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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #24121
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    Doubling down, I see. No point in taking this debate any further because you'll continue to dig your heels in.

    Saudi's at heel. You've lost me on that one. A record breaking arms deal whilst helping to wipe out their that Trump's in charge you actually believe this Iranian 'uprising' is genuine? Please. How convenient. I won't even start on the whole tax thing. You have lost your way.
    Rapid escape.
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  2. #24122
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    How would you know?
    How would you know it has? You're the one saying all these things have happened, where is your evidence?
    I'll just take one: "The climate change scam cut off at the knees".
    What does that even mean? Trump said he wants to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement - something the US cannot do until 2020 under the terms of it. Every other world leader told him to stop being a prick and even some governors of US states said that even if the US does withdraw from it they would continue to adhere to it. So cut off at the knees? Really? How so?
    You claim all the stuff has happened over the last year. Provide evidence and facts and sources, not vague assertions.

    You always do this. Make vague claims to know better than me but never actually say anything concrete. You almost never provide any sources for your views. You berate me for parroting views from elsewhere, ignoring the fact that you do the exact same thing - just from different sources which you rarely provide. You think global warming is a scam. So you're a climate scientist, are you? You have done plenty of your own peer reviewed research into the matter, have you? Balls, have you. You just use different sources. What makes yours correct?

    I neither think that what I see in the media is a true reflection of the world around me nor do I think that everything the mainstream media prints is false. Do they have an agenda? Sure, so does everyone. So do the sources you look at.

    Instead you piss on the people who do stand up.
    You're standing up, are you? What, by posting on here? What are you actually doing?

  3. #24123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I’ll give that bloated oaf credit where it’s true, what he said on New Year’s Day about Pakistan was absolutely correct, though of course like with 95% of what he says I don’t expect any substantive action to come from it.
    The one thing I will say for him, he's pretty much the only politician I can remember who is actually doing the things he said he was going to do before the election.
    Unfortunately I don't want him to do any of those things but credit where it's due, he's doing what he said, or trying to.

  4. #24124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    The North Korea thing is just a big nothing

    Very similar mentality between Kim Jong Un and Trump, both are trying to play the strong leader. The survival of the Kim dynasty is based upon constant reassertion of their military strength and Trumps grandstanding plays into their hands of projecting the perception of the evil imperialist Americans. And Trumps bravado and machismo proves to his rabid base that he’s finally standing up to the DPRK, when in fact any sanctions against the state as always have to go through China.

    I’ll give that bloated oaf credit where it’s true, what he said on New Year’s Day about Pakistan was absolutely correct, though of course like with 95% of what he says I don’t expect any substantive action to come from it.
    The real war is with China. A trade war if you look at it in globalist terms, national interest and survival if you look at it in terms of the west.

    The globalists used China's "assistance" with North Korea as fake benefit in return for conceding entirely self-interested economic wins for the Chinese at the expense of Americans. We've seen the same shit here in the UK. All those new tech jobs that miners and manufacturers were encouraged to train in for a bright new future? Mercilessly shipped abroad so a few bastards could benefit from slave labour forces at the cost of a few suicide nets. The west shipping its industry east has been an epic disaster. The essence of globalisation and not a single of the promised benefits in return, other that cheap consumer junk that has piled into a debt crisis.

    Trump doesn't need the Chinese to broker a continuing standoff with North Korea because his interests aren't aligned with Chinese interests, which was the case with that scumbag Obama and the previous Bush/ Clinton rats. When you hear Goldman Sachs squealing you know that something is being done right. Trump had no problem exposing Chinese duplicity with it's excess oil shipments to North Korea in breach of UN resolutions. He's not treading in egg shells and he's removed the Chinese ability to brandish North Korea as a threat. The North Koreans can fire as many dustbins as they like but it will be the Chinese who will have to make a move if they want to prevent Trump doing what he has promised to do, put American interests first. And they might. So I don't think it's nothing.
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  5. #24125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    How would you know it has? You're the one saying all these things have happened, where is your evidence?
    I'll just take one: "The climate change scam cut off at the knees".
    What does that even mean? Trump said he wants to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement - something the US cannot do until 2020 under the terms of it. Every other world leader told him to stop being a prick and even some governors of US states said that even if the US does withdraw from it they would continue to adhere to it. So cut off at the knees? Really? How so?
    You claim all the stuff has happened over the last year. Provide evidence and facts and sources, not vague assertions.

    You always do this. Make vague claims to know better than me but never actually say anything concrete. You almost never provide any sources for your views. You berate me for parroting views from elsewhere, ignoring the fact that you do the exact same thing - just from different sources which you rarely provide. You think global warming is a scam. So you're a climate scientist, are you? You have done plenty of your own peer reviewed research into the matter, have you? Balls, have you. You just use different sources. What makes yours correct?

    I neither think that what I see in the media is a true reflection of the world around me nor do I think that everything the mainstream media prints is false. Do they have an agenda? Sure, so does everyone. So do the sources you look at.

    You're standing up, are you? What, by posting on here? What are you actually doing?
    Paris. Read up on it. In fact weren't you crying about it the other day? Or was that another know-nothing globalist? Without the US it's a non-event in global terms - which was the whole scam. Global taxation. So if governors of US states want to inflict taxation directly that will be down to them. You think that will happen? Maybe, until election time at least. Sorry, but your global warming scam is stillborn.
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  6. #24126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Rapid escape.
    Everytime I bring up the Saudi Arabia you you bolt for the exit. You know as well as I do that some of things we've seen with Qatar, Yemen and now Iran comes from US/Saudi ties. Still no comment.

  7. #24127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Paris. Read up on it.
    Yes. I mentioned that.
    But feel free to ignore the rest of my post. Oh, you have. Fair enough.

  8. #24128
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yes. I mentioned that.
    But feel free to ignore the rest of my post. Oh, you have. Fair enough.
    NQ gets all his news from Breitbart and Infowars. No wonder he thinks Trump is great.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  9. #24129
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    Everytime I bring up the Saudi Arabia you you bolt for the exit. You know as well as I do that some of things we've seen with Qatar, Yemen and now Iran comes from US/Saudi ties. Still no comment.
    There is no evidence at all, form any source, that even hints at US involvement in the events in Iran. Unless I have missed them, in which case you can provide them and I'll reevaluate. Right now it looks like the real deal, a genuine uprising. In which case I support it 100% and wish them all the best fortune. And even if there was US involvement, it wouldn't be Trump pulling the strings, it would be the intelligence services. And in case you haven't noticed the obvious, they are working against Trump, not for him. But not for much longer I think.

    If you need this to be a Trump led coup in Iran, for whatever reason, I would not support that because it would be a breach of national sovereignty by a foreign power. So we should be clear on where I stand, and have always stood, now.

    My opinion on Saudi Arabia has also been crystal clear from the outset. I would like to see that place bombed off the face of the earth. It is the heart of global terrorism, it it a main source of funding for the globalist scum and it is an exporter of barbaric religion. However, it can't be bombed off the face of the earth without the same fate befalling just about everyone else. So it has to be managed and contained. As I said before, that arms deal has nothing to do with Trump. That would have been agreed long before he even ran for office and he's be dead as a doornail if he'd have tried to stop it. You really think that's the US president running a deal like that? He's the stage act rolled out to rubber stamp the fait accompli. But if you need it to be Trump's deal then fine. I'd be against that deal if Trump organised it, because it makes no sense to give a bunch of barbaric terrorists a whole bunch of weapons.

    What Trump has actually achieved is to sideline the key funders of the globalists. Their assets have been seized and they have been put under house arrest. I actually have direct knowledge of this as told first hand by a UK businessman who lost heavily when his benefactors were rounded up and his deal went down the pan, along with a large amount owing. So it's quite real. But if you need it to be something else then if Trump has somehow empowered the Saudis by having half the royals locked up then I'd be against that too.

    It all depends what's real and what's mainstream news, doesn't it?
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  10. #24130
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yes. I mentioned that.
    But feel free to ignore the rest of my post. Oh, you have. Fair enough.
    "I'll just take one" - seems you ignore your posts too.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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