, checkpoints, curfews, martial law. People being denied basic rights if they refuse the vaccine.
    But yes, it's definitely me who is "lost"...

    I continue to be bemused that you never take one minute of introspection to reflect on all your wild predictions and consider why you were wrong about them. I mean, you were wrong, weren't you? That is no longer up for debate. And yet here you are 2 years later still confidently asserting that it's you who knows What's Going On ™

    I know why you were wrong, do you?
    LOL. What a wanker. "Bemused" because I told you were being lied to? "Bemused" because you can't think beyond one dimension? You normies are in the majority still, but that's changing. Slowly. I'm going to laugh my arse off when you do the "everyone knew that" thing.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #30595
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    "Bemused" because I told you were being lied to? "Bemused" because you can't think beyond one dimension?
    No. Bemused because all your predictions have fallen flat and you haven't taken one moment to reflect on why that might be, or even admit you were wrong.
    It's a bizarre mentality to confidently predict things on the basis that you're the one who knows What's Going On™, and then when the exact opposite happens manage to maintain that unshakable confidence that you're the one who knows What's Going On™. I guess introspection is hard.

    "they're gearing up for martial law"
    "Right now the tests are voluntary. That will change. This is to get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets."
    "General curfews are not far away now... Curfews will require checkpoints."
    "You will be denied care by the NHS if refuse the vaccine. Prediction, not fact yet. But all the available facts point to this."
    "You will also be denied travel, employment, the ability to socialise in public and your children may be denied education and / or taken into care. Sounds ludicrous. Hopefully I'll have egg all over my face sometime down the road. I won't though."

    How's the egg?
    You made all these hysterical predictions in October 2020. Since then all Covid restrictions in the UK have been removed. Even in Australia, which had far harsher restrictions than here, it's basically back to BAU now.

    "Travellers do not require a pre-departure COVID-19 test to enter or transit Australia regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status.
    From 6 July 2022, proof of vaccination is no longer required for entry into Australia. All visa holders can travel to Australia, regardless of vaccination status."

    So...y'know. Egg.

    You normies are in the majority still, but that's changing.
    Us "normies" kept telling you that the Covid restrictions were a temporary response to a situation. We were right, that is no longer something which can be debated.
    And you're right, more and more people are subscribing to crazy conspiracy theories. That doesn't make them right. The internet has allowed a lot of crazy stuff to proliferate and people with certain mindsets lap it up. Doesn't make it correct.

    As you're unable or unwilling to reflect and consider why you were wrong, I'll just tell you. It's because you're suspicious of authority to the point of paranoia. You think "they" are out to get us.
    That's how you managed to listened to a perfectly cordial interview between some agents and a USPS worker and describe it as an interrogation, making all kinds of wild claims about it which were demonstrably untrue.
    It's how you managed to read about the army helping out delivering tests and because they were in uniform leapt to conclusions like it was to "get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets."

    You were wrong because the underlying premise your conclusions were based on is wrong. They're not out to get you. And no, that doesn't mean they're bending over backwards to help you either. There's a huge middle ground between those two extreme positions and extreme positions are rarely correct.

  6. #30596
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    No. Bemused because all your predictions have fallen flat and you haven't taken one moment to reflect on why that might be, or even admit you were wrong.
    It's a bizarre mentality to confidently predict things on the basis that you're the one who knows What's Going On™, and then when the exact opposite happens manage to maintain that unshakable confidence that you're the one who knows What's Going On™. I guess introspection is hard.

    "they're gearing up for martial law"
    "Right now the tests are voluntary. That will change. This is to get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets."
    "General curfews are not far away now... Curfews will require checkpoints."
    "You will be denied care by the NHS if refuse the vaccine. Prediction, not fact yet. But all the available facts point to this."
    "You will also be denied travel, employment, the ability to socialise in public and your children may be denied education and / or taken into care. Sounds ludicrous. Hopefully I'll have egg all over my face sometime down the road. I won't though."

    How's the egg?
    You made all these hysterical predictions in October 2020. Since then all Covid restrictions in the UK have been removed. Even in Australia, which had far harsher restrictions than here, it's basically back to BAU now.

    "Travellers do not require a pre-departure COVID-19 test to enter or transit Australia regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status.
    From 6 July 2022, proof of vaccination is no longer required for entry into Australia. All visa holders can travel to Australia, regardless of vaccination status."

    So...y'know. Egg.

    Us "normies" kept telling you that the Covid restrictions were a temporary response to a situation. We were right, that is no longer something which can be debated.
    And you're right, more and more people are subscribing to crazy conspiracy theories. That doesn't make them right. The internet has allowed a lot of crazy stuff to proliferate and people with certain mindsets lap it up. Doesn't make it correct.

    As you're unable or unwilling to reflect and consider why you were wrong, I'll just tell you. It's because you're suspicious of authority to the point of paranoia. You think "they" are out to get us.
    That's how you managed to listened to a perfectly cordial interview between some agents and a USPS worker and describe it as an interrogation, making all kinds of wild claims about it which were demonstrably untrue.
    It's how you managed to read about the army helping out delivering tests and because they were in uniform leapt to conclusions like it was to "get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets."

    You were wrong because the underlying premise your conclusions were based on is wrong. They're not out to get you. And no, that doesn't mean they're bending over backwards to help you either. There's a huge middle ground between those two extreme positions and extreme positions are rarely correct.
    You spend a lot of time engaging with someone who is not going to give you an inch

    Frankly I’m surprised he hasn’t started on the defibrillators yet

    On one hand I am sympathetic to those who don’t believe the official narrative. I think what passes for the legacy media engendered a lot of mistrust over the past few years, partly because of poor journalism, partly because it showed no curiosity over the veracity of what it was reporting and has to a degree swallowed social justice ideology and partly because of partisan hackery. What used to be true for print media is now true for broadcast media in light of the birth of 24 hour news networks.
    It was right equally to be skeptical of lockdowns, this was after all the largest over reach of government power in terms of our everyday freedoms since the Second World War. Where I disagree with NQ is that it was all part of a contrived plan when in fact it was arbitrary and chaotic (which doesn’t make it any better of course).

    Much of the conspiracy narrative running currently though is garden variety contrarianism and spouting provable nonsense for clicks.

    Questions need to be asked, take Covid for example….I’m still far from convinced it didn’t originate in a viral research laboratory and I do think it’s natural to be suspicious when media calls asking such questions racist (and speaks highly of the pervasive and pernicious influence the CCC has over the West). The CDC who really have gone some way to discredit themselves, comprehensively reject it even though they themselves were totally unsatisfied with China’s explanation over where it originated. For America to fund a gain of function viral research lab out of the country makes a lot of sense, but it’s high risk if it transpires that some dickhead working there didn’t follow decontamination procedures….it would also make US financially and legally responsible for the deaths that occurred globally.

    Social Media means that people will firstly want their biases confirmed and secondly want information, but the failure of responsible journalism has put that process on steroids

  7. #30597
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    No. Bemused because all your predictions have fallen flat and you haven't taken one moment to reflect on why that might be, or even admit you were wrong.
    It's a bizarre mentality to confidently predict things on the basis that you're the one who knows What's Going On™, and then when the exact opposite happens manage to maintain that unshakable confidence that you're the one who knows What's Going On™. I guess introspection is hard.

    "they're gearing up for martial law"
    "Right now the tests are voluntary. That will change. This is to get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets."
    "General curfews are not far away now... Curfews will require checkpoints."
    "You will be denied care by the NHS if refuse the vaccine. Prediction, not fact yet. But all the available facts point to this."
    "You will also be denied travel, employment, the ability to socialise in public and your children may be denied education and / or taken into care. Sounds ludicrous. Hopefully I'll have egg all over my face sometime down the road. I won't though."

    How's the egg?
    You made all these hysterical predictions in October 2020. Since then all Covid restrictions in the UK have been removed. Even in Australia, which had far harsher restrictions than here, it's basically back to BAU now.

    "Travellers do not require a pre-departure COVID-19 test to enter or transit Australia regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status.
    From 6 July 2022, proof of vaccination is no longer required for entry into Australia. All visa holders can travel to Australia, regardless of vaccination status."

    So...y'know. Egg.

    Us "normies" kept telling you that the Covid restrictions were a temporary response to a situation. We were right, that is no longer something which can be debated.
    And you're right, more and more people are subscribing to crazy conspiracy theories. That doesn't make them right. The internet has allowed a lot of crazy stuff to proliferate and people with certain mindsets lap it up. Doesn't make it correct.

    As you're unable or unwilling to reflect and consider why you were wrong, I'll just tell you. It's because you're suspicious of authority to the point of paranoia. You think "they" are out to get us.
    That's how you managed to listened to a perfectly cordial interview between some agents and a USPS worker and describe it as an interrogation, making all kinds of wild claims about it which were demonstrably untrue.
    It's how you managed to read about the army helping out delivering tests and because they were in uniform leapt to conclusions like it was to "get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets."

    You were wrong because the underlying premise your conclusions were based on is wrong. They're not out to get you. And no, that doesn't mean they're bending over backwards to help you either. There's a huge middle ground between those two extreme positions and extreme positions are rarely correct.
    You are a fool and proud of it. Just this week a major war criminal called for exactly what I'm talking about, at probably the most influential (in a corrupt way of course) forum on the planet. But see no evil, hear no evil, and unless you see the holes in the hands you can't bring yourself to recognise what's right under the holes in your nose. You won't understand what I meant by that, because you are a pretend Christian.

    As I said, I'm looking forward to the "everyone knew that" moment. Well, what I mean is I'm looking forward to seeing how you attempt to wriggle out of it. Willing accomplices, such as yourself, have an endless capacity to reduce everything to a single dimension and then remove continuity, so life exists in a snapshot concurrent with each and every moment. You might call this living for the day. I call it being unaware of yesterday. If you think that equips you to deal with what's going on in the world, rest assured, you are in for a fatal awakening. An honest individual would look at every single indicator and be wary of the direction each is pointing. But a mental slave can simply tune into the BBC, listen to each carefully prepared excuse and wish it all away.

    In Sweden, a nation which blows your Covid scam right out of the water, strange things are happening. Do you know what they are? In the Netherlands, those gun-toting troops that never happened are firing live rounds. And yet, you are equipped with such a degree of ignorance you have total self-belief in carrying the statist flag into battle against anyone who would draw your attention to the jaws closing around you?

    As I always said, we need to get past people like you before we can even put up a fight. You'll be cursed in caves with fish scrawled on the walls, through all of history, if the outcome goes against humanity.

    But we aren't going to lose. And you won't be welcome when the fighting has been done on your behalf.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #30598
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    You spend a lot of time engaging with someone who is not going to give you an inch

    Frankly I’m surprised he hasn’t started on the defibrillators yet

    On one hand I am sympathetic to those who don’t believe the official narrative. I think what passes for the legacy media engendered a lot of mistrust over the past few years, partly because of poor journalism, partly because it showed no curiosity over the veracity of what it was reporting and has to a degree swallowed social justice ideology and partly because of partisan hackery. What used to be true for print media is now true for broadcast media in light of the birth of 24 hour news networks.
    It was right equally to be skeptical of lockdowns, this was after all the largest over reach of government power in terms of our everyday freedoms since the Second World War. Where I disagree with NQ is that it was all part of a contrived plan when in fact it was arbitrary and chaotic (which doesn’t make it any better of course).

    Much of the conspiracy narrative running currently though is garden variety contrarianism and spouting provable nonsense for clicks.

    Questions need to be asked, take Covid for example….I’m still far from convinced it didn’t originate in a viral research laboratory and I do think it’s natural to be suspicious when media calls asking such questions racist (and speaks highly of the pervasive and pernicious influence the CCC has over the West). The CDC who really have gone some way to discredit themselves, comprehensively reject it even though they themselves were totally unsatisfied with China’s explanation over where it originated. For America to fund a gain of function viral research lab out of the country makes a lot of sense, but it’s high risk if it transpires that some dickhead working there didn’t follow decontamination procedures….it would also make US financially and legally responsible for the deaths that occurred globally.

    Social Media means that people will firstly want their biases confirmed and secondly want information, but the failure of responsible journalism has put that process on steroids
    You spend a lot of time sucking up to somebody who spends a lot of time "engaging" (seriously?) with somebody who doesn't tolerate evil. And you shouldn't. Because your IQ is about 50 times greater than that twat's. Attack me directly please. Don't go through a NPC.
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  9. #30599
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You spend a lot of time sucking up to somebody who spends a lot of time "engaging" (seriously?) with somebody who doesn't tolerate evil. And you shouldn't. Because your IQ is about 50 times greater than that twat's. Attack me directly please. Don't go through a NPC.
    You’re worse than I am with that Scottish prat. I think you’ve made a Petty Tyrant out of Letters, and all I would say is if you spoke to me the way you spoke to him and I was a mod here I’d boot you without a seconds thought. In absolutely the same way that you’d throw a guest to the curb who was being disrespectful in your home (as I would as well). I don’t engage with you because it’s time consuming, exhausting and because there’s little chance of either of us convincing the other. I don’t say it with any malice

  10. #30600
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    You’re worse than I am with that Scottish prat. I think you’ve made a Petty Tyrant out of Letters, and all I would say is if you spoke to me the way you spoke to him and I was a mod here I’d boot you without a seconds thought. In absolutely the same way that you’d throw a guest to the curb who was being disrespectful in your home (as I would as well). I don’t engage with you because it’s time consuming, exhausting and because there’s little chance of either of us convincing the other. I don’t say it with any malice
    Yeah, but you're talking about if from a woke perspective where words on the interwebs are violence but vociferously assisting in the burning down of the society we all have to live in is perfectly reasonable. I'm cutting to the chase with Letters and his fellow travellers because I tried it the other way, but also because it's their decision to spurn the opportunity for actual debate. So I don't run the multi-paragraph attempts anymore because people have made a game of wasting the energy invested in it. I told you, he's dishonest at a fundamental level.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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