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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #28241
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Seen the rest now.

    Wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be but overall it sounds like being in the Royal family is not much fun.

  2. #28242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Watching it now.

    She’s basically claiming that Archie isn’t a prince because racism, it wasn’t explained to her why and she was told Archie wouldn’t get protection.

    I’m calling bullshit on all of that. He isn’t a prince because of some boring royal protocol which has affected other direct descendants of the Queen. Of course that would have been explained to her and he’d have got protection.

    For clarity, I’m not saying that she hasn’t been the victim of racism, but not everything is about race.
    This is part of the problem of being interviewed by an American chat show host as they dont fully understand the workings of the royal family. If she made that claim here, the interviewer would have asked why she thinks it was racist given that both Princess Anne’s & Prince Edward’s children are not Princes or Princesses. Eugenie’s son, who i suppose is directly comparable to Archie in terms of being a great grandchild, also has no right to be a prince despite his mother being a princess by birth.

    I think i said earlier, i struggle with other parts of her interview and not sure how believable it is. She talks about how no one helped her with protocol or even learning the national anthem. Fair enough, there is a lot of protocol around the Queen but surely the first person who should be asked (tbh they shouldnt even have to be asked) is your husband Prince Harry rather then expecting civil servants to brief you.

    When it comes to her mental health, I’m sure it’s was a struggle. Marrying into the royal family is a huge undertaking given the responsibilities that come with it and I’m sure it was hard, especially as a huge culture change from being an outspoken American actress to a member of the British establishment who has to watch every word. I can also believe the Queen or Charles given their generation probably favor the stiff upper lip approach when it comes to mental health & therapy but i really struggle to believe that if civil servants in the palace or even the Queen herself was told by Meghan she was feeling suicidal that they would ignore it. I’m just not sure how plausible that is. Also at the time, Harry along with William had set up a mental health charity (Heads UP i think) so if Meghan told him the palace were ignoring her, surely again there was someone he could have contacted at his own charity for help?

    Another thing that sounded false was her claiming they took her passport & driving licence away when she joined the family and was only allowed it back when she left for US a year ago. I suspect she might not have been allowed to drive here in teh UK as she would have security doing that for her but not sure fully how that works. The passport though i again don’t believe, she traveled to the US for a private baby shower, her & Harry also travelled in Europe to join Elton John on his private yacht. Both trips are not royal trips so i suspect those countries would have required passports for entry so clearly she still had it.

    The interview showed them both up as quite naive in my opinion especially when it came to security. Harry seemed totally shocked when he was told it would be withdrawn when he left the family. YOu dont quit your job & still expect to be paid so why did he expect any different? Working royals only have security when working, the Queen, Charles & William have 24/7 security given they are direct succession. Even princess Anne doesnt have it 24/7.

    Moaning they were cut off and just had to survive on what his mother left him also sounds pathetic. She left him £40 million, not exactly poverty. There is a lot of suspicion over the reasons they left and accusations they just want money etc. As private citizens, go for it, make as much as you want but dont sit there claiming you never had any intention & you only signed deals with Netflix as you forced into it to survive. When you have £40 million in the bank, you are not being forced to do anything.

    I think Meghan woefully underestimated when marrying into the royal family meant and it truly was difficult for her. Hopefully mentally she & harry are in good places now and have a good life. They want to be private citizens so good luck but some of her claims are bullshit and deserve to be called out.

  3. #28243
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  4. #28244
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    I saw that on twitter earlier. Impressive camera work.

    Wonder how many takes that took

  5. #28245
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    So a MET police officer has now been arrested on suspicion of murder over the disappearance of Sarah Everard last week in london.

    I thought i read this morning they had been arrested in connection with the disappareance so to upgrade it to murder later in the day suggests that they now have evidence that she is no longer alive. Very sad

  6. #28246
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    yes, sounds like the plot of one of those murder dramas doesn't it, but a bit different when it's real.

  7. #28247
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    Without knowing all the facts and of course, every chance that the police officer in question is entirely innocent, i do find it impressive how quickly the police can track a suspect. She went missing a week ago i think and they now have arrested someone. If it is the right person, that is impressively quick detective work especially as judging by the appeals on social media, they were desperately looking for footage of the area

  8. #28248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    I really struggle to believe that if civil servants in the palace or even the Queen herself was told by Meghan she was feeling suicidal that they would ignore it. I’m just not sure how plausible that is.
    This is a bit I do believe actually, but maybe my thoughts on that are coloured by watching The Crown where it sounds like Diana was treated pretty shabbily and didn't get help when she was struggling with bulimia.
    I realise you need to take anything in that programme with a pinch of salt but overall it seems like the expectations put on a person when they join the monarchy are pretty high and when someone comes in without the cultural background of knowing what they're all about and then the press turn against them too it must be hard. The difference between Diana and Meghan is that Diana's marriage was a bit of a sham so she didn't even have that support.

  9. #28249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    This is a bit I do believe actually, but maybe my thoughts on that are coloured by watching The Crown where it sounds like Diana was treated pretty shabbily and didn't get help when she was struggling with bulimia.
    I realise you need to take anything in that programme with a pinch of salt but overall it seems like the expectations put on a person when they join the monarchy are pretty high and when someone comes in without the cultural background of knowing what they're all about and then the press turn against them too it must be hard. The difference between Diana and Meghan is that Diana's marriage was a bit of a sham so she didn't even have that support.
    I agree that back in the 80s it would have been different but mental health was almost a taboo subject back then.

    Today its very different. Harry & William very publicly launched a mental health campaign a few years ago and ran a charity for it. If it ever came out (well no longer an if) i suspect it would have done huge damage to their efforts with their charity etc.

    Meghan said she went to HR about it which seems odd to me as a first port of call rather than one of the doctors working at the palace etc but given all we know about HR departments these days, i again struggle to believe they would reject it or hush it up. We get countless emails from work HR about our mental health in lockdown. Also didnt Harry & William both have therapy after their mother died? I’m sure i read that before but could be wrong.

  10. #28250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    Meghan claims her first scalp. Piers Morgan has quit Good Morning Britain.

    tbh i don't think there will be many taking his side on this one !
    Piers had to quit over what he said, he made his position untenable even for his standards.

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