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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #31491
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    And this is Wengerbabies' problem. His conspiratorial mindset renders him unable to process data properly
    He thinks EV vehicles are bad because reasons - probably connected with some conspiracy bullshit about climate change but whatever.
    So any report about an EV vehicle catching fire is filed away as evidence that they're death traps. He doesn't bother to look at any data to assess what the risk actually is. It feeds into his narrative so is accepted without question.

    Then there's a bloody great fire and because EV bad and EV are death traps which burst into flames the minute you look at them, he leaps, with no evidence, to the conclusion that it must have been an EV responsible for the fire.

    Except, as it took me 2 minutes to find out, EV fires are exceptionally rare. Much more rare than fires in regular cars. Because of course they are. Regular cars are filled with something which is literally explosive. His comment about lithium batteries on planes is a complete red herring because
    a) As I noted, you can't take cans filled with petrol on planes either - for obvious reasons there are more restrictions on those than on batteries and
    b) Airlines, for equally obvious reasons, are pretty risk adverse.

    And as HCZ has noted, he's not even right. The indications are it was a diesel car which started it. But it's been another fascinating insight into his brain.
    A diesel Range Rover which would be a hybrid but they leave this part out, and that's if you choose to believe them. They're doing damage control as they push their EV agenda.

    I don't necessarily think EVs are bad. They're more polluting then ICE vehicles and there is a tonne of child slave labour involved in the procurement of materials for the batteries, don't something I particularly care about but the virtue signallers seem to ignore these facts.

    I do however think they are impractical and don't want them forced on us, if you want one fine I'm all about personal choice.

    Last edited by The Wengerbabies; 12-10-2023 at 11:54 AM.

  2. #31492
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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  3. #31493
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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  4. #31494
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    A diesel Range Rover which would be a hybrid but they leave this part out, and that's if you choose to believe them. They're doing damage control as they push their EV agenda.
    Who are "they"?
    Is this the same "they" that weren't going ever going to end lockdowns?

  5. #31495
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post

  6. #31496
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Not a comment on the importance of the issue itself, but all this solidarity police stuff is getting a bit silly now...

  7. #31497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Not a comment on the importance of the issue itself, but all this solidarity police stuff is getting a bit silly now...

    No it’s about consistency

    Turkish earthquakes ? It lights up

    Terrorist attacks in Belgium and France? It lights up

    Russian invasion of Ukraine? It lights up

    The mass murder including Middle Aged barbarity against the only Jewish state in existence? Oh I don’t know we don’t want to offend certain communities

    It’s bullshit especially when the police do fuck all when people in London celebrate these murders like it’s a victory for their football team, when Jewish schools in london have closed in response to Hamas declaring it a day of Jihad.

    People who celebrated that shit should be on a terrorist watchlist. And people can spare me their moral equivocations about why Israel has cut off the power and water to Gaza. Maybe ask Hamas why it dug up water pipes laid for it to turn into rocket launchers (40% of the rockets launched from Gaza misfire and land in Gaza). Ask why all aid sent to Gaza from abroad either from Iran or from well meaning charities all gets siphoned off to be spent either on weapons on making certain people rich.

    Ask why it’s beaches are flowing with raw sewage, why only a third of the Aid trucks supplied by Israel are ever let through the blockade by Hamas, or why the same children they use to elicit the sympathies of credulous people are sent down to dig holes for them.

    I apologise if I’m jumping down your throat here because you haven’t made any of the arguments im refuting, but fuck me the last six days have made me sick to my stomach and I’m not even a Jew. The way idiots bend over backwards to pander to the ancient tribal prejudices of Muslims that long predate the formation of the state of Israel.

    How the cause of this incident wasn’t about Israeli settlers in the West Bank where they don’t belong or some bullshit about Gaza being an open air prison (only open air prison I know of which can get weapons delivered to it). It’s about Iran shitting itself about its increased isolation because of the trade deals being struck between Israel and Sunni Arab countries.

    It’s not an unfair proposition to people to ask them if they condemn Hamas/Hezbollah when the head of the latter states “I hope that all Jews convene in Israel…..will save us having to scour the earth to hunt them down”

    There’s no need to think Netanyahu is a good guy…he isn’t, in fact he and his government take a lot of the responsibility for what happened when even Egypt warned them there was something big being planned by Hamas.

    But it’s about there shouldn’t be the need to worry about upsetting Cunts by recognising the basic humanity of the people who were murdered, without whataboutery. But of course we cannot ever dare risk upsetting those from the religion of peace.

    Again further disclaimer, not aimed at you. But I am quite massively fucked off with the institutions in our country

  8. #31498
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    maybe it's one or both of two things -

    one, they don't want it to be a terrorist target

    two, I largely agree with what you say regarding the situation, who's responsibile etc but I think the nastiness - as much in what they are saying as what they are doing - of Israel's response means it's once again making itself hard to feel ununequivocal sympathy for

    and at the end of the day we're talking about a football stadium ffs - if they don't want to light it up the Governmetn can go fuck itself tbh

  9. #31499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    maybe it's one or both of two things -

    one, they don't want it to be a terrorist target

    two, I largely agree with what you say regarding the situation, who's responsibile etc but I think the nastiness - as much in what they are saying as what they are doing - of Israel's response means it's once again making itself hard to feel ununequivocal sympathy for

    and at the end of the day we're talking about a football stadium ffs - if they don't want to light it up the Governmetn can go fuck itself tbh
    If you’re scared that the colours of the Israeli flag makes you a terror target, I think you have to then ask what kind of people we are harbouring in this country. And why we are not being more proactive in rooting them out

    I think a) the response is proportional and those think otherwise frankly don’t know what they are talking about….if Gaza insist on using their own people as human shields, it shouldn’t be inclement on Israel to say “you know what we aren’t going to hunt you down for what you’ve done” just as people proposing a ground assault, have no fucking idea what kind of quagmire that would involve. Also Hamas might need to answer why it’s not allowing people to flee south when they’ve been given prior warning by Israel

    b) The FA can do what it likes, just as I can call them a bunch of cunts who have proven they care more about not upsetting Muslims than showing Israel the same sense of solidarity it’s prepared to show other people. It’s this kind of behaviour that sews resentment and mistrust of institutions. Like the BBC refusing to call Hamas terrorists, it’s all fuel that gives influence to right wing vandals who want to destroy said institutions.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 13-10-2023 at 04:03 PM.

  10. #31500
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    And it’s kind of ironic in this time when people go on about Anti Racism, that the oldest racism in the world is turned a blind eye to. BLM showed their true fucking colours by Producing Tweets with images of silhouettes of the paragliding Cunts in approval. Yet everyone who knew that, that organisation was a bunch of grifting charlatans and that England shouldn’t adopt their symbol of knee taking were called racists by tribal cretins.

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