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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #28821
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Try reading my post too, as i said I'm not a 'believer', see that's the anti-science brigade imposing language on others again, you are a fool as you refuse to accept things when the evidence is right there in front of you
    Evidence is whatever you want it to be these days, reflected best by the growing concern in the scientific community about agenda driven research. History is a much less controversial guide, until it gets rewritten at least. You can still dig through newspaper archives and find everything you need to expose the climate scam. Not that you would do such a thing as you prefer to let others do your thinking for you so you can simply repeat. The fucking mess people like you have made is unbelievable. You look at a world falling around your ears and call out everything you are instructed to blame. Racism, sexism, warmism, the cult of covid, anything that drives division and makes big money for the few. Yet the real issues aren't ever mentioned and it's doubtful you even know what they are. You're so dumb you can't even fathom the authoritarianism you champion is absolutely the worst way to go about securing the so-called diversity you claim to welcome. You have to be committed to be so determinedly blind to history.
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  2. #28822
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Semantics. The only difference between saying you "believe" something and that you "know" something is your own perceived level of certainty...
    Hooray! We're not doomed after all. Oh, except...
    Fuck me, it's impossible isn't it? Well yes, you checked the first item and the acreage is MASSIVELY reduced globally. BUT, no it's not... because climate change. And that's the warmist argument in a nutshell - the models are all wrong (every single one of them proved wrong over and over again), the history bears no resemblance to the wild claims (such as your utterly false assertion that severe weather patterns have increased - it's the opposite), but... ignore everything and just accept the word of the very same fuckers who have been wrong, wrong and wrong again. Some of these arseholes had civilisation ending in an ice age not so long ago. Then they had more imaginary catastrophes when the oil ran out. Fucking huge global glut of the stuff as we speak, 50 years after it was supposed to be gone. The same cunts who won't even listen to their own mates when a word of honesty escapes into the discussion - ask Michael Moore who had his documentary pulled for a split second "copyright violation".

    What you can't seem to wrap your head around is yes, the climate is changing as it always does, yes mankind is a polluting species that is making a shithole out of the planet, but no, we can't do a fucking think about the climate because we in no way control or influence that, but yes we could do plenty about pollution but nobody gives a fuck because that would cost corporate cunts money. Instead we talk about global regulatory bodies, further restrictions on our liberties and big costs for us, big profits for them based on junk science, propaganda and endless, easily disprovable lies.

    We SHOULD do more for our planet - no doubt. But we should not hand the responsibility over to serial criminals to manage and enforce because, as always, their intentions are wicked and self interested as they have shown every other time.

    If you really want to keep supporting the convergence of the covid scam and warmism at least stop for a moment to think of where that might deliver you. If you think it's a 100% healthy world that controls the climate of an entire planet you really must have a screw loose. Think about it. Think about how preposterous the stupid and outlandish claims being made by these criminals really are. They'll save you from viruses and command the sun? Fuck me, that's worse than the weirdest religious teachings.
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  3. #28823
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    Climate change is an undeniable fact. Its precursor is population explosion. If there are too many Badgers we cull them. If there are too many rats we exterminate. Human beings with their insatiable need for energy and the multinationals who are all too happy to provide it by any means are killing us all slowly. Nobody in power wants to stand up and state the facts. We need to defuse our population bomb which has tripled since 1900. We cant go on this way. Those who can afford it are already preparing for Armageddon. The rest of us have our eyes closed, ears plugged, pretending that it isnt happening. Agent Smith was so right. "Humans are a virus"
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  4. #28824
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    Climate change is an undeniable fact. Its precursor is population explosion. If there are too many Badgers we cull them. If there are too many rats we exterminate. Human beings with their insatiable need for energy and the multinationals who are all too happy to provide it by any means are killing us all slowly. Nobody in power wants to stand up and state the facts. We need to defuse our population bomb which has tripled since 1900. We cant go on this way. Those who can afford it are already preparing for Armageddon. The rest of us have our eyes closed, ears plugged, pretending that it isnt happening. Agent Smith was so right. "Humans are a virus"
    The population bomb is another myth. Used to disguise the poverty bomb. We COULD easily support the current global population and much higher levels if need be. But that would need a shift to equality based thinking and action rather than what we currently have, the exploitative model. What is it now? 1% of the population controls 40% of the wealth? Probably more like 50% following the covid scam. Do you know how cheap it would be to eradicate poverty compared to the huge investments we make in the business of exploitation?

    Every single "crisis" that goes mainstream is an excuse and misdirection from the vile behaviour of the same suspects. And even when you see through it and call them out they'll say hey, it's human nature. Well that's a myth too. Humans are cooperative given the chance. That's how we've even made it this far. Despite the demons in our midst.
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  5. #28825
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    You are conflating wealth with resources. Taking away Jeff Bezos wealth wont reduce the CO2 In the atmosphere.
    Making more people millionaires instantly will make things even worse. They will take more expensive holidays and buy more Ferraris. A middle income family with 3 kids and another with 6. Who will have the better standard of living?. Or is it now the job of government ie everybody else's taxes to pay for his 6 kids and build them houses. Bezos wouldn't be half as rich if there weren't so.many of us ready to buy the crap he is shifting around the planet.. Open your eyes. You think this planet can sustain 20b or 30b people if only millionaires would give up their wealth. Our mere existence guarantee their increased wealth. I thought you hated communism. It sounds like that's what you are advocating here
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  6. #28826
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    You are conflating wealth with resources. Taking away Jeff Bezos wealth wont reduce the CO2 In the atmosphere.
    Making more people millionaires instantly will make things even worse. They will take more expensive holidays and buy more Ferraris. A middle income family with 3 kids and another with 6. Who will have the better standard of living?. Or is it now the job of government ie everybody else's taxes to pay for his 6 kids and build them houses. Bezos wouldn't be half as rich if there weren't so.many of us ready to buy the crap he is shifting around the planet.. Open your eyes. You think this planet can sustain 20b or 30b people if only millionaires would give up their wealth. Our mere existence guarantee their increased wealth. I thought you hated communism. It sounds like that's what you are advocating here
    Well I didn't say any of that did I? And wealth IS resources, not worthless currency. Who gets to share in the abundant resources of the planet? What tasks are labour turned to? What's the role of technology? What's the role of science, and education? Right now all of these endeavours have been hijacked to support the agendas of the controlling classes, and I don't mean stupid politicians who claw their way onto the stage. I'm talking about generational control, corporations with more rights than human beings. Bezos himself isn't the problem or solution, either way. The practices he (or anyone like him) can deploy to gain exploitative control over resources and human beings are the problem. The two tier legal system. The corrupted political systems. We exist in a state where we are advised none of these problems can be addressed because people are fundamentally selfish and bad and "we'd all do it if we could." But there's only the evidence of bad people to support that theory, and the silence of the rest which is another huge problem. We've been tricked into thinking there is only ever one solution to every problem, giving more control to fewer individuals while we relinquish our own responsibilities.

    Btw, why on earth would we want to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere (as if we actually could)? You realise plants require it to live and thrive? And we're in a CO2 sparse era right now. Assuming you don't simply want to shoot the alleged excess population, won't they need to be fed? How is starving plant growth going to assist with that?
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  7. #28827
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    This is a science question, not about politics. Nature needs balance and humans have tipped the equation so badly. Most if not every scientist out there agrees that greenhouse gases are a problem Yet you say Nah, they are actually a good thing. The composition of the lower atmosphere we breath is pretty much accepted as being 79% Nitrogen and about 19% Oxygen. The CO2 and others are less than 2% but are highly significant. Trees wont thrive in a high CO2 environment because they dont need that much of it. The problem is CO2 is a heat incubator. Its literally a blanket thrown over the whole planet. Bottom line is I believe my scientists and you can believe yours. Humans are creating the surplus of CO2. Nature will make a balance in terrifying ways if we dont learn to live within our natural laws
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  8. #28828
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    This is a science question, not about politics. Nature needs balance and humans have tipped the equation so badly. Most if not every scientist out there agrees that greenhouse gases are a problem Yet you say Nah, they are actually a good thing. The composition of the lower atmosphere we breath is pretty much accepted as being 79% Nitrogen and about 19% Oxygen. The CO2 and others are less than 2% but are highly significant. Trees wont thrive in a high CO2 environment because they dont need that much of it. The problem is CO2 is a heat incubator. Its literally a blanket thrown over the whole planet. Bottom line is I believe my scientists and you can believe yours. Humans are creating the surplus of CO2. Nature will make a balance in terrifying ways if we dont learn to live within our natural laws
    Simply not true that most scientists agree in the climate scam. There have been studies that misrepresented their views and roped them into a "consensus", which of course is simply not relevant if we are talking science. Real science as opposed to the political science you hint I shouldn't talk about.

    I accept the work of scientists that can demonstrate their hypothesis by performing repeatable experimentation and verifying their results using mathematical principles. I don't have any time for "scientists" that extrapolate their theories into the future, have those theories destroyed by reality, ignore the outcome and extrapolate further. The MO of the climate scam. Never once have they predicted anything that bears any resemblance to the measurable reality - go and check this for yourself. Ice melting? No. Sea levels rising? No? Temperature rising? No. The last one you'll probably take most offence at because they have all their shitty graphs. Do you know how they build those graphs? They have temperature monitors in strategic locations across the globe. And then they have "virtual" sensors that are generated by models that have a 100% failure rate. 100% - look it up. They simply tune their virtual sensors to get the results they need and then they build their graphs. It's not science, it's fraud. Not me saying it - they said it themselves when they were caught red handed. But the media is corrupt, as any sensible person realises. So they get away with it.

    But I'm digging into one specific of a thousand. The strands of fraud are extensive, but pull on any one of them and real data from the past comprehensively debunks all of this new stupidity.

    It's a big subject so you dip in here and there because you can't cover it all. Rest assured though, wherever you do probe you will find the most blatant fraud. This shouldn't come as a surprise to you now you've experienced the covid scam? It will, of course, consume stupid people but I would expect anyone with functioning minds to quickly see through it.

    Let's put it another way.

    The world will end in 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040 and so on, right? Everywhere flooded, volcanos blasting the planet, hurricanes, unicorns farting lightning. OR, that won't happen. I wonder - based on the actual evidence of the past and the nonsense these tossers have been spouting all along - what do you thing will actually happen?

    Like I said, we have a lot to do to keep our own environments in good shape. The horrors of pollution, poverty, socialism, etc. But everyone rushing to make rich people richer based on fairy tales is not the best option.
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  9. #28829
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    Btw - did you watch Moore's doc? You should. I mention him because he's a fat socialist piece of shit but even he isn't buying into the nonsense. So the cultists turned on him. Watch the behaviour of these warmism extremists and that will tell you a lot too. Warmism is a top down agenda. The most fanatical drive the talking points and the repeaters go to work.
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  10. #28830
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    Read a few stories in the news recently about salaries and how perhaps those working at home should be paid less as not spending on the commute etc.

    If you are working at home majority of the time, i can see how an argument could be made to get rid of London weighting given that those extra costs are not being incurred as presumably msot living outside of london.

    However, the one argument that makes me laugh is how the pay should be cut because of the commuting costs saving as if pay is linked to commuting. Most years rail fares have increased by more then wages and yet you dont see those wanting the pay cuts arguing for pay increase to match the rail fare increase

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