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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #30611
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    The fact is, this forum is a bit shit. And by that I mean it’s old and out of date.
    Screw you, and correct respectively. I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with this forum, but the whole concept of forums is outmoded. These days twats like us argue about stuff like this on places like FB, not on messageboards. That said, there are plenty of boards out there bigger than this, so they still have a place and you only need one or two new regulars - or old people returning, like you did - to make a big difference.

    So the question is, is your chart just for show? Or are you actually looking to revitalise things ?
    I was just looking at the numbers for my own amusement really, I thought I'd share with the class in case anyone was interested.
    I agree with Gary, I don't think revitalisation is possible. Or, at least, I don't have the get up and go to do it. Back in the day I did have grandiose plans for this place becoming more of an Arsenal site with news and so on, and the forum just being part of it. Never really had the motivation to make it happen - not really sure I have the ability to.
    Part of me thinks it might be worth a push with some old members, a one off email now we're actually decent again trying to tempt people back. But I don't care that much.
    This place will probably slowly die till it's just Maccy and me . Actually slightly surprised that hasn't already happened. But I don't think I care enough to do anything about it.
    The days when I had "plans" for this place and enjoyed the moderate "fame" we enjoyed (we were quoted in a few London papers back in the day, when they used to scour boards like this for quotes) are long gone.

  2. #30612
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Screw you, and correct respectively. I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with this forum, but the whole concept of forums is outmoded. These days twats like us argue about stuff like this on places like FB, not on messageboards. That said, there are plenty of boards out there bigger than this, so they still have a place and you only need one or two new regulars - or old people returning, like you did - to make a big difference.

    I was just looking at the numbers for my own amusement really, I thought I'd share with the class in case anyone was interested.
    I agree with Gary, I don't think revitalisation is possible. Or, at least, I don't have the get up and go to do it. Back in the day I did have grandiose plans for this place becoming more of an Arsenal site with news and so on, and the forum just being part of it. Never really had the motivation to make it happen - not really sure I have the ability to.
    Part of me thinks it might be worth a push with some old members, a one off email now we're actually decent again trying to tempt people back. But I don't care that much.
    This place will probably slowly die till it's just Maccy and me . Actually slightly surprised that hasn't already happened. But I don't think I care enough to do anything about it.
    The days when I had "plans" for this place and enjoyed the moderate "fame" we enjoyed (we were quoted in a few London papers back in the day, when they used to scour boards like this for quotes) are long gone.

    Didn't you steal this place from Gooner Joel?

    I'm still waiting to become a mod tbh, then this place will improve.

  3. #30613
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    OK. So provide a source for what you're talking about and I can have a look. But a person saying a thing in a forum is not the same as anything actually being implemented.
    It's not the same as marshal law being in effect, which you said that they were "gearing up for" in October 2020. How long does that take?
    You said curfews were "not far away now", again, October 2020. Maybe our definitions of "not far away" are different.
    The exact opposite of all those predictions has happened. As I kept on telling you at the time, the Covid restrictions were temporary and designed to deal with the situation. As the situation changed so did the restrictions.
    We can have a sensible conversation about whether they were the right measures to take, but the fact they were temporary is no longer a matter of debate.

    John 20:25, innit. Fair enough, I did have to look up the exact reference but I suspect you wouldn't have known the exact chapter and verse either.
    I'm a "pretend" Christian in the sense that I'm a work in progress, as we all are. Justification is a one off thing, Sanctification is a lifelong process - any real Christian knows that
    How's yours going?

    That would work so much better if you weren't spending much of your time in this exchange wriggling out of acknowledging how wrong you got things even though that is no longer a matter of debate.
    People like you™ said that the Covid restrictions weren't ending. Well, guess what, they ended. Even in many countries who had far harsher lockdowns than we did in the UK.

    You keep talking about these "indicators" and claim there's a clear direction of travel but I'm just not seeing it. And your claim to be the one who can see these things so clearly is undermined by another October 2020 prediction when you said that "all the available facts point to" the unvaccinated being denied NHS treatment. You said they would be "denied travel, employment, the ability to socialise in public and your children may be denied education and / or taken into care.". You're not vaccinated, right? Do you still have your kids? Are they still at school? Yeah, thought so. So maybe your assessment of the "available facts" isn't as good as you think...

    Dude, you're just wrong about this stuff. There's no debate about it, you were wrong and you've been shown to be wrong. I've even explained why you were wrong. It's because your underlying premise, of a government who are out to oppress and control us, is wrong. And in your mind anyone to tells you that must be slavishly obedient to authority. You can only think in black and white, as though only 2 possibilities exist. In reality there's a huge middle ground.
    A healthy suspicion of authority is no bad thing, but you turn it up to 11 and that leads to you seeing sinister motives behind everything. That's how you got it so wrong about the USPS worker interview - the agents were "the authority" in that situation and authority is bad, so you heard an interrogation and made a load of claims about it which just aren't true if you listen to it. It's how you saw troops delivering tests and made the leap to mandatory tests and it being part of preparing us for the army on the streets with curfews and checkpoints.

    These leaps are in your head - that's not a matter for debate. Are there curfews round your way because there's nothing here. When was your last mandatory test?

    No, do go on.

    Again, feel free to elaborate. Are the army on the streets there? I have a mate in Amsterdam, I could ask her.
    But you are goalpost moving - you noted that the soldiers were going door to door in Birmingham and said that it's to "get us used to the presence of military forces on our streets."
    Where are they?

    I certainly don't have total self-belief. I think that attribute could be better applied to someone who made a load of hysterical predictions more than 2 years ago and then when the exact opposite happened continued to insist that they are the one who knows What's Going On™.

    Mmm. Except none of that is going to happen. You're the dude on the street corner with the "End of the world is nigh" sandwich board. But you keep having to cross out your predicted date and write a new one.
    Maybe at some point you'll realise that you're not as good at predicting these things as you think, but given the numerous times I've pointed out your Covid predictions didn't come to pass and your constant doubling down, I'm not holding out too much hope.
    Completely ignored.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #30614
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    No I don’t think you’re doing violence, I’m quite explicit in what I mean. But I equally don’t tolerate disrespect, and in my view (and that’s all it is) the personal animus adds nothing to your argument and knowing human nature as I do…why would I listen to someone who in pursuit of making a point needs to couch everything in insults. I’m going to assume that person is not worth my time.
    It also tells me another thing about the individual making insults, they seem unable to regulate their emotions and behaviour ….possibly an assumption but it gives me no confidence that they are operating from a place of rationality
    Erm, respect is earned dude, it's not a right. It's like the lack of respect you are showing me right now, when you claim I've only ever presented an argument in insults. You know that's not true. You are the primary example of piss taking at the length of my posts when I try to have a decent conversation. You can't have it both ways, or maybe you can in millennial clown-world. You need to reorganise your thinking so you can become coherent and consistent.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #30615
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    Didn't you steal this place from Gooner Joel?
    Well…sort of. But not deliberately.
    He started the place, I joined as one of the 606 refugees.
    He made me mod because I’m so sensible and clever. Then he made me admin as back then I used to do more technical stuff and was conversant enough with HTML and JavaScript to do stuff (remember the floaty menu? )
    Then at some point he left - I can’t begin to remember why which sort of left me as the de facto owner of the place. I think technically the domain might still be registered to Joel’s wife or something, but it’s registered to my email address so I’m the de facto owner, for what that’s worth.

  6. #30616
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Completely ignored.
    Yeah, introspection is hard isn’t it?

  7. #30617
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yeah, introspection is hard isn’t it?
    It's easy. For me. Impossible for you because of what you are.

    Though if you are trying to substitute introspection for shithousery and think I'll fall for that, well that's an insult. Which is fine, because I haven't held back with you. No harm, no foul.
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  8. #30618
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    It seems the vaccine was designed to target 20-44 year olds. Surprising. I thought they'd be trying to wipe out the elderly. But it kind of makes sense on a longer term because the elderly will die anyway.

    What I don't get is if they are seriously frightened by population growth or not. Maybe they are so locked in their bubble they actually believe an insignificant effect on the planet is, in fact, existential. It's probably the interbreeding though.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #30619
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    . It's probably the interbreeding though.
    What, you mean the reason you have such stupid views?

  10. #30620
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Erm, respect is earned dude, it's not a right. It's like the lack of respect you are showing me right now, when you claim I've only ever presented an argument in insults. You know that's not true. You are the primary example of piss taking at the length of my posts when I try to have a decent conversation. You can't have it both ways, or maybe you can in millennial clown-world. You need to reorganise your thinking so you can become coherent and consistent.
    I’m not pisstaking, I’m telling you…I don’t have the time or inclination to read your multi paragraph posts, I’m not mocking you for writing them I’m just suggesting you might be better saving how ever long it takes for you to construct them. However what I do understand is that it’s hypocrisy on my part when I’m prone to long posts myself, but if I’m honest with myself it’s largely for my own benefit as I like to get my thoughts down in writing.

    My argument in respect of how you regard Letters is that he has it in his power to remove you from this site, and it’s a power I would exercise in his position were I a mod and you’d spoken to me the way you’d spoken to him. Which no doubt in your view is justified, but to me just as I say seems overly aggressive, adds nothing to your argument and apart from anything else why should I go out of my way to earn the respect of someone who throws insults at me. It’s beyond me why he even responds to you, I insult that Scottish fella but in reality he’s the smart one (despite his quixotic political and footballing opinions) for refusing to engage.

    Plus ultimately what’s your end game here? Do you have any sincere hope of Letters agreeing with your point of view (I fail to see why you’d care unless his failure to acquiesce is another key stone towards legalising Paedophilia…now just for the exclusion of doubt that is me taking the piss). It feels like a lot of unnecessary energy expended on requiring us to see the rightness of your truth telling.

    If you believe nay know what you’re saying is fact, of what matter is it that you’re the only one here that knows it

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