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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #23581
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    That's what you get when you have 2 idiots in charge of super states

  2. #23582
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Someone has been "Triggered".

    I saw the quote from Kim Jong Un and Tweet from Trump so yeah, it's pretty much exactly how it went down.

    All quite entertaining.
    Ah, you're learning the lingo. Just goes to show, anybody can be brought into the fold. But you're not quite ready to bring a bit of thought into your argument yet. Which is fine. It will come.

    The actual triggering going on here is Trump's tweets. He (or rather the staff that are posting for him) tweets and the media is yanked up by the strings for another dance. It has been happening for a year now and there's no sign of it abating. Trump has brought world leaders out from behind their sealed rooms and engaged them in a public forum for all to see. And he's taken the establishment media and stripped it bare, exposing it to public view for anyone who care to look. And many have. Most likely you don't realise what a valuable development this is, but never mind for now. You'll get there with the tip-over crowd who always come along once the numbers make it safe for them to do so.

    You're supposed to believe, conditioned to believe, Trump is making random tweets personally. That's for your consumption, and for the consumption of the fools who walked straight into the Russian collusion deathtrap because, like you and so many others, they became lazy and complacent and so sure of themselves and the infallibility and robustness of their system. The other side to Trump's tweets are serving their purpose just as well. Trump's speech in Korea was clear, decisive and perfectly measured. His follow-up in China, we'll have to wait and see. And the tiny snippet you have taken and blown into "news" gives you a puff piece to get all excited about while reinforcing the message that has already been sent. You're confused because it's not couched in diplomatic speech. You expect diplomats and lawyers and financiers to talk above your head in coded language because you assume they are your betters and that's how they have retained and protected their power. Well that old way is dying, in front of your eyes that don't want to see. And you are afraid, which is understandable, confused, equally understandable, and eventually you'll be mortally embarrassed, angry and finally - grateful. It's very predictable and you can take some comfort from knowing there are millions like you.

    Trump isn't going anywhere, unless he gets careless and one of your authoritarian lot gets a shot. And the"strange" ways (ways we normal people engage in every day without a second thought) aren't going away either. I'll tell you someone who is going away though, your mate Clinton. Have you been keeping up with that news, or didn't it make it into your reading list yet? There's genuine news out there if you want to look for it. Stunning developments over the last week alone. Saudi. Mueller. Hollywood. The DNC. Vegas. All interconnected. But yeah, Trump said some guy is fat. That's the news, for sure.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #23583
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Don't forget the fish piece. The one where Trump murdered all those fish. Boy, what a dumbarse!
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  4. #23584
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Yeah. Actually, I just thought it was a funny tweet.
    Two world leaders trading silly insults like this like kids (whether they personally did it or it was on their behalf) is objectively amusing.

  5. #23585
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yeah. Actually, I just thought it was a funny tweet.
    Two world leaders trading silly insults like this like kids (whether they personally did it or it was on their behalf) is objectively amusing.
    You expect better from your betters?
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  6. #23586
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    They're not my betters. I would expect better from grown ups.

  7. #23587
    I expect a petulant man child with a personality disorder to behave like one

    In the same way I expect a sociopath with blood lust to murder people and boast about it

    The Trump/Duterte partnership

  8. #23588
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    They're not my betters. I would expect better from grown ups.
    Would you?

    So tell me what the world looks like today. The one that has been run up until this point by the adults you expect better from. How does the world as it stands tally with your Christian values, for example?

    Do you even get a hint of the disconnect?

    Tell me more about these adults you are comparing Trump to.
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  9. #23589
    Hmmm if I didn’t know better I’d say human beings are naturally fallible and corruptible

    But no we have all just been led astray by a clandestine elite rather than just the blind leading the blind since time immemorial.

    The world is a shit hole because as you do in fairness point out people have a large amount of blindness and hypocrisy in respect of right and wrong.

    By I’m not the one treating those who revel in said hypocrisy and vices and treat them as virtues as the gateway to a more equitable world.

  10. #23590
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I expect a petulant man child with a personality disorder to behave like one

    In the same way I expect a sociopath with blood lust to murder people and boast about it

    The Trump/Duterte partnership
    Same question goes to you. Pick an example of any world leader anywhere and compare and contrast with Trump. Show me the distinction, not in press coverage, but in actions. I'm guessing you aren't a fan of Duterte because he's 'fessed up? Is that what makes him different in your eyes?
    Für eure Sicherheit

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