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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #30781
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    Oh DO fuck off.
    Another one for the home for the terminally offended.
    sure, get that, and I agree with your sentiment when it comes to some things where terrible deep hurt is claimed but it's BS

    but with the Pat Sharp thing you need to understand the normalisation of comments and behaviours like that which tbh just aren't acceptable - that woman probably felt completely humiliated

    women still put up with a lot of unacceptable crap on public trasnport etc and it's important to send messages about it

    it's also a quick win for everyone as he was about to leave and no doubt will be paid up until the original leaving date so he gets to put his feet up early

  2. #30782
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    sure, get that, and I agree with your sentiment when it comes to some things where terrible deep hurt is claimed but it's BS

    but with the Pat Sharp thing you need to understand the normalisation of comments and behaviours like that which tbh just aren't acceptable - that woman probably felt completely humiliated

    women still put up with a lot of unacceptable crap on public trasnport etc and it's important to send messages about it

    it's also a quick win for everyone as he was about to leave and no doubt will be paid up until the original leaving date so he gets to put his feet up early
    For me there is a disconnect between the offence and the punishment in many of these cases (not necessarily this one because as you’ve explained his contract was coming to an end and it’s as good as an excuse to part ways as any)

    I am sympathetic with the view that making those kind of remarks isn’t really on, I’ve heard worse in the workplace but it’s generally because people know each other well enough to know that neither is going to take offence. This as far as I can see is what Pat Sharp has said to a stranger.

    Im prepared to accept that he didn’t mean to cause this woman distress (in fact I’m almost sure he didn’t) but if his contract wasn’t near the end I think a more appropriate punishment would be him saying “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it and I certainly didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable but on reflection I can see why it did”

    I think the thing to say to anyone who says “bloody snowflakes take offence at everything”. Imagine if that was your daughter, and if I had a teenage girl and some older bloke had made remarks like that…I’d want to shove his head down the bog.

  3. #30783
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  4. #30784
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    "Just because you're offended about something, that doesn't mean you're right" - Ricky Gervais.

    Offence is subjective. In this case the joke doesn't even really work, the phrase "get on your tits" means to annoy someone, it's not a sexual thing at all.
    This is the part that I rolled my eyes at:

    "Afterwards I was in complete shock and hadn’t really processed what happened. Today I am struggling with it — I feel sad, dirty and, frankly, violated."

    Really? I mean holy over-reaction, Batman.

  5. #30785
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    "Just because you're offended about something, that doesn't mean you're right" - Ricky Gervais.

    Offence is subjective. In this case the joke doesn't even really work, the phrase "get on your tits" means to annoy someone, it's not a sexual thing at all.
    This is the part that I rolled my eyes at:

    "Afterwards I was in complete shock and hadn’t really processed what happened. Today I am struggling with it — I feel sad, dirty and, frankly, violated."

    Really? I mean holy over-reaction, Batman.
    There’s a difference between making an offensive joke, and making a creepy comment. Get on your Tits in this case is being used as a double entendre.
    Honestly I do largely agree with you about offence taking having currency it’s no right to have. But equally we are moving away from a world where we make lascivious comments about women and they are just expected to be ok with it.
    Were her reactions OTT and cringe? For sure….but as I’m sure you and your good lady wife have actually spoken to each other as well as producing children…she might have told you about the remarks that have been made to her by pervy blokes who have then laughed it off with “I’m only joking love, cant you take a joke?”

    I agree again that I don’t think Pat Sharp is some horrible woman hating piece of shit, my fondest memory of him was on Come Dine with Me in response to Michael Barrymore talking about how he has a girlfriend after having previously been in a relationship with a man. Just shrugs nonchalantly and says “well…every hole’s a goal”

    I don’t want him to be cancelled, or made persona non grata. I just think in this instance…maybe don’t make that particular joke again to a woman you don’t know.

  6. #30786
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    I’m trying to be on my best behaviour when it comes to women. Yesterday on my counselling what’s app group loads of women were wishing each other happy International woman’s day. And despite my desire to respond by sending a picture of a six foot bloke in a dress and saying happy International womens day…I thought better of it.
    Just because I can be a trolling c**t doesn’t mean I always have to be

  7. #30787
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    "Just because you're offended about something, that doesn't mean you're right" - Ricky Gervais.

    Offence is subjective. In this case the joke doesn't even really work, the phrase "get on your tits" means to annoy someone, it's not a sexual thing at all.
    This is the part that I rolled my eyes at:

    "Afterwards I was in complete shock and hadn’t really processed what happened. Today I am struggling with it — I feel sad, dirty and, frankly, violated."

    Really? I mean holy over-reaction, Batman.
    well if you're having to quote that fat c**t Gervais you've truly lost the argument...

    as HCZ said, you and Pat Sharp don't know the woman

    being picked out in front of 400 people is traumatic in itself for a lot of people yet alone being at the end of a sexist joke

  8. #30788
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    well if you're having to quote that fat c**t Gervais you've truly lost the argument...
    Not a big fan of Gervais as a comedian, nothing wrong with it just not my style. I found the standup he did last year very hit and miss. Some of his jokes are very funny especially the dark ones but on the whole tends to leave me cold. Not a big fan of After life either. Then again now I think about it I really did like Life’s too Short, the scene where Liam Neeson is considering doing stand up creases me up

    But as a person I think he’s ok, I do agree with him that we put too much stock in offence taking…and I definitely agree with him about how virtuous celebrities are often massive hypocrites.

    The podcast he does with Sam Harris is quite funny as well. I like Sam, but my one critique of him is that he’s often far too earnest….it’s like working with Ricky Gervais gives him permission to cut loose a bit and enjoy himself
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 09-03-2023 at 02:16 PM.

  9. #30789
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Not a big fan of Gervais as a comedian, nothing wrong with it just not my style. I found the standup he did last year very hit and miss. Some of his jokes are very funny especially the dark ones but on the whole tends to leave me cold. Not a big fan of After life either. Then again now I think about it I really did like Life’s too Short, the scene where Liam Neeson is considering doing stand up creases me up

    But as a person I think he’s ok, I do agree with him that we put too much stock in offence taking…and I definitely agree with him about how virtuous celebrities are often massive hypocrites.

    The podcast he does with Sam Harris is quite funny as well. I like Sam, but my one critique of him is that he’s often far too earnest….it’s like working with Ricky Gervais gives him permission to cut loose a bit and enjoy himself
    he's just an overrated smug git to me - but i'm sure he'd respect my right to say that, wouldn't he, and not take offence or anything...

  10. #30790
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    he's just an overrated smug git to me - but i'm sure he'd respect my right to say that, wouldn't he, and not take offence or anything...
    Well yeah. I doubt he’d give a fuck in truth

    I’m sympathetic with Letter’s claim that we give too much power to offence taking, although then again it depends who’s offence taking it is.

    The whole issue with the Wakefield school for existence shows that we care more about the hurt feelings of a bunch of reactionary religious nut cases than we do about people who believe in liberal values, separation of religion and state and who are opposed to concepts of blasphemy having any place in our society.

    And it certainly showed their hurt feelings were more important than the safety of a 14 year old boy on the spectrum or his mother who was forced to attend a disgraceful press conference where she had to wear a head scarf and prostrate herself to a bunch of misogynistic overgrown children.

    Now that, that offends me

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