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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #30601
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Just this week a major war criminal called for exactly what I'm talking about, at probably the most influential (in a corrupt way of course) forum on the planet.
    OK. So provide a source for what you're talking about and I can have a look. But a person saying a thing in a forum is not the same as anything actually being implemented.
    It's not the same as marshal law being in effect, which you said that they were "gearing up for" in October 2020. How long does that take?
    You said curfews were "not far away now", again, October 2020. Maybe our definitions of "not far away" are different.
    The exact opposite of all those predictions has happened. As I kept on telling you at the time, the Covid restrictions were temporary and designed to deal with the situation. As the situation changed so did the restrictions.
    We can have a sensible conversation about whether they were the right measures to take, but the fact they were temporary is no longer a matter of debate.

    But see no evil, hear no evil, and unless you see the holes in the hands you can't bring yourself to recognise what's right under the holes in your nose. You won't understand what I meant by that, because you are a pretend Christian.
    John 20:25, innit. Fair enough, I did have to look up the exact reference but I suspect you wouldn't have known the exact chapter and verse either.
    I'm a "pretend" Christian in the sense that I'm a work in progress, as we all are. Justification is a one off thing, Sanctification is a lifelong process - any real Christian knows that
    How's yours going?

    As I said, I'm looking forward to the "everyone knew that" moment. Well, what I mean is I'm looking forward to seeing how you attempt to wriggle out of it.
    That would work so much better if you weren't spending much of your time in this exchange wriggling out of acknowledging how wrong you got things even though that is no longer a matter of debate.
    People like you™ said that the Covid restrictions weren't ending. Well, guess what, they ended. Even in many countries who had far harsher lockdowns than we did in the UK.

    Willing accomplices, such as yourself, have an endless capacity to reduce everything to a single dimension and then remove continuity, so life exists in a snapshot concurrent with each and every moment. You might call this living for the day. I call it being unaware of yesterday. If you think that equips you to deal with what's going on in the world, rest assured, you are in for a fatal awakening. An honest individual would look at every single indicator and be wary of the direction each is pointing. But a mental slave can simply tune into the BBC, listen to each carefully prepared excuse and wish it all away.
    You keep talking about these "indicators" and claim there's a clear direction of travel but I'm just not seeing it. And your claim to be the one who can see these things so clearly is undermined by another October 2020 prediction when you said that "all the available facts point to" the unvaccinated being denied NHS treatment. You said they would be "denied travel, employment, the ability to socialise in public and your children may be denied education and / or taken into care.". You're not vaccinated, right? Do you still have your kids? Are they still at school? Yeah, thought so. So maybe your assessment of the "available facts" isn't as good as you think...

    Dude, you're just wrong about this stuff. There's no debate about it, you were wrong and you've been shown to be wrong. I've even explained why you were wrong. It's because your underlying premise, of a government who are out to oppress and control us, is wrong. And in your mind anyone to tells you that must be slavishly obedient to authority. You can only think in black and white, as though only 2 possibilities exist. In reality there's a huge middle ground.
    A healthy suspicion of authority is no bad thing, but you turn it up to 11 and that leads to you seeing sinister motives behind everything. That's how you got it so wrong about the USPS worker interview - the agents were "the authority" in that situation and authority is bad, so you heard an interrogation and made a load of claims about it which just aren't true if you listen to it. It's how you saw troops delivering tests and made the leap to mandatory tests and it being part of preparing us for the army on the streets with curfews and checkpoints.

    These leaps are in your head - that's not a matter for debate. Are there curfews round your way because there's nothing here. When was your last mandatory test?

    In Sweden, a nation which blows your Covid scam right out of the water, strange things are happening. Do you know what they are?
    No, do go on.

    In the Netherlands, those gun-toting troops that never happened are firing live rounds.
    Again, feel free to elaborate. Are the army on the streets there? I have a mate in Amsterdam, I could ask her.
    But you are goalpost moving - you noted that the soldiers were going door to door in Birmingham and said that it's to "get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets."
    Where are they?

    And yet, you are equipped with such a degree of ignorance you have total self-belief in carrying the statist flag into battle against anyone who would draw your attention to the jaws closing around you?
    I certainly don't have total self-belief. I think that attribute could be better applied to someone who made a load of hysterical predictions more than 2 years ago and then when the exact opposite happened continued to insist that they are the one who knows What's Going On™.

    As I always said, we need to get past people like you before we can even put up a fight. You'll be cursed in caves with fish scrawled on the walls, through all of history, if the outcome goes against humanity.
    But we aren't going to lose. And you won't be welcome when the fighting has been done on your behalf.
    Mmm. Except none of that is going to happen. You're the dude on the street corner with the "End of the world is nigh" sandwich board. But you keep having to cross out your predicted date and write a new one.
    Maybe at some point you'll realise that you're not as good at predicting these things as you think, but given the numerous times I've pointed out your Covid predictions didn't come to pass and your constant doubling down, I'm not holding out too much hope.

  2. #30602
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I told you, he's dishonest at a fundamental level.
    Do you think that someone who made a load of predictions more than 2 years ago and then failed to acknowledge that they got it all wrong, when they demonstrably did, would be described as honest?
    Asking for a friend.

  3. #30603
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Yeah, but you're talking about if from a woke perspective where words on the interwebs are violence but vociferously assisting in the burning down of the society we all have to live in is perfectly reasonable. I'm cutting to the chase with Letters and his fellow travellers because I tried it the other way, but also because it's their decision to spurn the opportunity for actual debate. So I don't run the multi-paragraph attempts anymore because people have made a game of wasting the energy invested in it. I told you, he's dishonest at a fundamental level.
    No I don’t think you’re doing violence, I’m quite explicit in what I mean. But I equally don’t tolerate disrespect, and in my view (and that’s all it is) the personal animus adds nothing to your argument and knowing human nature as I do…why would I listen to someone who in pursuit of making a point needs to couch everything in insults. I’m going to assume that person is not worth my time.
    It also tells me another thing about the individual making insults, they seem unable to regulate their emotions and behaviour ….possibly an assumption but it gives me no confidence that they are operating from a place of rationality

  4. #30604
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    The decline™ in all its glory
    GW posts per month, but I've also done a rolling 3 month average to smooth out bumps so the years are a bit rough

  5. #30605
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    The decline™ in all its glory
    GW posts per month, but I've also done a rolling 3 month average to smooth out bumps so the years are a bit rough

    The fact is, this forum is a bit shit. And by that I mean it’s old and out of date.

    It was of its time, a refugee Ark for people from 606. But it’s never really attracted new people has it…people have left and never been replenished with the new. The people that remain? Or even new(ish) people are just people like myself returning from a long self imposed sabbatical.

    Now there’s actually nothing wrong with this place being a bit shit and old hat. People take comfort in the familiar…but it sure as shit isn’t going to generate a flurry of additional activity. This place is essentially propped up by people like me posting far too much

    So the question is, is your chart just for show? Or are you actually looking to revitalise things ?.

  6. #30606
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    There is no chance of this, or other forums being revitalised. This is an old farts medium. People rarely join forums like this. It’s just a place old people visit out of habit and even though there’s a lot of bitching by and about forum members, we are comfortable with that and quite like it.

    We’ll eventually die out, but I hope like fuck that you’re first.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  7. #30607
    Resident Liverpool Fan Shaqiri Is Boss's Avatar
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    And Maccy is still quicker than any stream

    Except for when he falls asleep.

  8. #30608
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaqiri Is Boss View Post
    And Maccy is still quicker than any stream

    Except for when he falls asleep.
    The weekend threads are literally how I find out how things are going. He's a million times better than BBC. And you know how much I love the BBC

  9. #30609
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    The weekend threads are literally how I find out how things are going. He's a million times better than BBC. And you know how much I love the BBC
    Skysports website is at least thirty seconds quicker with goals than BBC

  10. #30610
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    We’ll eventually die out, but I hope like fuck that you’re first.
    “Thomas Jefferson lives” the last words of John Adams

    Of course this wasn’t true, and Jefferson had died a few hours earlier. Telephone hadn’t been invented yet innit

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