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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #391
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Corbyn won because the other contestants were middle-of-the-road non-entities who did not stand for any principles they really believed in. Like most parties at the moment, they do market research to see what should go down well and then pay lip service to it and it is hollow. We need politicians who actually believe in something and fight for it, regardless of what the opinion polls say. I don't like eveything Corbyn says - I agree with some, disagree with other things - but at least he is saying something he believes in. The others are piss-poor and that Liz Kendall is a bloody joke. Their reaction to Corbyn was not to put forward policies to counter, it ws to just stand whining in the corner. Pathetic.
    Last edited by Coney; 12-09-2015 at 02:03 PM.

  2. #392
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    hopefully, this will cause Tony Blair to get the message that hes totally irrelevant and despised in all of humandom. So kindly STFU

  3. #393
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    hopefully, this will cause Tony Blair to get the message that hes totally irrelevant and despised in all of humandom. So kindly STFU
    The cunt is too self obsessed to notice what mere mortals think. #worsethanthatcher
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  4. #394
    Member milla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coney View Post
    Corbyn won because the other contestants were middle-of-the-road non-entities who did not stand for any principles they really believed in. Like most parties at the moment, they do market research to see what should go down well and then pay lip service to it and it is hollow. We need politicians who actually believe in something and fight for it, regardless of what the opinion polls say. I don't like eveything Corbyn says - I agree with some, disagree with other things - but at least he is saying something he believes in. The others are piss-poor and that Liz Kendall is a bloody joke. Their reaction to Corbyn was not to put forward policies to counter, it ws to just stand whining in the corner. Pathetic.
    somebody put something in my milk

  5. #395
    Tennis Expert Syn's Avatar
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    Hmm...this might actually work after all. He's got the young voters and the ethnics. He's also got the 'nice poor' vote. Sometime between now and before the general election, he'll need to lose his open door policy to win the ukip (nasty poor) vote. Then it doesn't matter what the rich vote is.

    But he absolutely will need to tailor a few more policies to what the voters want. All well and good building up that credibility but at the age of 66 if he's not willing to compromise on some of his beliefs in order to oust the Torys, then this was a very selfish move to become Labour leader.

  6. #396
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    It looks like we actually have an alternative to the Tories now and that in itself is a good thing.

  7. #397
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I'll remind you of all this if he's still here by 2020 and Labour end up even losing more seats than they did in 2015, we still have some seats that were marginal prior to 1997 they could easily go Tory with just a touch of electoral gerrymandering and a leader who is totally useless outside of stump speeches preaching to the converted.
    Was he just preaching to the converted?

    A lot of people have turned off politics and have felt disenfranchised for more than a generation now.

    All of a sudden it appear we have a leader of a major political party who will listen to voices that have been ignored and shouted down.

    He probably won't win a general election, but the concerns of real people will now be heard in the national political debate.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  8. #398
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn View Post
    Hmm...this might actually work after all. He's got the young voters and the ethnics. He's also got the 'nice poor' vote. Sometime between now and before the general election, he'll need to lose his open door policy to win the ukip (nasty poor) vote. Then it doesn't matter what the rich vote is.

    But he absolutely will need to tailor a few more policies to what the voters want. All well and good building up that credibility but at the age of 66 if he's not willing to compromise on some of his beliefs in order to oust the Torys, then this was a very selfish move to become Labour leader.
    Selfish? He had to be persuaded to run.

    Unless this is the cleverest scam the establishment has ever perpetrated against the people, this is the real deal. A man with ethics, principles and a track record of adhering to them accidentally has a seat at the table. If nothing else comes from it the comedy has been top notch. If he changes anything at all just to win meaningless votes in a meaningless system then what follows will be a non-event. He needs to change the system itself and he has 4 years to do it.

    Buried in the media hysteria and confusion and panic and fear that is splattered across every front page this morning (I mean you'd expect it from overt operations such as the Mail but the poor old whore at the Guardian has lost its knickers in public) is an instruction manual and guide to manners for the unwelcome guest. Here's what you have to do with the party, here's how you have to appeal to the electorate, here's where you'll have to change your policies, here's how your beliefs will change, here's how your principles will be set aside, here are the dance steps, then, maybe then, when you are sanitised and compromised and no longer pose a threat to the cosy arrangement, maybe then you can play a part in the election of the next pre-selected stooge we have lined up.

    Trouble they have is this guy hasn't danced in 30 years and there's very little chance he's up for it now. That's because he's a *selfless* politician, as his long established record confirms. Their incentives don't appeal in the least and their threats have no effect because he doesn't need to maintain that familiar slippery and nondescript profile that has characterised every shit that was placed into office since that cunt Thatcher.

    The task is not to transform an honest man into a crook, it's to use the time available to expose the crooks and energise the people against them. Don't let the establishment mouthpieces think and speak for you, Corbyn must have incredible support across the board for this cynical little exercise in mock democracy to have backfired so spectacularly. The genie is out of the bottle and Corbyn is not constrained by the old rules, he has a mandate to do what he has always done which is speak openly about these bastards in power who have no concern whatsoever for the people.

    The enemy is not the selfish little turds who don't have a knighthood but still vote Tory, not the middle way (Tory) cunts in the Labour party, not the Scotland for Scotland crowd or the get the Pakis out mob - yes here is your electorate, unthinking and divided people who have nothing left in the batteries because there has never been anything to charge them. The enemy is the British establishment, always has been. That's the fight for the next 4 years. 4 years to expose the bastards and it won't even be difficult. And so you see the headlines this morning, telling you what to think, telling you how it will be. But they have lost control and that's why the panic is so undignified.

    From here on it's very simple.

    Do you want more wars? Yes or no?

    Do you want more banker bailouts? Yes or no?

    Do you want one law for the rich and another for the poor? Yes or no?

    Do you want overwhelming social inequality? Yes or no?

    Do you want overwhelming wage inequality? Yes or no?

    Do you want sexual inequality? Yes or no?

    Do you want racial inequality? Yes or no?

    The list is long.

    Corbyn won't win by transforming his agenda into the language of the cunts who run this ship, he'll win by pointing out the self-evident. By showing what a fuck up these so-called middle of the road, respectable, electable () cunts have made of the place and how the result has always very conveniently fallen in favour of the minority over the majority.

    He changes nothing and by changing nothing his agenda is genuine change. That's the game plan and anyone who thinks an intelligent argument can't be put to the British people or that the average guy in the street can't understand such things is as deluded as the media and their little instruction manual.

    Well I said to those unthinking tools (who reckon not voting means you don't have a voice) that if ever a candidate came along that was worthy of a vote then I'd vote, for the first time ever. And I'll stick to that so I will be voting for the first time ever. And trust me, if a cynical cunt like myself is on-board you are going to see millions flock to this guy. Bet on it.

    This morning the establishment is out of control. It's a fucking wonderful thing to see. They have made a critical mistake and there's a strong chance they won't survive it.

    But you are right. Age 66, you know things can happen. That's the one fear. He has to make it through the 4 years without encountering some unpleasant accident. Which is why the people he surrounds himself with are so important. People who are prepared to step up and carry on if necessary. Another reason why the last thing he needs is to reach out to the snakes who have no business being in the Labour party. He needs to purge those fuckers and I believe he will.
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  9. #399
    Tennis Expert Syn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    He can't get into power like that. That requires a lot of faith in the electorate. The Tory plan of attack is quite straight-forward, they've already started, and so in four years the salient issues are still going to be the same; immigration and fiscal responsibility. Corbyn is not electable on that front. Doing what you're saying - getting the people to turn on the government is just usual party politics. Getting into a mud slinging battle is going to do him no favours. Better off playing the frail, old victim.

    Only way he can get into a position of power where he can change things is by playing the game a bit. Regardless of what he actually believes or wants to do, he needs to present himself as an electable option. Meaningless, patriotic, sound bites - 'UK first', 'better future' etc. So then he's no different than the rest of the candidates with one vital distinction. His past credibility is enough to carry him into no.10. Then he can do what he wants.

  10. #400
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Loblaw View Post
    Was he just preaching to the converted?

    A lot of people have turned off politics and have felt disenfranchised for more than a generation now.

    All of a sudden it appear we have a leader of a major political party who will listen to voices that have been ignored and shouted down.

    He probably won't win a general election, but the concerns of real people will now be heard in the national political debate.
    Clearly was preaching to the converted, trendy faddish lefties and ex bennites mobilised and funded by Unions

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