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Thread: Gay marriage

  1. #21
    Tennis Expert Syn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Trouble being, if they ever do become common it means the end of our species. Evolution is never going to keep pace with fashion.
    Common is the wrong word, on my part. It's not a fashion. It's not a choice. We are seeing more benders about than in the 20s because it carries less of a stigma than it used to, not because there have become more. It's an observational bias. I'm sure you're aware of research that shows there has always been homosexual behaviour in animals. It's not time to worry yet. But when it is, don't worry - we can take them in a fight.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    So again, no, I don't believe in gay marriage (in the traditional sense) because it is impossible. Why anybody wants to legislate to give the impossible legal weight is the real question.
    Who's to say tradition is right? The fact is the state is interfering in people's lives. You accept that gay people can have a happy life together and that doesn't bother you, though you phrased it in a thoroughly bigoted way, so why not let them enjoy the same supposedly cancerous benefits as straight people?
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  3. #23
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    What benefits is he denying them?

  4. #24
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    You used to be everything to me
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  5. #25
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    FACT: Gays are against nature, they are not natural. This is simply fact. We all know how nature works for our species. why try to deny the obvious.
    Err no. Not a fact. The fact is at least 10% of the population are gay and not by choice. It occurs not just in humans but other species. And something that happens at least 10% of the time is a normal event.

    The fact that the Abramic religions have an anti-gay agenda (Leviticus) and actually have specific instructions to stone gay people to death should be something the Cardinals and Bishops should be ashamed of, not promoting.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syn View Post
    Well it's a bit of a non-starter this "you're a nazi for criticising nazis" attitude of yours. People who don't believe that gay people should have equal rights to heterosexuals are wrong. I'm not a Nazi for stating that. And if people didn't challenge pathetic views like that, we'd still have slavery. If people like yourself want to hold on to the technicalities of what a marriage was supposed to signify hundreds of years ago, then I think that's fair enough. Deny them that much. Even though most people getting married in this country probably don't understand any religious aspect that goes with it. And what 'rights and beliefs' are we talking about here? They're not a religion. They don't believe in jihad or burkhas or whatever. They don't think heterosexuality is wrong. They don't want your children to be gay.

    How many couples that get married these days actually follow a religion? I'm sure there must have been a study done somewhere. Whatever 'marriage' means for gay people, I can assure you it means the same for most heterosexual couples.
    Is marriage a right? No, it's a promise with purpose, at least that's what it was before the state decided otherwise. It still is that, though I've already conceded most people don't appear to see it this way though. Majority ignorance does not remove the original principle, however.

    I use the Nazis as an example because minus all that bullshit military propaganda and the fairy tales of the victors, their core belief was people should be united under one idealism. If that unification had to occur by force then so be it because they decided they knew best. Our current political system is the same. Conformity is its core objective and the terms of that conformity are decided by the few. Political correctness (a stupid term because these people aren't correct about anything as the evidence shows) is just another form of propaganda. People easily allow themselves to be the equivalent of the Nazis in terms of thinking (or the absence of thinking) based purely on the majority view, and fear of course. Arguments are carefully framed prior to being released into the public domain, the outcome is guaranteed because it draws on the layers and layers of conditioning that has gone before. It's relentless. This is how marriage can easily be transformed into a social contract (contract being the important word). When you change the nature of something, when you pervert it, it becomes possible to introduce a reversal of the original principle and the impossibly insane then becomes normality. How could the supposedly civilized Germans allow Hitler to prevail? In the same way our citizens today are convinced that murder and pillage is the catalyst for freedom.

    Well I want no part of that and I want the mentally sick majority to stay well clear of me. Leave me alone, leave my beliefs alone, leave my traditions alone. These perverts (not gays, but the majority of the general public) have the majority of the stage. They can create and condone their fucked up, tyrannical politics and economics and their inverse morality. I don't imagine for a second I can change any of that. ll I ask is why the Nazi bastards won't leave me alone? Why the great desire to be so ingrained in my life?

    I answered the question correctly. I said fuck off and I mean it. Can gays be married. Of course not. Can they make some contract with the state and pretend to be married despite the fact their condition is mutually exclusive to the real intention of marriage. Yes. They can do that. War is peace. Ignorance is strength. Freedom is slavery. So I suppose a barren coupling can be marriage in that respect. But in the real world? Of course no.

    Slavery is alive and well, by the way. How could a nation such as Britain exist in its current form without it?
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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Where's my username gone? View Post
    Who's to say tradition is right? The fact is the state is interfering in people's lives. You accept that gay people can have a happy life together and that doesn't bother you, though you phrased it in a thoroughly bigoted way, so why not let them enjoy the same supposedly cancerous benefits as straight people?
    You don't read. I already said let them have whatever contract they want with the sate. It has nothing to do with me, I don't condone it or reject it. I couldn't care less. As for tradition being "right", why are you even asking the question? If people want to remain connected with their past then why must this be judged by those who do not hold such desires? Go and do your own thing, don't be worried about what I'm doing.
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  8. #28
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxPeck View Post
    Err no. Not a fact. The fact is at least 10% of the population are gay and not by choice. It occurs not just in humans but other species. And something that happens at least 10% of the time is a normal event.

    The fact that the Abramic religions have an anti-gay agenda (Leviticus) and actually have specific instructions to stone gay people to death should be something the Cardinals and Bishops should be ashamed of, not promoting.
    Anyone ever witnessed this 10% in their own environment? List out all the people you know. Do you get to 10% or is that just some bullshit figure created by a lobby?

    All I know, if the majority was homosexual then the species would die out. You could even argue that's a form of natural selection I suppose. But it's an extinction event too and why does extinction exist in nature?
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  9. #29
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Anyone ever witnessed this 10% in their own environment? List out all the people you know. Do you get to 10% or is that just some bullshit figure created by a lobby?

    All I know, if the majority was homosexual then the species would die out. You could even argue that's a form of natural selection I suppose. But it's an extinction event too and why does extinction exist in nature?
    Many species have large proportions of their populations not propagating the species - an extreme example is bees. Practically none of them indulge in reproduction - just a fraction of a percent - and they have been around for ages.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxPeck View Post
    Many species have large proportions of their populations not propagating the species - an extreme example is bees. Practically none of them indulge in reproduction - just a fraction of a percent - and they have been around for ages.
    so it's gay bees that mean they are dying out, curse them and their camp buzzing
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