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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #23211
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Is "virtue signalling" your new little catch-phrase?
    No, it's a scientific term for an affliction that has struck down half the population.
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  2. #23212
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Is "virtue signalling" your new little catch-phrase?
    Yes, he'll repeat anything he reads on breitbart because he doesn't have an original thought in his head.

    Much like the senile orange paedophile in the White House.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  3. #23213
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Yes, he'll repeat anything he reads on breitbart because he doesn't have an original thought in his head.

    Much like the senile orange paedophile in the White House.
    I talk about the left because that's how they identify themselves. I don't identify them as anything other than fools. Much the same with the right. Anyone who thinks they are right or left is deluded in the first place, so you can imagine what their politics ends up as. Silly to and fro for points scoring wile the understanding of a thing becomes meaningless. But, you demonstrate it better than I can say it.
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  4. #23214
    Let’s not try to perpetuate identity politics

    For me it’s moronic to not take each individual concept on its merits rather than say I’m with this camp I must believe X

    The problem for me with people like Trump, is well I don’t think anyone is going to disagree the media tendency towards dishonesty but when it comes from a politician it’s a promotion of something that is dishonest and agenda filled on steroids.

    Trump has appealed to those who are sick of being lectured, feel betrayed by government and globalisation. But someone who will lie with such obvious disdain that it comes across as blunt honesty. A guy who neither has the desire or capability to be what people need. And is just the brazen amplification of the self serving politician who they’ve had plenty of times before.

    The kind of guy who once again when he can’t sell his idea of healthcare to his own party, goes to his base and pretty much says “look at those disrespectful NFL players not singing the National anthem”. It will be the one piece trick he returns to every time he fucks up. The economic bounce gone? Coal jobs still disappearing because it’s a completely pointless dead industry? Look at how this group of people hate our country, what a bunch of cunts.

    He needs to hope that people don’t grow wise to him figuratively jingling his car keys in their faces.
    Last edited by McNamara That Ghost...; 07-10-2017 at 11:54 AM. Reason: Appreciate the context but we don't tolerate that word.

  5. #23215
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Hold on, so NQ claims he is the most honest person, in capitals no less then calls other people virtue signallers?

  6. #23216
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    Hold on, so NQ claims he is the most honest person, in capitals no less then calls other people virtue signallers?
    Nope. I state as a fact (not a claim) I'm more honest that the wailing morons who make these things personal, even when they aren't affected in any way and don't even live in the country. That's not even close to me claiming I'm the most honest anything.

    If you are seriously trying to claim you give a shit about those people in Vegas beyond the, "Oooh isn't it awful!", cooing that goes on after these events then I say I don't believe you for a second. That would only change if you were to tell me you had some connection, even tenuous, with those people. And I don't mean some chuckaway line like, we're all humans and we all share the same planet. Save that for Coke commercials.

    I don't have a problem with people pretending to be concerned. It's a normal hypocrisy that greases the wheels of social interaction. What I can't stand is the fucking arseholes that ride the sympathy trip as cover for their ceaseless leftist agendas. I'd say the same thing about right wingers who have their own agendas, but that's not pertinent to this particular case. If you want an example, try abortion. I get just as sick of the, poor baby, poor baby crowd as I do the lunatic liberals.

    Anyone seen the hellholes in the east? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan? 59 people dead in Vegas? Very sad for the people concerned and those that knew them, of course. But just another minor incident in the catalogue of carnage the "civilised" world lets slide on a daily basis. Some outrages we find outrageous and demand remedies in response, other we brush under the carpet. Me, I call it the same way for both and I tell you what the genuinely useful remedy is. Others, they pick their atrocity and summon up their public outrage with gusto. Well done them. How virtuous they are, when people are looking at least.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #23217
    I’m in the camp where I’d rather it be that people didn’t spray bullets at people from battlefield weapons in affluent parts of the world nor do I think it’s great when people are kept in a repressed cycle of misery in any of the other countries you’ve mentioned.
    Let’s not pretend that these instances like Monday aren’t a result of gun control laxity. And for all the bollocks about second amendment rights for people to protect themselves against tyranny it’s more about one multi million dollar gun lobbying firm trying to outdo another in its rhetoric.
    And when someone who to my understanding was just a psychopath who got himself in debt and probably would have looked upon what he did as a IRL version of GTA nihilism, you have to ask is it really a hardened encroachment of the liberties of millions to say, do people really need a personal arsenal like this.

    As to the state of these other countries the question is how you solve the problem?. My feeling would be to long term
    Wean ourselves off the black sludge sitting under them and then we no longer have to tolerate these psychotic potentates sell one side weapons to wipe out the other. And then if they start killing their own people en masses kill them.

    As for criticising people for what you perceive they care about more, human nature is to empathise with that you can relate to. People can relate to expensive hotels and music concerts more than they can dysentery and cutting your son down from a lamppost because he listened to Justin Bieber....the latter is more surreal.
    Last edited by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie; 07-10-2017 at 03:21 PM.

  8. #23218
    Administrator McNamara That Ghost...'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Nope. I state as a fact (not a claim) I'm more honest that the wailing morons who make these things personal, even when they aren't affected in any way and don't even live in the country. That's not even close to me claiming I'm the most honest anything.

    If you are seriously trying to claim you give a shit about those people in Vegas beyond the, "Oooh isn't it awful!", cooing that goes on after these events then I say I don't believe you for a second. That would only change if you were to tell me you had some connection, even tenuous, with those people. And I don't mean some chuckaway line like, we're all humans and we all share the same planet. Save that for Coke commercials.

    I don't have a problem with people pretending to be concerned. It's a normal hypocrisy that greases the wheels of social interaction. What I can't stand is the fucking arseholes that ride the sympathy trip as cover for their ceaseless leftist agendas. I'd say the same thing about right wingers who have their own agendas, but that's not pertinent to this particular case. If you want an example, try abortion. I get just as sick of the, poor baby, poor baby crowd as I do the lunatic liberals.

    Anyone seen the hellholes in the east? Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan? 59 people dead in Vegas? Very sad for the people concerned and those that knew them, of course. But just another minor incident in the catalogue of carnage the "civilised" world lets slide on a daily basis. Some outrages we find outrageous and demand remedies in response, other we brush under the carpet. Me, I call it the same way for both and I tell you what the genuinely useful remedy is. Others, they pick their atrocity and summon up their public outrage with gusto. Well done them. How virtuous they are, when people are looking at least.
    You make assumptions, my response to you is based on your own statement. You placed your virtue of 'honesty' as differentiating you from everybody else; above everybody else. If that isn't grandstanding, then I don't know what is.

    I do enjoy you claiming other people displaying outrage as being disingenous though.

    Also, I hope you will do something with your genuinely useful remedy however i.e maybe move in to a political career or column writing? And I am being serious there.

  9. #23219
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I’m in the camp where I’d rather it be that people didn’t spray bullets at people from battlefield weapons in affluent parts of the world nor do I think it’s great when people are kept in a repressed cycle of misery in any of the other countries you’ve mentioned.
    Let’s not pretend that these instances like Monday aren’t a result of gun control laxity. And for all the bollocks about second amendment rights for people to protect themselves against tyranny it’s more about one multi million dollar gun lobbying firm trying to outdo another in its rhetoric.
    And when someone who to my understanding was just a psychopath who got himself in debt and probably would have looked upon what he did as a IRL version of GTA nihilism, you have to ask is it really a hardened encroachment of the liberties of millions to say, do people really need a personal arsenal like this.

    As to the state of these other countries the question is how you solve the problem?. My feeling would be to long term
    Wean ourselves off the black sludge sitting under them and then we no longer have to tolerate these psychotic potentates sell one side weapons to wipe out the other. And then if they start killing their own people en masses kill them.

    As for criticising people for what you perceive they care about more, human nature is to empathise with that you can relate to. People can relate to expensive hotels and music concerts more than they can dysentery and cutting your son down from a lamppost because he listened to Justin Bieber....the latter is more surreal.
    You are entirely open about having a political agenda and you aren't stating it through tears and hysteria. That means you aren't a rampaging hypocrite. That's what I have been talking about. The people using the deaths of others to out-grief each other is a sickening spectacle. These people who have found a fortuitous vehicle for advancing their agenda and then claim solidarity with the victims that pave the road. You ask them if they'd rather Vegas hadn't happened and they'll shout yes, and mean no. This is a gift horse for them.

    Did you hear that Clinton cunt? We must not politicise this tragedy, but we need to ban silencers. WTF?
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  10. #23220
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    Quote Originally Posted by McNamara That Ghost... View Post
    You make assumptions, my response to you is based on your own statement. You placed your virtue of 'honesty' as differentiating you from everybody else; above everybody else. If that isn't grandstanding, then I don't know what is.

    I do enjoy you claiming other people displaying outrage as being disingenous though.

    Also, I hope you will do something with your genuinely useful remedy however i.e maybe move in to a political career or column writing? And I am being serious there.
    I don't make any assumptions about the people I'm talking about. There's no need to. They are transparent.

    Political career? Are you quite serious? Column writing? The very best investigative journalists are sidelined and ignored these days because what they have to say is far too discomforting.

    Nah. I'll just wait. Things are going my way and there's no rush.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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