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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #20741
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    When not a single mainstream newspaper endorsed him for president, i think it's fair to say he could position himself as anti establishment
    You misunderstood, he can position himself that way all he wants. Just like the Kardashian family can try to position themselves as pro privacy and anti media. The question is why people have bought it?

  2. #20742
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    There was never a time when Clinton wanted to serve the people. Even back in her days as a despicable lawyer she was a disgraceful, self-serving hack. Make no mistake about it, this is the most corrupt individual ever to run for office. She's more corrupt than her husband because she's smart and he's thick as a plank.

    As for Sanders, if he'd had guts he'd have accepted the "political animal" (crook) Clinton robbed him this time and resolved to try again next time. Instead he put the rotten agenda of the Democratic Party above the principles he had originally decided to stand and on which he attracted what I accept was a remarkable level of support. He sold out. He's finished now and all he ended up achieving was driving a percentage of his support into the arms of Trump. Bernie exposed himself as gutless.

    I haven't claimed anything is different this morning, in fact I've said the opposite. But the possibility of Clinton, and (much more importantly) the assorted band of lunatics and warmongers she would have appointed, taking power has been averted and this is really very important. There's a line we never want to cross. Fuck Trump. What's he going to do? He has zero power. He'll be the ultimate puppet and the focus now will turn to the rich getting richer. Despicable but at least they'll use different methods, such as tax breaks and easier access to slave labour. Clinton is a connected cog in a much bigger machine. The military industrial complex linked to the appalling regimes in the Middle East linked particularly to that shit hole full of savages Saudi Arabia. These crazy neocon/ neoliberal bastards told us up front what their aims are. She was supposed to be their go to girl but happily for all of us that's not how it panned out.
    The war machine won't stop if Trump is the ultimate puppet. How can it? They still have wars raging now and wouldn't be surprised if he sparks new tension.

  3. #20743
    Asian Clique Head Bhaiya The Emirates Gallactico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kano View Post
    Of course there will be racist groups attracted to Trump because that's the card he's played. He knows his strengths and where to pitch himself. A good salesman always knows where to set-up and who to pitch to. America is due to become a majority non-white country in only 16 years time, so there is a lot of fear and paranoia around that. But those who voted for this can't all be tarnished with racism. There are a lot of ignorant people but there's a big difference between being actively racist and ignorant. But Trump, as a career salesman, has exploited those fears to get where he is now. As a salesman you find the customers pain point, scare them with it and offer the solution. That's what he's done. But salesman are good liars.

    There is mass misunderstanding about the impact of immigration and natural demographic change, so people fear it. For centuries society has placed others above them due to laziness and manipulation of their understanding and of course wealth. This is what Trump is there for. They can no longer believe in the other guys, so this chancer rocks up, zero experience but wrapped in success and money saying the things they want to hear. The American Dream before their eyes. A throwback to the 80's like UKIP offered. Almost a continuation of how fashion, music, film etc has cherry picked the best parts of the decade too because they are misty-eyed cultural reminders of a 'better time'. They will realise he's another wolf in sheeps clothing and then it will come down to us all to decide do we keep believing a slip of paper in a ballot box is enough or is it time to extinguish that way of order.

    The current fear is, if you are non-white and/or Christian in the US right now, you are right to be worried if you live in certain areas because of the gun culture. We know already that just going to school or about your every day business can get you wiped out by some maniac. What Trump's rhetoric has enabled are the crazy nutjobs just waiting for an excuse to legitimise their insanity. Post Brexit that was a concern here but rather than black or Asian communities being targeted, we've seen polish, other Europeans and Muslim women picked on. Those deemed to be the weaker targets, that aren't perceived as be able to fight back. It's been established that the black and Asian communities can and will retaliate, so the cowards that instigate the violence head for the weak as usual. The problem with America is that you can attack anyone at anytime because a bullet doesn't discriminate and foolishly there is strength and safety found behind pulling the trigger.
    Pretty much this.

    Trump has made numerous racists statements in a shameless brazen attempt to appeal to that group ..... that's irrefutable. It's reflected in the likes of the KKK, David Duke and other white nationalists stumping for him on the campaign trail and literally celebrating yesterdays result.

    Are all Trump (and Brexit) voters racists ..... of course not and literally no one is saying that apart from a few dumbass limousine liberals whose opinions matter zilch, so perpetuating that strawman on here is pretty pointless. However the point is if you are a racist, you voted for Trump (or Brexit over here) due to the shameful pandering to that segment of society by both Trump and the Leave campaign, both of them were prepared to sink to any low in order to win a few votes.

    Honestly, it must be sickening to be a Muslim American today after all the shit's Trump's said about them especially about banning them from entering their own country.

  4. #20744
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    The war machine won't stop if Trump is the ultimate puppet. How can it? They still have wars raging now and wouldn't be surprised if he sparks new tension.
    That's all quite possible. But it was inevitable under a Clinton regime. A certainty. We don't yet know which gang Trump is bringing to power as he's managed to shield their identities by using his own money. It's possible they will want to run things differently, certainly not in the interests of common people, but differently. We have to wait and see but at least now there's a chance the wars in the Mid East will not be expanded and that tensions with Russia can be cooled. Trump has already placated the arms manufacturers and other assorted warmongers by promising them lots of new orders for lots of new toys. It could be they are satisfied with that, for a while at least. The criminal corporations that have stashed their cash overseas have been offered the sort of tax rates they have been demanding for ages and they also get to bring back the proceeds of their slave economies overseas for an extremely reasonable 10% cut for the government mobsters. They'll probably do that deal. So if the financial interests of power coincide with the interests of the rest of us we might actually see "Trump" deliver peace and prosperity. It's possible. Impossible with Clinton though.
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  5. #20745
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    You misunderstood, he can position himself that way all he wants. Just like the Kardashian family can try to position themselves as pro privacy and anti media. The question is why people have bought it?
    Why did they buy into Obama? He's an even bigger charlatan than Trump. He's part of the reason so many people have said fuck that whole thing, blow it up. America's very own Tony Blair. Trump has come along with a different pitch, it's still for a product called "Change" but the features and benefits are different. So I guess people want to try the new brand, see if that works. Are you saying the vast majority of people in any country in the west don't do exactly the same thing every 4 or 5 years? Why do you find it odd that people who have been indoctrinated from birth to believe in government turn around and play the government game? They don't know anything else. They can't conceive of anything else. So Clinton pitches up with tired old Brand X that everyone knows is snake oil and Trump rolls in with New and Improved Brand Y. You yourself have laughed at the notion of people saying no to both and choosing another way. So that leaves 2 choices. Is it really surprising Trump got the sale? People aren't dumb because they voted for Trump, they are dumb for voting at all. But when somebody says don't do that then everyone rolls their eyes.
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  6. #20746
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    That's all quite possible. But it was inevitable under a Clinton regime. A certainty. We don't yet know which gang Trump is bringing to power as he's managed to shield their identities by using his own money. It's possible they will want to run things differently, certainly not in the interests of common people, but differently. We have to wait and see but at least now there's a chance the wars in the Mid East will not be expanded and that tensions with Russia can be cooled. Trump has already placated the arms manufacturers and other assorted warmongers by promising them lots of new orders for lots of new toys. It could be they are satisfied with that, for a while at least. The criminal corporations that have stashed their cash overseas have been offered the sort of tax rates they have been demanding for ages and they also get to bring back the proceeds of their slave economies overseas for an extremely reasonable 10% cut for the government mobsters. They'll probably do that deal. So if the financial interests of power coincide with the interests of the rest of us we might actually see "Trump" deliver peace and prosperity. It's possible. Impossible with Clinton though.
    That's a bit naive. The last unqualified candidate that took office was in charge during 9/11. We all saw that movie. Trump may just walk everyone into a big pile of shit with North Korea, Iran and China. Way bigger fish and a President that can't control his mouth. He also has to fix the division he's caused in his own backyard first.

  7. #20747
    Hopeful adzzzbatch's Avatar
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    I hope we get to see a lot more of Tiffany if ya know what I mean

    Ivanka ain't bad either...
    Last edited by adzzzbatch; 09-11-2016 at 08:14 PM.

  8. #20748
    Asian Clique Head Bhaiya The Emirates Gallactico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adzzzbatch View Post
    I hope we get to see a lot more of Tiffany if ya know what I mean

    Ivanka ain't bad either...
    Ivanka is pretty hot though she's taken.

    Tiffany looks like a pig tbh. Not surprised given who the father is though.

    Melania looks exactly like what you'd expect of a washed up former model who had too much surgery and work done on her at a young age.

    Inb4 sexist police.

  9. #20749
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Say what you want about Trump, but he's a cunt.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  10. #20750
    Asian Clique Head Bhaiya The Emirates Gallactico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Loblaw View Post
    Say what you want about Trump, but he's a cunt.
    He's also fat.

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