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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #24191
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It's weird how NQ sees Trump as this shrewd operator playing the media and getting things done.
    I think pretty much no-one else sees it that way.
    What you think just shows how dumb you are. You should do yourself a huge favour and never speak. The "no-one else" you claim to know about put Trump in the Whitehouse and you've been crying ever since. Wipe your eyes and come up with an argument against Trump's policies if you are so affected. At some point the one liners need to turn into substance, unless you are just here to wise crack about something you know and care nothing about. Which I suspect is the case.
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  2. #24192
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    What you think just shows how dumb you are.
    I guess everyone else who thinks Trump is a bumbling idiot ™ with the temperament of a spoilt toddler must be dumb too then.
    Once again you know better than all of us. Clever you.
    I have already given my argument against the travel ban, must have done it on here. I touched briefly on the Paris Agreement in another thread recently.
    It seems that the way you assess whether things are true or not depends entirely on whether they agree with your world view.
    I'm sure you're aware of Confirmation Bias, you don't seem to realise how prone you are to it. Not uniquely of course, we all do it to an extent. But from things on here it seems you do it more than most.

  3. #24193
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Yes, and Trump fucked up his response on this occasion. Unless he thought getting shot of Bannon was more important than making a tactical error. In the end it will be a small price to pay. The book will make a few quid and then fade away. Bannon won't be getting back into the fold though and now we'll see how marvellous this self proclaimed revolutionary is when he has to stand on his own two feet and make his own argument. That's if his funding doesn't dry up abruptly when his new friend ends up in a Chinese labour camp. Even so, the fact some (not even all this time) of the media has seized on this as credible is just more ammunition they are firing into their own feet in the long run. If that's all they have then they have nothing.
    As I’ve said Trump is the media’s golden goose

    Love him or hate him he’s the gift that keeps on giving. I bet you half of his base who despise CNN still watch it because of the wall to wall coverage of this guy.

    I always challenged people who said he was the next Hitler because it was patently absurd. A reality tv Star is behaving like a reality tv Star and the biggest victim in all of it appears to be himself. On one hand it’s not all bad because it fuels his desperate need for attention. But if you look beyond what is said in the tweets, the frequency of them shows a guy desperately trying to control a situation and the narrative.

    And why? Because he can’t let things go. It’s like if you or I remembered every single slight or perceived slight against us from other users on this board. I sometimes bite because I love arguments especially if I think I’m in the right. But neither of us I’m guessing pathologically needs to level the playing fields in our own minds on each and every occasion.

    That’s what Trump needs. It explains his insistence on threatening the book with legal challenges. The author doesn’t give a fuck whether his book lasts long in the memory or not, he’s going to get a few interviews for a few weeks and make a fuck ton of money and then he’ll move on. What’s the betting Trump will still be harping on about it in a year or so.

    As far as his future is concerned I’m still of the opinion I was a year ago he won’t stand for a second term. I think he genuinely hates having this job.

  4. #24194
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I guess everyone else who thinks Trump is a bumbling idiot ™ with the temperament of a spoilt toddler must be dumb too then.
    Once again you know better than all of us. Clever you.
    I have already given my argument against the travel ban, must have done it on here. I touched briefly on the Paris Agreement in another thread recently.
    It seems that the way you assess whether things are true or not depends entirely on whether they agree with your world view.
    I'm sure you're aware of Confirmation Bias, you don't seem to realise how prone you are to it. Not uniquely of course, we all do it to an extent. But from things on here it seems you do it more than most.
    Nope, stop diverting. I called YOU dumb. Stop trying to hide behind "all of us". You've proven you're dumb, every time you type. I'm more than happy to engage with people who aren't proud of being dumb. And I do. As you can see. I have even tried to engage wit you, but there are limits to everything. And your amateur psychology? Just more proof. You are so confident in your ignorance.
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  5. #24195
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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  6. #24196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Nope, stop diverting. I called YOU dumb. Stop trying to hide behind "all of us". You've proven you're dumb, every time you type. I'm more than happy to engage with people who aren't proud of being dumb. And I do. As you can see. I have even tried to engage wit you, but there are limits to everything. And your amateur psychology? Just more proof. You are so confident in your ignorance.
    You do have an amazing ability to say a lot without actually saying anything.
    Basically that post boils down to "You're dumb, lolz". The debating tactic of a child. No wonder you like Trump so much...

  7. #24197
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    As I’ve said Trump is the media’s golden goose

    Love him or hate him he’s the gift that keeps on giving. I bet you half of his base who despise CNN still watch it because of the wall to wall coverage of this guy.

    I always challenged people who said he was the next Hitler because it was patently absurd. A reality tv Star is behaving like a reality tv Star and the biggest victim in all of it appears to be himself. On one hand it’s not all bad because it fuels his desperate need for attention. But if you look beyond what is said in the tweets, the frequency of them shows a guy desperately trying to control a situation and the narrative.

    And why? Because he can’t let things go. It’s like if you or I remembered every single slight or perceived slight against us from other users on this board. I sometimes bite because I love arguments especially if I think I’m in the right. But neither of us I’m guessing pathologically needs to level the playing fields in our own minds on each and every occasion.

    That’s what Trump needs. It explains his insistence on threatening the book with legal challenges. The author doesn’t give a fuck whether his book lasts long in the memory or not, he’s going to get a few interviews for a few weeks and make a fuck ton of money and then he’ll move on. What’s the betting Trump will still be harping on about it in a year or so.

    As far as his future is concerned I’m still of the opinion I was a year ago he won’t stand for a second term. I think he genuinely hates having this job.
    Oh come on. That line, "He hates the job, he didn't want to be president...", that's been rolled out as part of the 25th Amendment narrative. Coincidence? I'm just saying. Maybe you thought that beforehand but the drip, drip, drip of the legacy media is designed to bend the narrative in certain directions. Anyway, the idea of the narcissist who loathes being top dog just doesn't make sense.

    I don't disagree with the idea he has an ego that is easily bruised. That's a character flaw probably related to him always being the dominant force in the room. Whether running a business, bullying the bank, firing the wannabe and now the biggest chair of all. And he's overreacted to this book and let his focus be drawn. The first mistake he's made. The jackals have bitten him for the first time and over such a nothing issue. That's where they'll keep on nipping now, but they don't seem to understand the more they thrash around the more people see them for what they are. So it's a win followed by a whole series of more damaging losses for them. Whereas Trump is not going to be damaged by a book in the long run.
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  8. #24198
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You do have an amazing ability to say a lot without actually saying anything.
    Basically that post boils down to "You're dumb, lolz". The debating tactic of a child. No wonder you like Trump so much...
    See how dumb you are?

    You claim I don't say anything and then you confirm I'm saying you're dumb.

    Pretty dumb, right?

    And then you call me a child and finish with, "No wonder you like Trump..."

    See what I mean.

    Personally I would have said, "No wonder you LOVE Trump..."
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  9. #24199
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Confirmation Bias isn't amateur psychology by the way, it's professional psychology. But from your posts on here you seem less aware of it and more prone to it than most.
    And, might I add, you smell of poo poo.

  10. #24200
    The fact is Letters what do you even care even if NQ is saying that Trump the non politician is playing the establishment so hard they don’t know whether to shit or wind their wristwatch and the rest of you are too brainwashed to see the intricate genius of it, is it really something to soil your knickers over.

    Trump is addictive viewing love him or hate him, the media presents itself as a watchdog to him and whether they realise it or not they are peddling the guys agenda. The agenda of Trump has and always has been Trump.

    To that end he’s been a massive success, because I can’t think of any politician past or present that’s been talked about as much as him.

    That’s ultimately what sustains him. The political platform he ran on was one he gratefully inherited because a) as it transpired rightly or wrongly it was a winning platform and b) the controversy its stirred has put him in his favourite place front and centre.

    It’s not to say Trump secretly doesn’t hold any of these views, I think it’s more that political views are like friends, businesses and everything else in his life. Ephemeral and peripheral to his ultimate need for constant self aggrandisement

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