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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #5491
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    So you think that the government want to stop family and friends from meeting up, going for meals or to the pub and other social things?


    They've gone power mad, I think that much is clear.

    Also Pfizer asks UK regulator to approve Covid vaccine for 12 to 15-year-olds


    Why are they trying to push an experimental vaccine on kids for something that does not affect them? For the vulnerable you could argue the benefits of experimental drugs outweigh the risks but for kids?

    That's all I want to know one simple question, why?

  2. #5492
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    So what do you think is happening?
    Everyone knows what's happening, in broad terms. I was talking more about the day to day developments, how they are interconnected and their rapidly accelerating pace. Anyone who hasn't got at least a decent grip of the various agendas being played out over several decades has no chance of catching up now. We are in the final sprint and there are simply too many events to track and correlate.

    In broad terms the globalisation project is racing to its conclusion with the traditional power structures, individual nation states and the alliances between those states, being absorbed into a centralised command structure that has been in active development since the 60s - with an agenda finally set to mature around 2050, if all goes according to plan. From royalty to bureaucracy, through technocracy and eventually corporate governance in a unified global framework. It's not a secret. It's all carefully documented in official publications issued by centralising agencies such as the U.N. Everyone can see what's happening around them but some see it for what it is, others view it as the power classes turning over a new leaf for the betterment of mankind (the age old leopard changing its spots, so to speak). The former has been pitched against the latter across the spectrum, whether it be race issues, gender, science, religion, the great warmism hoax, pretty much everything. Left versus right while the one centre develops from the chaos.

    People scoff at the idea of a powerful few seeking to dictate to the many, even though this has been the easily demonstrable human model for centuries. They shake their heads at the idea of shady characters meeting in secret to draw up great conspiracies, but happily accept the same shady character meeting in plain view and announcing their decrees quite openly. The huge difference today is these few have advanced technology at their disposal, provided by get rich quick merchants in the tech industries. The kind of technology that afford levels of control that previously was unavailable and probably unimaginable.

    But the broad picture is so obvious it doesn't bear much discussion. Either it succeeds, and the majority of mankind is enslaved without hope of reprieve, or it fails if the spirit of humanity somehow prevails. But to actually fight these bastards it takes more than a 10,000 foot view of the problem. Details are required. And those are harder to establish in the last few years because the pace of change is so rapid and the sudden surge of censorship so pronounced. So for somebody who hasn't had the time or inclination to dig into these matters it's going to be a rough and very strange ride through to 2050, for those who make it.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #5493
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post

    They've gone power mad, I think that much is clear.

    Also Pfizer asks UK regulator to approve Covid vaccine for 12 to 15-year-olds


    Why are they trying to push an experimental vaccine on kids for something that does not affect them? For the vulnerable you could argue the benefits of experimental drugs outweigh the risks but for kids?

    That's all I want to know one simple question, why?
    We can't possibly know how many agendas are attached to these vaccines, but we can be sure of one. Profit. If you look at the financials behind the modern vaccination scam you'll see the pharma perps were having big problems with limited term patents and rising regulation. Profits were being squeezed by safety and competition. Those problems have been rapidly dispensed with during the great covid gold rush.

    To be fair to some of the scientists, particularly in Oxford, they wanted to remove the profit motive by handing over the rights of their product to the public domain. Gates put a stop to that though.
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  4. #5494
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post

    They've gone power mad, I think that much is clear.
    But the level of control which has been enforced over the last 15 months is unprecedented. I don't think even regimes like North Korea stop friends meeting up or weddings taking place or close shops and restaurants. Pretty much every country around the world has taken unprecedented steps. And the restrictions they have imposed have varied over time. During the first lockdown last March basically everything was closed. In September I went on holiday in the UK and everything was open - yes, there was a nod towards Covid restrictions but basically it was business as usual. Then close to Christmas everything started shutting again, now things are opening up again. The restrictions have changed as the data around infections, hospitalisations and deaths.

    I'm not saying that certain people or organisations aren't taking advantage of the situation, of course they are. But no government has any interest in stopping you dancing at your sister's wedding or going down the pub. That is not a level of control they have any interest in imposing on anyone. They're responding to a situation. You can argue whether the response has been correct and I agree that the vaccination programme - while impressive - doesn't need to include everyone in the country. But it's clear there is a situation going on and that this is a response to it, the data is pretty clear on that.

  5. #5495
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    Later than advertised...the army!

  6. #5496
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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  7. #5497
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Well. I’m convinced

  8. #5498
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    More seriously. Professor Dave

  9. #5499
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    The reason I won't take the vaccine is because aliens told me not to. Go on, might as well throw that in while we set up every crackpot theory and knock it down so we can avoid the actual issues. Professor? Yeah.

    For a revealing laugh try applying this propagandist's techniques to the whole Covid narrative. Right?

    And don't forget to buy his book. LOL.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  10. #5500
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    He is a professor.

    And you’re doing that thing again: “propagandist”. For who? He’s just a private individual.
    He’s hardly straw manning. Some of the things at the start of his video are a bit “out there” but some of the conspiracy theories are too. He’s responding to a lot of the things I’ve seen claimed online about the ingredients in vaccines. The thing about vaccines and autism was widely circulated and has been widely discredited. Famously correlation doesn’t imply causation but it is just a coincidence that life expectancy has gone through the roof since vaccines have become a thing? Obviously antibiotics and general advances in medicine have contributed too.

    What in his video do you dispute and what is your basis for doing so?

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