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Thread: Pierre-Emerick Emiliano François Aubameyang

  1. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    No way are those players as poor as that. They have been coached into being so poor. These players aren't playing with any instinct or ambition. Seems to me they are far more concerned with retaining possession, building little triangles, keeping the ball away from the opposition. Add to that a desire to conserve energy at all costs. If they can do less they will do less. Until the last few minutes of the half or if we fall a goal behind, then they can magically pick up the pace.

    This is all Wenger. He has them following his fucked up principles of football rather than playing football. Look at the way we constantly try to engineer the best possible option in front of goal, as opposed to taking a chance where maybe the odds aren't great. We pass up 2, 3, 5 or 10 chances to shoot so we can work the sideways ball and try to advance from a 25% chance of scoring to a 25.000004% chance. Same with our play in the middle. When we get the ball and have the chance to transition to attack, what do we do? We slow it down, play it sideways, play it back, start building our little triangle and commence the long process of tip tapping it towards the opposition goal by a process of 12 passes sideways and back for each 1 pass forward. Keep the ball, keep the ball, don't lose the ball.

    This is Wenger's terror made into a tactic. He bloody well knows he hasn't the faintest clue how to build a defence. He's never had to do it. Graham and Adams and Bould and then Campbell did it for him. And then those players retired and Wenger had to work in an area he has no clue about. And he brought in a stream of shite and we transformed into the soft touch we see today. So he resorted to keep ball instead. If they can't get the ball then they can't rape our laughable defence. It's fear.

    And these are just some of the sick aspects of his game. How can a competitive player excel and how can a team knit together when you have such a horrible set of principles to uphold as a priority? Coward is the word I have consistently used to describe him. A coward on the pitch, a coward in the transfer market. Why didn't we want Kante? Because he wasn't as safe as an Arteta/ Xhaka. Of course Wenger's so past it now he couldn't spot that Xhaka is about as safe as a grenade with the pin out. But he had that tip, tap, tip, tap routine down that must have been attractive for Wenger.

    As soon as we bring a new manager in - ANY MANAGER - the team will improve.
    It’s not about whether they are poor or not, they simply just aren’t trying.

    Wenger won’t punish these players for not blindly following his doctrine he will celebrate and take credit for it, when it works and pretend it was his own game plan.

    Ozil plays for the top international team in world football and played three seasons at Real Madrid, it’s not brainwashing to give the ball away in our own half the way he did for that goal, it’s downright carelessness.

    I’ve long given up expecting any play for the shirt passion, but these are professionals and to ignore the basics of their trade in such a way is unforgivable. Of course the manager is ultimately to blame for not punishing them, but if you can’t motivate yourself to be professional it’s not a good reflection on you.

    There are players in that side who I just can’t knock, Iwobi doesn’t shirk the effort he’s just shit.

    Monreal Tuesday night aside puts in a shift to compensate for his clear limitations as a footballer

    But as shit as Wenger is as incomprehensible as his decisions are. If you decide you don’t fancy doing your job and know you can get away with it, as much as it’s a sad inditement on those who manage you. It makes you a bit of a prick as well.

  2. #112
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ View Post
    It’s not about whether they are poor or not, they simply just aren’t trying.

    Wenger won’t punish these players for not blindly following his doctrine he will celebrate and take credit for it, when it works and pretend it was his own game plan.

    Ozil plays for the top international team in world football and played three seasons at Real Madrid, it’s not brainwashing to give the ball away in our own half the way he did for that goal, it’s downright carelessness.

    I’ve long given up expecting any play for the shirt passion, but these are professionals and to ignore the basics of their trade in such a way is unforgivable. Of course the manager is ultimately to blame for not punishing them, but if you can’t motivate yourself to be professional it’s not a good reflection on you.

    There are players in that side who I just can’t knock, Iwobi doesn’t shirk the effort he’s just shit.

    Monreal Tuesday night aside puts in a shift to compensate for his clear limitations as a footballer

    But as shit as Wenger is as incomprehensible as his decisions are. If you decide you don’t fancy doing your job and know you can get away with it, as much as it’s a sad inditement on those who manage you. It makes you a bit of a prick as well.
    Fair enough, if this was the first week, month or even year of the insanity. But Wenger's looney ways have become the culture. Even Alexis, a player whose game is built around hustle and 100% effort, threw the towel in by the end. Yes of course, the sloppy passing and the general complacency is infuriating, or used to be. Now, instead, we call it a good performance when we get the basics right more times than not - that's how low the standard is now. But you tell a player, here's a hundred grand, there's London, oh, and by the way, we're having a kickabout on Saturday - feel free to join in. And then, no matter what happens on the pitch, you hear the manager talking about great spirit and great effort and how we got unlucky and how the ref did us and how we should have won on expected goals, you need to be some sort of special self motivator to block all that out. I'm not excusing the players, but when the manager deliberately avoids bringing in strong characters what is the likely outcome?

    Wenger has painstakingly built this shit show. It's all on him as far as I'm concerned. As soon as we get a new manager in we'll see these players hop to it or ship out. Like a normal club. That's why I asked a while back, how many of these players are ruined beyond recovery and how many can be rescued. That will be the major question a new manager has to answer when he arrives. I don't envy whoever that is. What a mess he'll have to tackle.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #113
    I think we are talking at cross purposes, of course Wenger is responsible he has created that atmosphere

    And maybe it’s a generational thing where these guys simply haven’t been brought up to take personal responsibility

    I don’t think it’s even character, a strong character would be shouting at team mates and balling them out

    You don’t need character just to do your own job, just a sense of professional pride.

    And whilst there was a definite weakness of mentality in Arsenal’s teams down the years. I think the simply not trying to do even the basics is relatively new.

    Basically we’ve had the same old same old for years and in the last year or two it’s gone from predictable capitulation to just shambolic.

    Six wins from 16, there are no more bursts of good runs to get us in the top four. Anyone who thinks we will go on any kind of run now is deluded. That’s 80% on Wenger, 20% on players who are going through the motions
    Last edited by HCZ; 01-02-2018 at 10:56 PM.

  4. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Özim View Post
    6th in the league, 23 points behind the league leaders, 8 points behind 4th place, just lost to Swansea 3-1, 7 league defeats so far and over a decade since our last major success.

    Yeah you're right the Aubameyang signing just erases that from our memories.
    Sometimes, it is good to take it ease . Football is just like your own life . There are times when things don’t go the way you are expecting. You don’t have to stress yourself out for that because you’d be only damaging your own health .
    Many people want Wenger to go . But we must understand that he will quit only when he wants as the board won’t sack him because they owe him a lot .
    So should I kill myself for that ? No chance for me . I know a day will come and he will step down .
    I used to like Van Persie too much and I never expected him to leave . Let alone join United. He did and I was deeply shocked and disappointed. But I always move on quickly from any disappointment. That’s my policy .

  5. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumbledore View Post
    You're on your phone on a date, poor girl
    Thanks for the correction. I wanted to say day and not date .

  6. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It's why I rarely post in this part of the forum now. Only one opinion is allowed, any deviation is mocked and shouted down.
    We know we have problems and we know that basically those problems won't be solved till Wenger leaves, and even then that leaves Kronke.
    But I can't see any point in wallowing in it as some seem to insist on doing.

    Overall it's not been a bad transfer window. The Sanchez thing shows we're not serious about competing but we knew that, at least we've made a couple of good signings.
    We had our time to enjoy good football just like Manchester United. Then Chelsea took over after 50 years of cup drought. Now it’s City’s turn.
    We want Wenger to go but that might not happen anytime soon. What the point of stressing ourselves out needlessly for people who are making thousands of pounds from our money and don’t take our views seriously ?

  7. #117
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Sometimes, it is good to take it ease . Football is just like your own life . There are times when things don’t go the way you are expecting. You don’t have to stress yourself out for that because you’d be only damaging your own health .
    Many people want Wenger to go . But we must understand that he will quit only when he wants as the board won’t sack him because they owe him a lot .
    So should I kill myself for that ? No chance for me . I know a day will come and he will step down .
    I used to like Van Persie too much and I never expected him to leave . Let alone join United. He did and I was deeply shocked and disappointed. But I always move on quickly from any disappointment. That’s my policy .
    Fair enough. But if everyone had that policy the world would be massively more fucked than it already is. At least SOME people need to get angry at blatant corruption, and you can be sure that's what has happened to Arsenal. A horrible yank cunt who cares only for money has hijacked the club with the assistance, at every step, of a charlatan who claims to love the club. This is very typical in the modern world. Robbers arrive smiling and professing love. In sport, in politics, in every aspect of life. Most people just assume they are powerless and so these robbers prevail and are encouraged to perpetrate more robbery. Still though, enough normal, everyday people tend to stand up against the worst abuses (the ones they are aware of anyway) and just about manage to contain the corruption that would otherwise be rampant and utterly destructive. I don't think it is right to discourage the minority who hold the line for the mainly disinterested majority. By all means, be disinterested. But don't actually dive in and help the bad guys by attacking those who would speak out against them.

    And, btw, there's plenty that could be done to get Kroenke and Wenger out. Kings and queens have been ousted. Despots and emperors have been run to ground. Kroenke and Wenger are a light snack for the people by comparison. If we really wanted. But, unlike them, we are civilised. Fortunately for them.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    We had our time to enjoy good football just like Manchester United. Then Chelsea took over after 50 years of cup drought. Now it’s City’s turn.
    We want Wenger to go but that might not happen anytime soon. What the point of stressing ourselves out needlessly for people who are making thousands of pounds from our money and don’t take our views seriously ?
    There is nothing we can do. We must give up. We must accept. We have no choice.

    Nihil possumus facere. Nos autem debemus gratias. Debemus accipere. Arbitrium non habemus.

    Not much of a club motto. Except in length.

    Victoria Concordia Crescit

    Victory through Harmony

    No victories. No harmony.

    Whose fault? Should it be us that meekly walk away?

    I don't think so.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #119
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    commando NQ

  10. #120
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    One scored. Should have had three.

    Aubameshite until he shows he's more ruthless than Lacashite.

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