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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #23141
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  2. #23142
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Chinese tourists are just the worst.

    No fucking manners or any idea how the rest of the world outside of China works.
    Last edited by Marc Overmars; 26-09-2017 at 07:52 AM.

  3. #23143
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I don't think either side have a monopoly on idiocy or lacking understanding.
    The point for me is that this is a complicated subject which shouldn't be up to "the public" to decide. Someone voting to leave because of the "bloody frogs" shouldn't have got a vote. And someone voting to remain because they thought the sky would fall in if we left shouldn't either. And a lot of people voted, on either side, for silly reasons like that.

    There have been some suggestions that were the vote taken now the result would be different, the public opinion fluctuates over time and the result was close.
    It's pretty crazy that we are now taking a course which will affect generations (maybe for the better, the honest answer is no-one actually knows right now) based on a close snapshot of public opinion on a single day.
    Any election is a snapshot of opinion of course but at least with other elections the government is only in place for 5 years.

  4. #23144
    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Overmars View Post
    Chinese tourists are just the worst.

    No fucking manners or any idea how the rest of the world outside of China works.
    They are at their most irritating in Hong Kong

    They are on holiday from communism. And therefore anyone taller than 5ft 5 is a freakish giant and they have to take photos of them (without asking) - I'm 6ft 3 for the record

    And they stare? Why the fuck do they do that?

  5. #23145
    David Attenborough being a bell end again I see (although in fairness it's a privilege of age)

    Made some stupid comment about shooting Trump after he won the election

    This haughty sneering attitude does not remedy anything, if you think the whole thing is a disaster I'd rather know why people chose to vote the way they did.....the way they were entitled to despite what Letters thinks.

    The short of it is these people have been taken for granted and slapped in the nuts and belittled the way Attenborough is now. If you don't think people are making informed decisions consider first of all the strength of your own certainties.

    And if you think people are showing ignorant bias, examine why that is...what's the root of that.

    I think it was disgraceful for Gove to say people are tired of experts because that encourages ignorance. But why be as ignorant as you claim the people who didn't vote the way you wanted to them are by not even stopping to consider maybe I'm wrong.

  6. #23146
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    People are "entitled" to vote how they like for whatever reason they like. But that doesn't mean that people made a well informed, educated choice. Across the board there is a lot of ignorance.
    There are consequences to this vote which will last generations. No-one knows what those consequences are, no-one knows whether it will be a good thing or not .
    But a narrow margin of a largely ill-informed public (I include myself in that), when the polls were fluctuating wildly in the run up to the vote is a pretty flimsy basis for such a serious decision.
    It would be interesting to know what the result would be now if they did it again.

  7. #23147
    In fairness you could argue any election has long lasting consequences as the actions of a government can often long outlast their time in office.

    It was probably the worst time for a government to offer a referendum on the EU if it wanted to stay. But then there's no guarantees of anything. May essentially called for a referendum on her own government in April and the polls at the time indicated that this would be a good idea.

    Ultimately if people are not well informed whose fault is that, I would argue that it's a government and an education system that is failing people and not giving them the tools with which to have an enquiring mind.

    If people are susceptible to suggestibility on race for instance, it's only amplifying the misgivings they already have.

    From 1999 onwards there has been mass immigration into this country on an unprecedented scale and very little was given in the way of explaining this or reassuring people about the continuance of their way of life.

  8. #23148
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    There are consequences to this vote which will last generations. No-one knows what those consequences are, no-one knows whether it will be a good thing or not .
    I think it's becoming increasingly clear that this is turning into a disaster.

    I'm not against Brexit in principle, but I have no faith in this government to make a success of it.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  9. #23149
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    I guess you could argue that, but subsequent gonvernments can change the direction (Trump is busily trying to undo everything Obama did! ). This is pretty much irreversable. And maybe it is a good thing, I think the reality is we will never know for sure because there is no "control". You can't split the UK in two, have one which leaves and one which remains and compare the outcomes. But if we did get to the right outcome then we didn't do so because of a well informed public who understood the relevant issues.
    Cameron is a dick, he offered the referendum to appease some of the right wing and then complacently assumed the result would go the way he wanted.
    Immigration is a concern, the idea of freedom of movement sounds good "wow, look at all the possibilities for us", but in reality the flow of people will be towards the richer nations and our particular problem is we speak English which has become somewhat of a global lingua franca. Overall immigration has been a good thing and demonstrably contributed to our economy BUT, the rate of it doesn't feel sustainable and while we're in the EU we have no actual way of controlling it.
    That was a major and understandable concern which was not addressed in the campaign.

  10. #23150
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    I think it's becoming increasingly clear that this is turning into a disaster.

    I'm not against Brexit in principle, but I have no faith in this government to make a success of it.
    I feel you, bruv.
    One problem for me was there was no plan, from either side, about what Brexit actually looked like. You can't just decide you want to move house without some idea of where you want to move to.
    It is looking like quite a mess right now.

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