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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4331
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    tbh i think the term 'anti-semitic' itself is part of the problem, if it were simply called racism (which to be fair you do in places) it would call such behaviour what it is (where it's accurate of course) and not make it specifically about a particular race

  2. #4332
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    tbh i think the term 'anti-semitic' itself is part of the problem, if it were simply called racism (which to be fair you do in places) it would call such behaviour what it is (where it's accurate of course) and not make it specifically about a particular race
    Whilst I don’t disagree I don’t think it’s especially germane to the issue in hand. However for the purpose of consistency I have to say I think Islamophobia is a bullshit term, I absolutely don’t think there would be anything wrong with being contemptuous of Judaism (the Haredi Jews are horrible people who delight in coercion through promoting ignorance).

    Anti Muslim bigotry is something else, for example Guido Fawkes bell end referred to the Muslim community as unsophisticated, when no doubt he would not like it if red wall brexiters were referred to in such terms. Plus cultural identity is just commonplace in many communities. I reproach the Muslim community for the illiberal behaviour the Muslim council of Britain promotes…..and I’m with Sam Harris when he calls political Islam “the motherload of bad ideas”

    In an interview with Piers Morgan that was uncharacteristically lacking in people shouting each other down, Piers asks Sam quite reasonably in my view whether the element of genocidal intent that’s clearly there in Hamas’ rhetoric is not also there in the language used by Netanyahu’s ministers.

    Now it’s perhaps unfair of me to highlight one and downplay the other. But the reality is that the rhetoric of the ultrazionists does not get put into practice and if it did people wouldn’t need to question whether there was a genocide they’d know one was going on. It doesn’t make what they say acceptable, these are horrible people motivated by religion just in the same way the Islamists are. The main difference is a) the majority of Jews are secular, and absolutely do not have a desire to exterminate their neighbours. I’d have no quarrel with the idea for instance that what’s going on in the West Bank is clearly an attempt at ethnic cleansing which has been encouraged by Netanyahu (ethic cleansing not genocide, people use those terms interchangeably when they mean two very different things)

    What I think is different apart from the difference in terms of sheer number is also intent. Muslims do not pay lip service to the Quran, nor the Hadith. UN run schools in Gaza and Ramallah are teaching children about the delight of martyrdom…and whilst you can see similar inculcation in orthodox Jewish schools….there is far less of an emphasis on literalism and self sacrifice.
    Both are incredibly dangerous don’t get me wrong. But the jihadist ideology underpins why whilst the occupation is wrong it’s also a necessary evil. If Jews unilaterally withdrew from the West Bank tomorrow it would provide a staging area for an Islamic assault on Israel. Just as we know what happens even when Gaza is fortified let alone when it wasn’t.

    Now where do we come to in differentiating Racism and Anti Semitism, I think the best way to explain it is I genuinely think there are people who engage in Anti Semitism and try and pretend they aren’t being racist. There are silly people who use American and British colonial history to explain Israel without getting that the formation of Israel was an act of anti colonialism….it was a new land drawn up by other people….what other country is like that? Oh yeah Pakistan.

    History is full of displacement, and as I said before anyone arguing against the formation of the state of Israel would have been no different to someone who argued against the partition in India in 1947….someone with a totally reasonable point of view.

    But if people think it’s acceptable to reverse engineer the Jewish state 75 years later, and you don’t think that about Pakistan, you don’t think that about Afghanistan which was conquered by Islam….it makes me question what their motives are.

    I think the majority of people do this through ignorance. The Corbyn’s and Galloways, and David Millers of this world do it because they are Jew baiting scoundrels.

  3. #4333
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Muslims do not pay lip service to the Quran, nor the Hadith
    there's a lot there but re the above what do you mean - that they take the Quran seriously rather than just pretending to?

  4. #4334
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    there's a lot there but re the above what do you mean - that they take the Quran seriously rather than just pretending to?
    In the sense that they are genuinely prepared both to kill and die for their religious beliefs yes

    Martyrdom is a concept that exists in other religions but inordinately practiced by one faith.

    Islam considers itself the final revelation….it also considers itself the solution to all life’s problems. Now no doubt the spread of Wahhabist Sunni Islam sponsored by the Saudi Royal family since the time of Ibn Saud has contributed to that. But there’s also no doubt that it’s probably more fundamentalist and hardline than Christianity and Judaism (although of course it’s technically the same religion)

  5. #4335
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    Wellingborough and Kingswood go to Labour in by elections. Possible both could remain Labour at a general election, they were the type of seats Labour held under Blair and Kingswood will be the type of seat Labour needs to take if it wants an overall majority.

  6. #4336
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Martyrdom is a concept that exists in other religions but inordinately practiced by one faith.
    In Christianity martyrdom is something that happens to you.
    In Islam it seems to be something you do with the intention of taking others with you.
    Or maybe that’s just the extremists.

  7. #4337
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    In Christianity martyrdom is something that happens to you.
    In Islam it seems to be something you do with the intention of taking others with you.
    Or maybe that’s just the extremists.
    I know you didn’t mean it literally but in the types of attacks you’re talking about….unless the victims are other Muslims you’re not taking them with you. You’re going to paradise, they are kafir and are going to hell.

    The Hadith is very pro martyrdom but in fairness I think its idea of martyrdom is dying in battle rather than blowing yourself up

  8. #4338
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    In the sense that they are genuinely prepared both to kill and die for their religious beliefs yes

    Martyrdom is a concept that exists in other religions but inordinately practiced by one faith.

    Islam considers itself the final revelation….it also considers itself the solution to all life’s problems. Now no doubt the spread of Wahhabist Sunni Islam sponsored by the Saudi Royal family since the time of Ibn Saud has contributed to that. But there’s also no doubt that it’s probably more fundamentalist and hardline than Christianity and Judaism (although of course it’s technically the same religion)
    Fuck you. NO Christian is prepared to kill for his beliefs. How ridiculous is that Where's your evidence?

    Oh wait - I'm thinking you mean the cultists who appropriated Christianity - is that what you mean?

    Well, let's bring it back to actual Christianity and ignore the desecration of mankind. In Christianity, and ONLY Christianity, tell me how the word is to kill.
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  9. #4339
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    In the sense that they are genuinely prepared both to kill and die for their religious beliefs yes

    Martyrdom is a concept that exists in other religions but inordinately practiced by one faith.

    Islam considers itself the final revelation….it also considers itself the solution to all life’s problems. Now no doubt the spread of Wahhabist Sunni Islam sponsored by the Saudi Royal family since the time of Ibn Saud has contributed to that. But there’s also no doubt that it’s probably more fundamentalist and hardline than Christianity and Judaism (although of course it’s technically the same religion)
    Where did you Google that. I'm not fooled, but perhaps others are. If there are more fooled than aren't then you could probably battle your way to making a point. Or scoring points.
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  10. #4340
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    Look at the audience.

    That's you - that is. You people are jaded.
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