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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #25451
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    *NQ goes to his room, slams the door and shouts "I hate you!!"*

    NQ asks a question and our hero mod runs to what he knows best. Being a WUM and posting his wikkle smileys.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #25452
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I answered your question, you called me a liar.
    End of conversation

  3. #25453
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I answered your question, you called me a liar.
    End of conversation
    Not the end of the conversation - unless you want to get your mod tools out again FTW?

    It's laughably obvious what you did but, as in the other thread, you're not man enough to admit it.

    And my question covered all the other occasions when you piped up on the subject with your transparent repeater routine. Unless you literally don't read the things you post, you must have some reason for this backwater lobby against the 2nd Amendment. So I'm asking - what's the reason?

    Why do you have an issue with foreigners having the right to bear arms, how does it affect you either way and why do you think it's any business of yours anyway?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #25454
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Why do you have an issue with foreigners having the right to bear arms,
    I don't, per se.
    But semi-automatic weapons
    1) Aren't going to cut it in a fight against the government, they have drones and nuclear weapons and shit
    2) Aren't necessary for any sensible self-defence reasons and are being used far too regularly by lunatics in mass-shootings.

    I think literally no-one is calling for disarming of people in the US. Never going to happen, the genie is out of the bottle, the gun culture is too ingrained over there.
    But there is no good reason an ordinary citizen would need a weapon as powerful as some of the ones which are far too easy to buy in the US.

    I don't think it has to be any business of mine to have an opinion about something. So yes, I have an opinion about this and lots of things which don't particularly affect me directly.
    I have an opinion on the winner of BGT for example. Doesn't affect me in any way, but I have an opinion.
    But today's post wasn't meant to make any particular point, it was a stupid incident, it was a stupid joke.

  5. #25455
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Well your opinion is bullshit and it annoys me.

    So please post it to a new thread entitled "Letter's Bullshit Nonsense"


    That's fair, right? Even handed?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #25456
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    My opinion may be bullshit...although that is a matter of opinion.
    It is, however, in the correct section of the forum...

    Oh, and since you asked. I like the BGT dude. He is genuinely funny. BUT, he won some "best new comedy act" award in 2014 and was commissioned to write a sit-com which apparently will air this year.
    Isn't the point of BGT to pluck talent from obscurity, not give someone who was already professional a career boost?

    EDIT: My name is Letters, not Letter. What is this, amateur apostrophe corner?

  7. #25457
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    My opinion may be bullshit...although that is a matter of opinion.
    It is, however, in the correct section of the forum...

    Oh, and since you asked. I like the BGT dude. He is genuinely funny. BUT, he won some "best new comedy act" award in 2014 and was commissioned to write a sit-com which apparently will air this year.
    Isn't the point of BGT to pluck talent from obscurity, not give someone who was already professional a career boost?

    EDIT: My name is Letters, not Letter. What is this, amateur apostrophe corner?
    It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of informed opinion if it is to be useful in any way. Your bullshit is just about as uninformed as is possible.

    References to drones and nuclear weapons. Bullshit. That one's obvious.

    It's irrelevant who would prevail in an armed conflict between the state and its citizenry. The right to bear arms is the question at hand. What sort of dimwitted argument is it to say the because you may not prevail in conflict your rights should therefore be infringed? So, bullshit again.

    Your opinion on what is or isn't necessary in terms of self defence is also irrelevant. You have fuck all experience in the matter I'll (correctly) assume. So how do you know what's necessary or unnecessary? I doubt you could even define what a semi automatic weapon is without running off to Wikipedia. And your blessed opinion on the number of shooters dosed up on psychiatric medications is sadly missing. I suppose things might get complicated if you looked beyond your prescribed talking points.

    Plenty of Americans are calling for a complete firearms ban and a compulsory buy-back scheme of the type enforced on Australians. So we'll put that one down to your general ignorance of the subject.

    "Gun culture" is your lefty pejorative. There are diverse cultures across the United States but tired old propaganda easily lends itself to ignoramuses, such as yourself, who cheerily stereotype entire nations. As you did following the Trump election, with your, "racist, xenophobic", summation and with your more recent conclusions about British people being too stupid to vote.

    And then another opinion pulled straight out of your arsehole as you state there is "no good reason" for people you don't know the first thing about buying "powerful" weapons (whatever they are in your glossary of expertise). Again, what the fuck do you know about such things?

    Topped off with the "far too easy to buy" bullshit that really ices the metaphorical cake. Based on such an idiotic claim, it seems the BBC articles you've been stuffing your head with (and the repeating as if you really had an opinion) didn't explain the process of purchasing automatic weapons in the US. As has been explained to you before (in vain), criminals don't hold the law in much esteem. There are tough laws in place, the problem being the government which is too incompetent to enforce them. The laws that many are demanding be put in place are already in place.

    Then you stick your foot up your own arse by claiming the right to have an opinion, which I don't disagree with. It's your reticence with others having an opinion that I have noticed firsthand.

    Some garbage about your bullshit being in the correct forum section, which I don't dispute. My post about Wenger posted in the Wenger thread didn't seem to meet your self serving standard though. Why is that? And your tortured reasoning that Wenger has "nothing to do" with Arsenal. You're all over the place, aren't you?

    Don't know what BGT is and I don't fancy pretending to know and then sharing an ignorant opinion on it. But I suppose it's something trivial, in keeping with your character. Slightly amusing you attempted to frame it in the manner you did. But not amusing in the way you were trying for. You can't come up with that style out of the blue and hope to pull it off, especially when you are quite the arsehole the rest of the time.

    And I'll call you what I want. As you already proved in the other thread, you're less of a man than even I realised. So it'll be Letter for now, until I can think of something more fitting.

    Go on - get your mod tools out. Either put an end to this and show us what you're made of, or be big enough to undo your bullshit.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  8. #25458
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    You seem cross

  9. #25459
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    You seem cross
    Like I said, no balls. A sad excuse for a man.

    At least you have your mod tools to compensate.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  10. #25460
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    Imaginary internet power
    You used to be everything to me
    Now you're tired of fighting

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