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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4451
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    He has been pushing his luck with this ULEZ stuff, and this stuff about Knife crime and Londonistan does hit home
    On ULEZ, only to knuckleheads who will quite happily increase their annual costs by thousands by voting Leave and then quibble over a few quid on from a policy which is there so their kids don't choke on fumes

    And on the other stuff, only to racists

    (Obvs there's quite a bit of overlap there)

  2. #4452
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    On ULEZ, only to knuckleheads who will quite happily increase their annual costs by thousands by voting Leave and then quibble over a few quid on from a policy which is there so their kids don't choke on fumes

    And on the other stuff, only to racists

    (Obvs there's quite a bit of overlap there)

    So you’re saying one could not possibly have voted Remain and be opposed to ULEZ?.

    Racism is a two way street, and there’s been plenty of racism on the streets of London for the last six months. But people like you won’t recognise it because you can’t conceive of people with different skin colour actually being racist and if they are there’s always a reason for it (which is a form of racism in of itself)

    Never mind that people like Lutfur Rahman explicitly uses race to get the votes of the Bengali community in Tower Hamlets

    Never mind Sadiq Kahn himself having to apologise to the Chief Rabbi after he baselessly accused him of Islamaphobia (a term invented by the Iranian regime to guilt soppy white liberals into accepting Islamic bigotry)

    Fuck Susan Hall the woman is a moron. But Kahn isn’t a decent mayor…I don’t like the attacks on him for his skin colour or his religion because it’s unnecessary. But he’s an arrogant piece of shit, who has overreached with ULEZ, hasn’t taken a proactive enough stance on crime and is the typical corporate woke monger.

    I despise Ken Livingstone as a person, but no question he actually was good as London Mayor.

  3. #4453
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    Kahn spokesman downbeat blaming Voter ID.

    How fucking patronising

  4. #4454
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    So Labour is experiencing difficulty in areas where the population is more than 10% Muslim. They might panic about this, like they did when they started backing a ceasefire. The fact that the ceasefire they back is predicated on the release of Israeli hostages tells you everything about the type of people they are up against.

    Backing a ceasefire of any description is in my view promoting masochism, when the remnants of Hamas are all located in Rafah why on earth would you be expected not to finish what you’ve started.

    But that’s neither here nor there, this is a good thing for Labour. It means they can win a national election without being dependent on the support of deeply illiberal people who are collectively given their opinion by horrible community leaders who believe they can bully people into getting what they want. And to that end they’ve been right, idiot liberals in their respect for diversity and inclusion have turned their back on everything they ever claimed to stand for.

    Starmer is too cowardly to properly take advantage of this, in the same way he’s been spineless on gender woo. But a clever and forward thinking Labour leader would use this to promote voices of moderate, reformist Muslims who have come here to integrate and who want their community to break free from the shackles of barbarism and totalitarian ideology

    The opportunity is there, it just needs someone with the courage to push for it

    So instead of turning round to those who have voted Green and The Workers Party and telling them to go fuck themselves

    Labour desperately trying to say face by calling for an unnamed source who claimed voters in West Midlands leaving Labour over Gaza as responsible for Andy Street victory to be thrown out of the party.

    FFS grow some balls

  5. #4455
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    BBC forecasting Khan to retain the title.

  6. #4456
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    BBC forecasting Khan to retain the title.
    Yeah the whole Susan Hall thing was based on overzealous party activists

  7. #4457
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    So on top of that popular Tory Andy Street has lost the West Midlands mayoral election to Labour. This is pretty big upset

  8. #4458
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    Can Starmer possibly bollox up this election?
    It feels like if anyone can it could be him, but the Tories are in trouble.

  9. #4459
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    So on top of that popular Tory Andy Street has lost the West Midlands mayoral election to Labour. This is pretty big upset
    Good, f**k him

  10. #4460
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Can Starmer possibly bollox up this election?
    It feels like if anyone can it could be him, but the Tories are in trouble.
    The Tories aren’t in trouble, trouble suggests that they can fix things. They can’t, they are done

    Starmer is seen as shifty by people and not without good reason. I don’t trust him. I thought calling for a ceasefire was a contemptible act of cowardice. And what did it really get him? The same cranks have left to vote for the Greens and Workers party…let them go.
    Same with the centre left imbeciles who think being against the misogynist gender mafia is a sign of bigotry

    A decent prime minister in waiting should

    Make a big deal about setting up a public investment bank as an alternative to printing money

    Deal with immigration at its source, if you don’t want people coming here incentivise them to stay where they are by stopping the failed foreign aid system which props up extremist and corrupt governments and instead set up an escrow system by we pay for projects that benefit the people in that country only after they’ve been completed.

    Being honest about the need to recruit from abroad to supplement the care sector

    Stop treating the NHS like an untouchable shibboleth. Encourage a system by which working people pay into an insurance policy for elective treatments, start using more private finance (although not the terrible system last Labour government put in place) and reverse the horrendously failed trust system

    Environmentally - Instead of punishing people with rot like ULEZ and fifteen minute cities. Build the rail infrastructure in order to incentivise people to travel by public transport. Stop shitting yourself every time the NIMBYS start complaining. Take the absolute same approach with Nuclear power rather than expensive nonsense like alternative energy which ultimately feeds into this I’m alright Jack mentality amongst the middle and upper classes that the proles need to limit their energy use

    Change the education system - Encourage parents to stop coddling kids and helicopter patenting and encourage kids to have greater individual and collective responsibility. Higher education needs to stop importing American pseudo intellectual nonsense like Intersectional theory and treating it like it has any basis in reality. Do more to promote vocation based training and higher education as there is too much emphasis on worthless arts subjects currently.

    Revive coastal communities by building the large casinos that would attract money from other areas

    Increased wages in the public sector and more spending on policing so the police have no excuse for their low hanging fruit strategy of arresting people for saying hurty things online and more money tackling knife crime. The approach needs to be two sided, stop being afraid to do stop and search. Oh it’s racial profiling? Well if this area is high in black on black crime and your elderly granny doesn’t want to be mugged you probably should be ok to submit yourself for a search. Equally the police need to do more to engender trust, policing in these communities needs to be conducted by people who live in these communities and there needs to be open engagement with these communities to rebuild the trust that was lost over shit like Stephen Lawrence etc

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