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Thread: Samir "The Weasel" Nasri - The Epitome of Wenger's Failings!!!

  1. #1
    Member Newguy's Avatar
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    Samir "The Weasel" Nasri - The Epitome of Wenger's Failings!!!

    So I guess you've all read the "quotes" from Nasri regarding his future at the club, you most likely heard Wenger mentioning that the stall on the new deal is down to Nasri wanting Cesc money and today I have read that Nasri will be waiting to see if the "man united rumours a re real and concrete" (regarding them making a bid for him).

    IMO Nasri is an example of Wenger's failings as a manager, firstly lets not go over board, Nasri is a weasel and this should be expected, I felt he was a waste of money and bottled it when it came to crunch time, regarding his quality I may have been proven wrong during the middle parts of last season, however he proved he couldnt really step up to the plate when it was needed of him in the last 10 games of the season.

    At any other time I would be happy to see this guy leave the club, but in spectacular Wenger fashion, this weasel has managed to get his contract down to where he only has 12 months left on it. It is abundently clear that Wenger doesnt learn from any mistakes on or off the pitch.

    Wenger obviously felt confident that Nasri would sign an new deal and will still be confident of sorting out a new deal for him even if the season starts and he hasnt put pen to paper, but I belt he felt the same about Flamini and we all know how that turned out.

    The fact that Nasri (and his agent) have found themselves in this position of power irritates me, the fact that Nasri can flirt with the possibilities of moving to Man U becasue he knows he is in the position of power shows a disrespect to the club and reveals what type of footballer he is.

    If we can at least break even on him I would gladly let him go.

  2. #2
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Just another typical situation we face every summer.

    It's an indictment on Wenger that he consistently faces a struggle to keep his best players. "the priority is to keep the players we have", "they're like new signings", " the budget is to spend on new contracts" etc... You don't hear anyone else of our stature talking like this.

    It should come as no surprise really why we're never ambitious in the transfer market. How can we be when there's always a worry about who's heading through the exit door next.

    As for Nasri himself, I don't care anymore, I'm sick of players like this holding the club by the balls. It represents everything I loathe about this team and more significantly, football in general.
    Last edited by Marc Overmars; 05-06-2011 at 04:26 PM.

  3. #3
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    I had my reservation about him when he and Gallas had a bust up yes Gallas could be arrogant but was right when stating that Nasri hasn't won anything and untill the does should shut his mouth...

  4. #4
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    I detest the way some players like Nasri can in essence hold the club to ransom, behaving as if they've achieved anything substantial in their careers, when it is clear they have not. Nasri had a good 3 months this season, but nothing more. His performances in the second half of the season were hugely ineffective. And yet, judging by his behaviour, you'd think he made a big positive contribution to our season. The reality is that he is as responsible as the rest of the squad for our failings in the league, the Carling Cup final and the Champions League. Like you say, when it came to the crunch he didn't deliver.

    I strongly dislike footballers like Nasri, and many ways wouldn't mind if he left, because I don't believe he's the type of footballer we need at Arsenal, the type we can rely on to run through brick walls and will stand up to be counted. However, given that I expect a serious clearout this summer, there is the argument that we can't afford to lose too many players, as this will create destabilising effect on the squad.

  5. #5
    Member Newguy's Avatar
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    Wenger has to replace the players that leave with real talented experienced players, preferably with premiership experience. We need money invested into the squad. Denilson is off, Bendy is off, Clichy is most likely off, Eboue possibly aswell - that should sort out the wages for 2 top class players. If Cesc does leave we should hold out for a minimum of 45mil, with the needed investment, Wenger should have 50mil to spend whther we sell anyone at all anyway.

    I would gladly have the club get Nasri to sign, if that meant caving in to his demnads there so be it, give him the 110 a week weges if reports are to be believed, but as soon as that is sorted, think about selling him. I dont want players like this at the club, yes we I understand that not winning anything will cause this but as Joker said the guy has contributed to the failings ;ast season, make no mistakes though, it's wenger's fault that he is in the position to hold the club to ransom, he should have had a new deal sorted a good 18 months ago, Wenger jist seemed to think that the french players he has brought to the club will show loyalty and sign - he just doesnt learn.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Just another typical situation we face every summer.

    It's an indictment on Wenger that he consistently faces a struggle to keep his best players. "the priority is to keep the players we have", "they're like new signings", " the budget is to spend on new contracts" etc... You don't hear anyone else of our stature talking like this.

    It should come as no surprise really why we're never ambitious in the transfer market. How can we be when there's always a worry about who's heading through the exit door next.

    As for Nasri himself, I don't care anymore, I'm sick of players like this holding the club by the balls. It represents everything I loathe about this team and more significantly, football in general.
    Absolutely great post, sorry but I blame Wenger for ambition same sh*t every season. The fact is there isn't much loyalty in the game these days and if you want to keep your best players you need success....Wenger can't deliver it.

    Also he looks like a real fool with his spirit and togetherness comments, he keeps getting kicked in the teeth, but like an old fool he does the same thing over and over again.

    This will continue of course, Wenger just needs to leave now! If anything it going to get harder and harder for us.

    IMO he's made this situation, too much loyalty and not enough ambition....we've now got Nasri, Cesc, Bendtner and Denilson all seemingly wanting out....and yet Wenger put this squad together with unity in mind.

    As for Nasri, it's what we've come to expect really, I'm not surprised really he has just over a year left and with football being the way it is he's thinking about his options now.

    It's not good from a fans point of view but you'd have to be foolish to sign on with us with things as they are in all honest, when things haven't changed for 6 years it's hard to believe in Wenger's pipedreams.

    All we are these days is a stepping stone club nothing more, the better players are unlikely to stick with us.
    Last edited by Özim; 05-06-2011 at 05:17 PM.

  7. #7
    RealeyesRealizeReallies Sirjackofwilshere's Avatar
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    This is why I hope we can get the likes of coquelin, Bartley etc etc into the squad asap. Hopefully the fact that they've been brought through the club will mean they have greater loyalty and a desire to run themselves into the ground for the club.

    As for Nasri, Diaby, Denilson, Bendtner and the rest (including Cesc) frankly if it weren't for the destabilising effect I'd have them all shown the door. Is it any wonder the lack of desire and hardwork from some of them on the pitch given the fact that its now apparent just how quick they want to run off as soon as things aren't going their way? A lot of them are mercenary twats...mollycodelled and comforted far too much by Wenger. He needs to become ruthless...thats the difference between him and the other top managers.
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  8. #8
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    Simple answer to the problem is pay him the extra £10-20k per week he's asking for. Swallow a bit of pride and keep one of our best players. I want Arsenal to improve significantly and now's not the time to go losing players like Nasri.

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    To be honest, he should have been offered an extended contract last summer if Wenger wanted to keep him. Even if he didn't we still could have sold him on for more.

    How often do we let these contracts run down to the point where it's almost too late. Better to keep the valuable players under longer contracts, players like Nasri we paid good money for and the ball should be in our court. I couldn't give a toss about having kids who cost us next to nothing contracted, but players we spent good money on should be in watertight contracts.

    I think it's a sign of poor planning once again.

  10. #10
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    Surely Gazidis is the man in charge of renegotiating these contracts, what the hell does he do?

    Can't blame Nasri for wanting out - played out of position, team going backwards, more money elsewhere.

    No great loss, most people have summed it up, he epitomises the current team when the goin' gets tough. Wouldn't mind a swap deal for Nani.

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