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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #5011
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    a few papers this week reporting that the EUROs will be held entirely in the UK.

    obviously that would be a sensible decision as the idea of having a tournament hosted all around Europe was idiotic and that was before the pandemic started.

    Also, it is like that for most of the tournament, there could be full stadiums (assuming all restrictions end on 21st June) and for games before that date, could be up to 10,000 fans. We are clearly able to host the tournament, we have world class stadiums and it probably wouldn't take much to organise everything as we are used to hosting large football events each weekend.

    The one small problem though is that UEFA, like FIFA, hate us and so are almost certainly going to reject this idea. although, if they did host it currently in europe as planned, not sure how many stadiums would have fans in them so sell out stadiums in the UK would bring quite a lot of income for them and usually money is all they care about.

    I wouldn't be surprised if political pressure came from Europe to stop this decision as well. They have made a complete mess of their vaccination program whereas it is the one thing the UK have got right. If the EUROs were played in the UK with full stadiums as pretty much all of UK vaccinated and able to have normal life, Euorpean leaders would be under huge pressure especially if they still have restrictions in place.

  2. #5012
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    Also, Prince Harry was doing something or another and he was in the papers. I read the headline but I've forgotten it.

    So what do we all think about Harry then? Isn't he married to Camilla? Don't like her hair, I have to say, although I suppose it's not that bad. Which reminds me, I have to get my hair done. Anyone know when the hairdressers will be open again?

    This corona thing is tragic really, when you can't get a decent haircut. But if the football does come here then that will be something I suppose. Don't know if I'll go. Maybe I will if I'm not doing anything else. But if I am doing something else I might not go. Depends on the weather too.

    Talking of which...

    No wonder the BBC still manages to find an audience.
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  3. #5013
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    My wife cut my hair today with some clippers i ordered - did a really good job actually, so that's gonna be how it's done from now on


  4. #5014
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    Will never happen.

    As he says, it's madness now. I think people know it's madness, but they are just saying, "It's madness", and then going along with it.

    Meanwhile, here in the UK, where it certainly can never happen, plans to abuse and torture every school child is going ahead full steam. As things stand - even though it cannot be enforced by law - children will be forced to wear "face coverings" in the classroom. Meaning they will be deprived of sufficient oxygen levels, subjected to increased carbon dioxide levels and prone to infection as bacteria accumulates inside the "face covering". For up to 6 hours a day. There are no plans to prosecute anyone for this, as incredible as that may seem.

    This is so far beyond madness it can't be computed. All bar the specialised masks (which have specific instructions regarding usage and the maximum time period they should be worn) are absolutely useless in preventing viral transmission, in the context they are being sold by the Covid fraudsters. They have ZERO effect in asymptomatic cases and some limited effect in symptomatic cases. Think that through.

    When you compare the relatively HUGE holes in the fabric of even a 9 layered mask with the incredible tininess of a typical viral shell it equates to driving a double decker bus through the gap between Mars and Earth. Yes, they stop larger sputum and water droplets from being ejected - partially at least. But the kid shouldn't be in school if he has symptoms - right? DUH! I mean these are full grown adults and they can't follow simple logic.

    Ah, but kids could be asymptomatic. That's the cover-all excuse for every human rights abuse, isn't it? Erm... logic check again. So they AREN'T coughing, they AREN'T sneezing, but they are driving a double decker bus between Mars and the Earth?

    Who are the children? Who are the adults? It's extremely difficult to tell.

    I've stopped wearing my niqab, and boy does it upset the natives. I've decided to be extraordinarily aggressive in response to anyone who pokes their nose into my affairs. Verbally, so far, but I'm tempted to make it physical. I've had enough of these non-people who exist and have no clue how to live. I had this geezer ask me in the supermarket if I was "trying to kill people". That's how demented these halfwits are. They think a virus that kills mummified corpses that have 90 other ailments is a killer disease. They genuinely believe 100K plus people have died FROM Covid. They don't question any of this nonsense. So when they see a person living free and without fear - they are terrified and outraged. Something should be done!

    Waitrose won't let me in their shop. Tesco moans and bitches but still lets me in. I suppose they don't want sane people disrupting their carefully managed asylum. There are no reports of anyone I've hugged and licked in the store dying, so far.

    I suppose the only saving grace is none of this can happen here. It might happen in far away lands, but not in Britain. The people would never stand for it. Ah yes, the people. Sometimes my thoughts align with the technocrat lunatics who want to cull the herd. I can see what they mean. But it's still immoral so a definite no go. Even though the people are about as stupid as it's possible to be, they still have rights, even if they won't defend them themselves. Can you imagine being so pathetic you won't even stand up for your rights or the rights and welfare of your own child? I hope there is a God, because he'll be ordering Peter to be particularly stringent at the gate.

    There's a new Brazilian strain now, btw. I wonder will that extend the 2 weeks to flatten the curve? I wonder, I wonder.

    A pseudo-copper asked to see my exemption certificate the other day. Not an actual copper, but one of those fat tossers dressed as a copper who think they are the business. I said I didn't have it on me and she wasn't allowed to ask anyway. She said she needed my name and address. I thought I'd scored but she had nefarious intent. I refused, of course, and she reckoned she could arrest me, or would call her thug mates and have them do it. I told her she was fat and should go on a diet, if she was so bothered about health issues. That really, really didn't go down so well. So I left, because the bitch had no power whatsoever to detain me. Nice one Aldi - great customer service right there. I'll definitely be giving you my money in the future.

    Point is, this is modern day Britain - even though, obviously, it can never happen here.

    Being self-employed I'm delighted to hear it will be my honour to bail out the poor sods the state targeted with their Covid scam. I suppose it could be said I pay enough already, but I need to do my bit, right? It's totally fair if one segment of society is punished while others are rewarded. Why not? Suppose I'll have to pay or they'll send the entities who identify as large males around. I already told you why we need guns, but that seemed to pass over all your heads.

    And Covid passports are on the way, though it will never happen, not here. Except it's on rails and what we have now is media foreplay. Oh they'll agonise over step 432 of the rollout. But they, reluctantly, and for our own good, will do it anyway. Because them's the instructions.

    Just summing up things then. I get to pay a huge amount in extortion, for schools that want to abuse my kids, and a health service that couldn't give a fuck unless I'm WITH Covid, and a state that wants to arrest me if I don't shop in an authorised manner, and a bunch of losers, who are probably getting the money robbed from me, who feel it's their duty to stick their nose into my affairs but believe it's insurrection to stick up for their own rights.

    Weighing it up, seems like a shitty deal to me. Just saying. Value for money and all. Customer satisfaction.

    And then I wake up and I'm free to go wherever I choose, and I'm free to wear whatever I want to, and I don't have busybodies chasing me around, and I get fair pay for a fair day's work and all is generally well.

    But it's one of those arse-kicking dreams where you only think you woke up. In reality you are still in the nightmare that is modern day Britain.

    A nightmare that could never happen here, because trembling ostriches insist none of it is happening.
    Last edited by Niall_Quinn; 28-02-2021 at 11:35 PM.
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  5. #5015
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    It's GOOD NEWS!

    EU Covid passports to be approved!

    But much more. Your entire medical record will be available for bureaucrats to pick through, so you might not need to be vaccinated to have rights you already had before they were taken away. If you've played some part of their game, maybe a test, maybe a blood analysis, you could be free to move as you please! The generosity is staggering. I guess it will be up to a computer to decide if you are a winner.

    Now all we need is for the usual crowd in the UK, who believe the annual holiday to Spain is the whole purpose of life, to lobby our government for our own version of this (definitely not Nazi) scheme to be imposed. I think the government might reluctantly agree, as per plan.

    What else could we put on these Covid passports? Wouldn't it be convenient if we had ALL our personal shit on them? Bank records, tax records, other financial records, personal communications, the books we read, social media messages we posted, or responded to, or even looked at - EVERYTHING. Put it all on there. And our DNA too.

    And then, maybe, (this is a crazy idea I just had) we could assign some sort of a score to a person based on all that data? Pie in the sky, would never happen. The state respects our privacy and rights too much to do that.

    Just saying, it'll be so convenient when it does, definitely happen. You'll be able to go to Spain for two weeks without any delay at the airport. A small price to pay for the other 50 weeks of religiously keeping your nose clean in case your rights are removed for non-sanctioned behaviour, speech or thought.

    Hopefully Greta doesn't get her way or else you'll have to swim to Spain, unless you can catch a ride on her private jet.
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  6. #5016
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    I believe it was Oscar Wilde, or maybe Jamiroquai, who said
    "P-p-paranoia, will destroy ya"

  7. #5017
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    UK to join EU Covid passport scheme. Despite it never happening here.

    That was quick. "We have no plans for a Covid passport", apart from the one we have planned for.

    None of this was in any way 100% predictable. None of it could ever happen. I suppose that's the only saving grace.

    Meanwhile, barely sentient fuckwits carry on doing the work of the 0.01%'ers - for FREE!. I guess they expect something will fall of the table and they'll have the privilege of grovelling in the dirt for their reward. Good Germans.

    So they have their lockdown laws and "Variant of Concern" trigger, they have their annual vaccine revenue stream X 2, now they have their global ID card. Next up, medical implants and the social credit score.

    Fortunately, it will never happen. Things that are on rails hardly ever happen except when they always do.

    It has been a sorry spectacle to watch the majority fall in line like - not sheep, because a sheep has somewhat of a will on the rare occasion it puts its limited mind to it. But the British people appear to have an unflinching tolerance for any amount of shit that's heaped on them. There seems to be no limit, no boundary, no outrage that will trigger them into self preservation. Not even a sheep. What then?

    An insect. And insect that gets blown on the wind and squashed on a whim or as a byproduct.
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  8. #5018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    UK to join EU Covid passport scheme. Despite it never happening here.

    That was quick. "We have no plans for a Covid passport", apart from the one we have planned for.

    None of this was in any way 100% predictable. None of it could ever happen. I suppose that's the only saving grace.
    Presumably the only reason we will be joining is so we can travel to the EU. If those countries state you must have a vaccine to enter and show proof, there is no harm in UK providing such a scheme to enable citizens to travel. It is in effect out of our control as we dont set the border requirements of other nations.

    I assume you think it is also some great affront to your liberties if you travel somewhere and they require evidence of certain vaccinations to enter, such as yellow fever certificates.

    If they bring in passports here to allow us to go to the pub for example, that would be an outrage especially as it would favour the elderly who were vaccinated first over the young who went into lockdown to protect them. However, i suspect this governemnt joining the EU scheme will only be so far as to allow us to travel. This government especially spent months getting us out of every year scheme going such as the vaccine purchase scheme, Erasmus, European court of justice etc, i really dont think they will be jumping into bed with the EU to provide every bit of data. It will be to show brits have been vaccinated and to go on holiday or travel for business.

  9. #5019
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    343 people died today, from 66.65 million, who had tested positive (using fake tests) for Covid in the last 28 days.

    So what's that in reality then? 50 people? 10 people? 3 people? 1 person? Nobody?

    Were they all over 300 years of age and already dead? Which is tongue in cheek but not 100 miles from the risk profile for this mild disease. Oh what a palaver. And now the working class will have to pay for all of it. Because the rich ain't paying - they are busy making bank, hand over fist. Covid has been good business. Big business. One quarter trillion earnings boost for the 0.01%, by the end of last year. And the bottomless trough just keeps filling.

    And the left LOVES every minute of it. Even though they supposedly "hate" the vampire, vulture-capitalism class - allegedly. I suppose all those donations helped smooth the way to a truce?

    On the plus side, finally people are starting to get pissed when Covid is placed on the death certificates of their relatives who died from falling off ladders, being in a car crash or shooting themselves in the head. Maybe one day we'll even get to know the real numbers.

    The BBC, who were recently forensically exposed as the war monger, propaganda outfit they have always been (in a hilarious backfire that only morons like Jack Dorsey could conceive), would also like to remind you that anyone who questions any of this will be banned, smeared, shunned and cancelled. As it should be in a free society where debate is welcomed and dissenting views are respectfully tolerated.
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  10. #5020
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    Presumably the only reason we will be joining is so we can travel to the EU. If those countries state you must have a vaccine to enter and show proof, there is no harm in UK providing such a scheme to enable citizens to travel. It is in effect out of our control as we dont set the border requirements of other nations.

    I assume you think it is also some great affront to your liberties if you travel somewhere and they require evidence of certain vaccinations to enter, such as yellow fever certificates.

    If they bring in passports here to allow us to go to the pub for example, that would be an outrage especially as it would favour the elderly who were vaccinated first over the young who went into lockdown to protect them. However, i suspect this governemnt joining the EU scheme will only be so far as to allow us to travel. This government especially spent months getting us out of every year scheme going such as the vaccine purchase scheme, Erasmus, European court of justice etc, i really dont think they will be jumping into bed with the EU to provide every bit of data. It will be to show brits have been vaccinated and to go on holiday or travel for business.
    The bit about the pubs literally dropped my jaw. Actually quite funny. You had me going, for a second.
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