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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #29631
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    NQ C`mon. Everybody having guns cant be a good thing. Where else has this worked?. Finland I hear has a relaxed ownership deal but the actual take up cant be that high because you never hear of someone going beserk and killing a dozen fellow citizens. Guns aren't needed to emancipate humanity. People need to use the weapon they already have. Vote. Vote for someone else than the 2 obvious choices. Better than that, put yourself forward. Be a candidate
    If you're going to kill your government you need guns because they have them. Simple as.

    Trace all eventualities and it inevitably come to that. Either now, sooner or later, we'll have to kill the bastards. There's no other way. I've thought about it, a thousand people more intelligent than me have thought about it. When you are up against monsters that cannot be negotiated with, what alternative do you have?

    But that reality is too much for people who do not value vigilance. So set that aside for a moment.

    Kids gets shot at school, worshippers get shot at church, shoppers get shot at the mall. All sad, but utterly insignificant in the grand scheme of death. The amount of deaths by unnatural means in America is truly horrific but only a tiny minority occurs by gunshot wound. I mention this to bring the fire of context the talking points you hear from commie repeaters who worship government above all else. The tragic deaths highlighted in the media pale compared to the tragic deaths ignored by the media. I'm talking thousands to one. Consider that.

    So, be sure, the hand-wringing gun control freaks posting here there are everywhere are abso-fucking-lutely delighted that kids got shot. Because it fills their agenda bucket. Yes, they are that fucking evil, like the cunt who pulled the trigger. They are also the ort of cunts who support big pharma. And big media. And every divisive and destructive horror that converts human beings into whatever it was that pulled that trigger.

    Obviously guns don't kill. There are more guns in America than people. So if it was the gun doing the killing, every school-kid would be dead by now. This is how simply the anti-gun moron agenda falls down. Why isn't every gun owner shooting kids? Explain?

    So there's more to it. I already mentioned big pharma, big media and big government. Big tech helps too, to dehumanise. These are mentally broken and detached (y drugs) remnants who are pulling the trigger. They have been made that way, not by guns, but by the society that broke them.

    The simplicity of blaming the gun does not fly here. Blaming the gun is to ignore the horrific reality of what society has become. It takes a special kind of sickness to target kids. Where does that sickness come from? Smith & Wesson? Really? I think it comes from somewhere else.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #29632
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    both LinkedIn and Twitter are currently down - interesting

  3. #29633
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The simplicity of blaming the gun does not fly here. Blaming the gun is to ignore the horrific reality of what society has become. It takes a special kind of sickness to target kids. Where does that sickness come from? Smith & Wesson? Really? I think it comes from somewhere else.
    Agreed. But given that sickness exists, it would be nice if the people who have that sickness don't have easy access to a firearm.
    An armed population isn't going to overthrow the government. You're bringing guns to a drone fight.

  4. #29634
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Agreed. But given that sickness exists, it would be nice if the people who have that sickness don't have easy access to a firearm.
    An armed population isn't going to overthrow the government. You're bringing guns to a drone fight.
    How bad do you think it's going to get? Now that every kind of fuckery has become the norm? What kind of adults will the kids being abused today grow up to be? Vile trannies, anti-science end of the world nutters, teaching to hate your own culture, proclaiming you a racist by nature, decimating privacy and selling kids as commodities on tech platforms, sexualising everything, absolute disdain for anything greater than man, the total breakdown of every bond that keeps society in place, destruction of the family and pride in all the deadly sins.

    This is a campaign of subversion on all fronts.

    If you want to fight the forces of the bastards doing this with your bare hands then good luck.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #29635
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    Presumably people fleeing the area in case they accidentally heard any of it

  6. #29636
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    If you want to fight the forces of the bastards doing this with your bare hands then good luck.
    You’re highlighting societal problems, some of which I agree with
    But I don’t think this is a physical battle so I don’t see how guns (or bare hands) will work.

  7. #29637
    Pat Rice LDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You’re highlighting societal problems, some of which I agree with
    But I don’t think this is a physical battle so I don’t see how guns (or bare hands) will work.
    I understand that, but its not about whether you win or not. If people genuinely educated themselves on the societal problems you agree exist, then a coming together of those persons can only overthrow those who promote the problems we face, by force. Because that is what those arseholes will use against you when faced with resistance.

    The right to bear arms is essential.
    It's better to burn out, than to fade away.

  8. #29638
    Member Globalgunner's Avatar
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    I read recently that Switzerland....of all places has some of the highest gun ownership rates in the world. The Swiss!. They look to all appearances like they couldnt bear to kill a single one of their beloved cows even in a famine im sure but there you are

    However ypu never hear of some beserker run amok killing dozens because he is having a bad day

    This disease is a peculiarly American problem. They are only a week or so removed mentally from the days 150 years ago when you could legally shoot someone because he looked at you funny.
    Make 2mrw better than 2day

  9. #29639
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  10. #29640
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    Listening to the Sam Harris podcast about this subject yesterday, couple of points he raised was that mass shooting incidents be it in elementary/high schools or the type of incidents like the one in Buffalo are a “rounding error” of the overall gun homicide rate in the US (but for obvious reasons this are far more entertaining for the media to report on)
    America has more gun ownership per capita than anywhere else in the world but it’s homicide rate is greatly out of proportion by comparison (for example it may have twice as many gun owners per capita than say Israel but ten times as many gun related homicides)
    And whilst you can argue whether civilians should have potential access to battlefield firearms (AR-15’s) its kind of a moot point because most gun related deaths are the result of being shot with a handgun, and not even the most ambitious proposed restrictions would do much about the sale of hand guns. The Democratic controlled congress that was in existence for the first two years of the Obama administration actually liberalised concealed carry laws.
    On the flip side, the proposals made by Republicans are just as unhelpful, Ted Cruz wanting to have fewer entrances/exits into schools (well done make it actually harder for students to get away from an active shooter). Having metal detectors and armed guards outside schools tend to be a solution in search of a problem (despite how much we hear about them they are still statistically rare events).
    Same with getting school children to do drills about what to do in the event of an active shooter, advice that seems as unhelpful as the advice given to people on commercial flights during hijacking. In the past keeping quiet and cooperating with your captor might be the best survival advice, but post 9/11 not really.
    Hiding in a classroom under desks is a completely stupid way of dealing with someone who’s intent is to kill people all you are doing is making it more convenient for him by placing yourself in one location without a means of escape.
    Now one of the lessons we can take from January 6th is that it’s easier to be part of an unarmed crowd rather than a single armed individual, if a crowd decides to rush you…you simply aren’t going to have the time to get off more than one shot and possibly not even that with something as cumbersome as a military assault rifle and this is then the best way to ensure survival in a situation like that

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