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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #1271
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    Yes & no.

    Fruit picking requires no skills as such. It’s just manual labour & anyone can do it. Those are the jobs that are required at the moment i believe.

    For the harvesting of wheat etc. Then yes you cant just have anyone as you need to be trained to drive tractors with large trailers safely etc and (could be wrong here) i believe that requires a specific driving licence.
    It's more than just the picking, digging and cutting. There are processes such as sorting, rejecting, grading, packing, etc. It's not unskilled work because there are time limits, quotas. They're not just out there wandering around with a basket, picking the odd apple between fags. It's intensive work. And skilled in many aspects. Not medical professional skilled, but experienced nonetheless.

    Anyway, would you want yobbo Bob and his mates handling your cucumber?
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  2. #1272
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    Funny thing is though, there are tons on remainers out there going see, told you! As if anyone ever wanted to block legitimate and necessary immigration or temporary work visas. It's always zero or one hundred with the political zealots. Either you are 100 percent for unrestricted immigration or else you are a racist. They deliberately boil it down to a cartoon representation because their arguments have no validity the moment context is introduced.
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  3. #1273
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    As one wag on Twatter suggests, the next time you witness a robbery or assault, call the cops and tell them a possible sunbathing incident is in progress.
    yeah, sounds foolproof

  4. #1274
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    yeah, sounds foolproof
    Provided they don't have dance rehearsals.
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  5. #1275
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    I'm doing meditation at the moment to prepare for my trip daaaan sowf. I'm rehearsing my script. "Hello officer, how can I assist you - you sonofabitch fascist pig creature!"

    I'm still polishing.
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  6. #1276
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    The criminal, insolvent, socially toxic and freshly bailed out Deutsche Bank, who probably stand to gain more from this pandemic than any single corporation, have drawn on their considerable competence and social concern to advise immunity passports might be a good way to go to restore the days of Adolf Hitlersafely reopen the economy it has just pillaged again.

    The, "smash all the rotten capitalist banks" mob at the marxist Guardian agree. They have been pushing immunity passports for a while now. To helps us throw off the tranny of big business and free the workers from exploitation, no doubt.

    It's nice when two mortal enemies can come together in the best interests of the people.
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  7. #1277
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    New independent research from two groups, one in the States and one in China, has found significant presence of antibodies that destroy the virus present in the blood of sampled patients. The studies were small, with a similar much larger study arriving as early as next week. This suggests there may already be extensive immunity in the wider population. Other studies have found the infection rate much higher and the mortality rate lower by magnitudes, suggesting re-opening global economies is not necessarily a death sentence to millions.

    All the newest evidence is pointing towards a highly infectious but relatively low mortality PROBABLY viral (because this has not actually been established yet) infection that is on par with a relatively virulent strain of the flu. Inflation of the death toll using increasingly discredited methods to record deaths has driven a fear that is unlikely justified. The medium to long term costs of the devastating overreaction will probably outweigh the damage done to health by the pandemic, by factors.

    None of this is definitive yet. Larger studies are required. But indicators are we've just experienced the largest mass panic in world history, driven by supposed health experts who have been so wrong in their predictions it must surely lead to questions as to why they would ever be trusted again. The first grant to get the chop should be "Dr" Neil Ferguson's at Imperial.

    Imperial is working with Microsoft to "tidy up the code". Anyone who knows anything about Microsoft will be having a quiet chuckle at this point.

    What this article is really saying, wedged in between the apologies and excuses, is this government (and governments around the world) acted on the basis of a fatally flawed model that was about as sophisticated as something you could knock up yourself on your laptop using Excel.

    Which is not at all surprising given the failure of scientific modelling in just about every field you can think of, apart from one crucial exception. Engineering. Because they can't have building falling down or planes falling out of the air (unless it's Boeing). Even engineering hasn't been entirely safe from the pseudo-scientific technocrats who have infested policy making at every level. NIST's outrageous (almost comical) summary of the collapse of WTC7 after the 911 attacks was a particularly unwelcome example of a previously trustworthy institution being perverted for the sake of expediency.

    At the very least we need a detailed inquiry into all these so-called experts who provide the "science" for our elected officials to "follow". What's the point of voting for our decision makers when those same people make decisions on the back of advice from little known individuals who keep getting it so terribly wrong?
    Last edited by Niall_Quinn; 16-04-2020 at 02:03 PM.
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  8. #1278
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    One method we could use to kill all these "health" measures that are being suggested (almost as if they had been prepared in advance - which is actually the fact) is to dump smartphones. These horrible devices are the gateway to the total surveillance state. If everyone dumped them it would set the spymasters and corporate privacy vampires back decades. They have invested all their efforts into these shitty, overpriced and super polluting slabs.

    If you can live being locked down in your home, if you can live with your job being swapped for a government handout, if you can live with distancing yourself from fellow human beings by 2m for as long as the government tells you to - if you can make all these sacrifices... Could you give up your fondle slab and regain your privacy, intellectual freedom and actual freedom while derailing the surveillance state's plans in one fell swoop? It seems the most sensible thing to do. Then we wouldn't need 5G either would we? The China problem solved.

    I can't see a downside to this strategy, other than the loss of daily cat pics and the thumb workout as endless meaningless messages are spat into space.

    Even if a quarter of us gave up these zombie lanterns, that would be enough to significantly degrade the surveillance network and make any future social credit systems unworkable, or at least optional.

    Or are people so addicted to these things they wouldn't part with them if their lives, at least lives worth living, depended on it?
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  9. #1279
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    A quote from GMO Bill "save the children" Gates on the BBC.

    "I and other global health experts..."

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  10. #1280
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    GMO Bill and his human experimentation programs in the third world and developing world (so much cheaper, and gets around homegrown legislation and the possible legal ramifications).
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