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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    I paid Farage money to record a Christmas message for my ultra remainer dad two years ago….money well spent and it’s Farage’s level, as is eating the uncooked intestinal tract of a Wallaby for ratings. Farage is unquestionably intelligent and charismatic and if he had a serious interest in changing things I’ve no doubt he could achieve it. NQ who has taken an extended leave of absence from this place resented me calling him a fifth columnist, and I suppose fairly. Farage doesn’t chisel away at the foundations in hoc to a foreign power, he does it because he’s an attention seeker who loves the idea of being the anti-establishment outsider. But he has no serious designs on political power because that would involve him being accountable to people and he wouldn’t want that.

  2. #4222
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    Absolute boy couldn’t bring himself to call Hamas a terrorist organisation despite being repeatedly asked.

  3. #4223
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I paid Farage money to record a Christmas message for my ultra remainer dad two years ago….

    That's excellent work

  4. #4224
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    What I’m saying is that after four weeks they’ve had significant media saturation (well apart from bbc and itv which has sanitised it and itv have interviewed Hamas cheerleaders) to tell them not only about the people that organised the marches but a significant amount of people on the March.
    And how are you assessing it's significant? I'm not saying these people don't exist, I am struggling to believe that a significant percentage of 300,000 people are as extreme as you're claiming.
    Of course the press, or certain sections if it, are going to focus in on those that are extreme. That doesn't make them representative of that many people.

    People like your mate put their own sense of warm virtuousness over the cold realisation that they are on a march with extremist antisemites, so even if they didn’t see any of these placards themselves or interact with the numerous dregs of society that were fellow travellers (which I don’t believe)
    Oh, OK. So you're basically calling him a liar. Fair enough.
    I mean, personally I'm just taking the word of someone who was actually there over someone who saw some stuff online which focused on the more extreme elements. Again, I'm not saying the latter doesn't exist but you have yet to evidence that it's as significant as you're claiming.

    they are choosing to continue on these particular marches makes them apologists for extremists.
    In the same way that going to football or a trophy parade makes you an apologist for football hooligans and thugs? I mean, those people are there aren't they?
    It's a silly argument.

  5. #4225
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    That's excellent work
    No it isn't - Farage is a cunt and the idea of giving him money and making him happy by pissing off someone with the sense to understand why we should be part of the EU is not remotely amusing

  6. #4226
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    And how are you assessing it's significant? I'm not saying these people don't exist, I am struggling to believe that a significant percentage of 300,000 people are as extreme as you're claiming.
    Of course the press, or certain sections if it, are going to focus in on those that are extreme. That doesn't make them representative of that many people.

    Oh, OK. So you're basically calling him a liar. Fair enough.
    I mean, personally I'm just taking the word of someone who was actually there over someone who saw some stuff online which focused on the more extreme elements. Again, I'm not saying the latter doesn't exist but you have yet to evidence that it's as significant as you're claiming.

    In the same way that going to football or a trophy parade makes you an apologist for football hooligans and thugs? I mean, those people are there aren't they?
    It's a silly argument.

  7. #4227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It's a shame he's not busy being dead

  8. #4228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    And how are you assessing it's significant? I'm not saying these people don't exist, I am struggling to believe that a significant percentage of 300,000 people are as extreme as you're claiming.
    Of course the press, or certain sections if it, are going to focus in on those that are extreme. That doesn't make them representative of that many people.

    Oh, OK. So you're basically calling him a liar. Fair enough.
    I mean, personally I'm just taking the word of someone who was actually there over someone who saw some stuff online which focused on the more extreme elements. Again, I'm not saying the latter doesn't exist but you have yet to evidence that it's as significant as you're claiming.

    In the same way that going to football or a trophy parade makes you an apologist for football hooligans and thugs? I mean, those people are there aren't they?
    It's a silly argument.

    Maybe comment on something where you actually know what you’re talking about. If you had an Arsenal trophy parade that was organised by a hooligan group that in its leafleting supported fan violence and far right politics would you attend it?

    This argument shouldn’t get beyond the fact that it’s organised by the PSC, and there are legitimate links between its members and Hamas. It’s tied in to Stop the War which is a far left group with ties to extremism in Sunni Islam in Iran.

    When you’ve had in the most recent March people attend the rallies throwing fireworks at police, your argument for the amount of people that are there is simply an argument for the amount of people who either ignore or defend antisemitism or jihadist rhetoric.

    As I’ve constantly stated and you’ve no refutation for, a peaceful March which condemning Hamas can get you physically attacked, where grossly racist propaganda and speakers are to be found by the bushel. Honestly it’s just a few bad apples Defence is so infuriatingly glib. The police have been arresting a mere fraction of the people they should be arresting for public incitement, support for terrorism etc and yet they are arresting hundreds every time there is a march.

    There are more than enough incidents for people to know exactly the kind of people who organise these marches and the types of people attending them.

    If you’re so convinced that these aren’t hate marches, I suggest you go along…and bring a placard about releasing the hostages from Gaza or a two state solution and see if you get accosted. I know the answer to that, and despite your attempts to be coy I suspect you do as well

    Yes your mate is a liar, either that or he is too thick to realise what extremism is when he sees or hears it. These marches are hardly anything new they are the Pavlovian reflex every time there is a skirmish between Israel and Hamas. I’ve seen the same shit in major cities (and that’s just with the hard left involved) the same hateful leafleting comparing Israel to the Nazis, the same attempt to negate the state of Israel from chanting from the river to the sea…the same pretence that cult of death nihilists are actually freedom fighters.

    And that’s before you get to the actual Islamists who are now involved and who are exactly the same people celebrating the October 7th massacre. There were hundreds if not thousands of these people out in the streets of our capital the day it happened and they all would have been on the “peaceful, Pro Gaza” March.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 14-11-2023 at 04:01 PM.

  9. #4229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    It's a shame he's not busy being dead
    About the kind of rhetoric I’d expect from an Islamist sympathiser

    In civilised western countries we don’t wish death on our political opponents, even as a joke

  10. #4230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    No it isn't - Farage is a cunt and the idea of giving him money and making him happy by pissing off someone with the sense to understand why we should be part of the EU is not remotely amusing
    The fact that you’re so angry at Farage who is little more than an empty attention seeker who is far less influential in the political sphere than you or he imagines, and you’re more than happy to March alongside Islamists and hate preachers…not for nothing there is a non zero number of people in the crowd you’re marching with who in their ideal world would love to see you dead for the crime of not being Muslim….is why your political opinions are so vacuous and laughable to me.

    I voted Remain as well just like my dad, but unlike you he is not a swaggering self-righteous pompous Jackass and he has a sense of humour.

    You act like Farage is the next Oswald Moseley when what he is is a two bit oxygen thief who is addicted to notoriety. Even Trump as offensive and ignorant as he is, actually has the balls to put his money where his mouth is and actually make a proper effort to get into power. Farage likes the status of being a political outsider because he has none of the responsibility to go with it.

    I must admit I thought you were just blinded by tribalism by not appreciating the genuine threat to liberal western democracy, but given you not only went on the march but have the gall to diminish how toxic it is…suggests that you’re at best a useful idiot and at worst a gatekeeper for actual fascists. The joke is you operate under the impression that you’re a good person because of your anti racist credentials, but in fact all you’re doing is perpetuating the bigotry of low expectations where you believe people with a different skin colour to you shouldn’t be held to account for the type of beliefs that would make the likes of Farage seem like a pinko liberal lefty.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 14-11-2023 at 03:48 PM.

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