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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #6961
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Wow. You are absolutely beyond redemption.

    If you'd have followed this guy for 2 years you'd know exactly why that video you posted is as dishonest as it can ever get. It REALLY WOULD benefit you - on so many levels - to go back and watch every single video he did over 2 years. Then you'd get it.

    HE ALMOST NEVER MAKES CONCLUSIONS. He leaves that to you. He "reports" not "opines" on official data. That's it.

    There's no point trying to explain this to you. You are obviously way too far gone.

    Campbell has highlighted excess deaths BECAUSE THEY EXIST. According to government data. And that's ALL he's pointed out.

    Yet the cunt you have posted and the second-hand cunt he reports on - I mean PLEASE - SOME GUY ON YOUTUBE, anyone? He's framing the "debunk" on something Campbell NEVER said. But why would you care, you absolute repeater bastard.

    Have you no shame at all?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #6962
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Good post.
    How would you know?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #6963
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    38 reporting countries experiencing excess deaths. FACT.

    Use science (not climate "science") to disprove that.

    It's A LOT more, but 38 have reported in.

    Because of the lockdown. And we ALL know that. The government killed a lot of people, and many more are to die yet.

    And the people who supported it. Yes, you are guilty.

    But if posting up - SOME GUY FROM YOUTUBE - videos helps ease your conscience - doesn't work for me. You are guilty.

    You'd fucking think differently if it was one of yours that had died. But being wankers extraordinaire...
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #6964
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    For those who aren't following along, the shill in the shill Letter's video has tried to destroy ACTUAL reported facts by first making the assumption Campbell is solely focusing on heart disease. Then he goes and looks up heart disease statistics, having framed the data. Then he "proves" Campbell is wrong.

    What a joke.

    Yet Letters just laps t up.

    Why not go back to the CUMULATIVE EXCESS DEATHS DATA?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #6965
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    If you'd have followed this guy for 2 years you'd know exactly why that video you posted is as dishonest as it can ever get.
    Ok. Well explain it then. If you have issues with the video I posted then explain what they are and why you dispute his conclusions. You won't, of course.

    It REALLY WOULD benefit you - on so many levels - to go back and watch every single video he did over 2 years. Then you'd get it.
    HE ALMOST NEVER MAKES CONCLUSIONS. He leaves that to you. He "reports" not "opines" on official data. That's it.
    Oh what bullshit. That really isn't it. I've watched enough of his stuff.
    He did another video recently on a Pfizer press release, the release was a response to some online allegations.
    The video was one long "I'm not insinuating anything, I'm just asking questions"...nudge nudge, wink wink.
    In the video he unveiled a whole box set of conspiracy theories about Pfizer in a "I'm just speculating what they might be responding to" way.
    Well if that's speculation then why bring them up? We both know why...

    In the video he quoted from their press release but left out bits which provided context - an example, some tests he said they were doing which he declared "terrifying", but he "accidently" left out the very next sentence of the press release which said that these tests were actually required by regulators and that multiple organisations do them, and it explained why they do them.
    Isn't it this sort of selective quoting you rail against when the MSM do it? And rightly so.

    At the end of the video he even quotes the "The lady doth protest too much" line from Shakspeare ffs. But yeah, he's not drawing any conclusions. He's just asking questions... Fuck off.

    And riddle me this, Batman. If all he's doing is reporting on official data and not drawing conclusions then isn't it strange that the comments section is filled with people who all have the same opinion about Covid and vaccines. What a coincidence. I mean, he's just presenting data and asking questions isn't he? That's all he's doing. Behave yourself. You know exactly what he's doing.

    Campbell has highlighted excess deaths BECAUSE THEY EXIST. According to government data. And that's ALL he's pointed out.
    No it isn't. Why mention the ischemic heart disease figures in Australia then if that's all he's doing?
    Why only look at data over a couple of years and and not look at historic data?
    Why not dig in to how bad the lack of patient care has been for people with heart disease in the UK during the pandemic.
    Why not look at other pandemics and note that excess deaths happened in the wake of those too.

    During the pandemic we both agreed that the lack of appointments was going to have an effect - missed treatments, missed diagnoses. It was obvious to both of us that there would be a consequence. But people with a certain agenda are now trying to make a different casual link.

    SOME GUY ON YOUTUBE, anyone?
    When I pick you up on "SOME GUY ON YOUTUBE" all I'm doing is pointing out that just because someone is "independent" and not associated with any MSM media that doesn't make them right.
    Especially if they don't have any particular expertise on the subject matter they're talking about.
    There's some good stuff on YouTube and some...less good stuff. And everyone can find channels which pander to their own biases. I could accuse you of doing that, you could accuse me of doing the same. I suspect to an extent we are both right. But in your world things in the MSM are wrong because they are mainstream. And things on YouTube (which just happen to pander to your worldview) are valid because they are "independent". Although they aren't of course, they have their biases too. And they have an interest in clicks and views which means if they find a type of video which presents a certain worldview is popular then they will have a bias towards making more of them.

    He's framing the "debunk" on something Campbell NEVER said.
    Have you seen that thing about this sentence:
    "I never said she stole my money"
    You can make it mean 7 different things depending on which word you stress,
    You've stressed the wrong word above. Try this: "He's framing the "debunk" on something Campbell never SAID".

    There, that's better. So yeah, you're technically correct but in a completely pointless way. He has a way of not "saying" things but implying and insinuating them so clearly that every one of his followers gets the same message loud and clear.

    But why would you care, you absolute repeater bastard.
    You do understand that you're a repeater too, right? You flatter yourself to believe that you're an "independent thinker". Just because you believe and repeat different people, that doesn't make you special.
    Your biases and worldview affect what you believe and how you interpret data and what you repeat just as much as mine do.

  6. #6966
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    And the people who supported it. Yes, you are guilty.
    And who was that? Basically everyone on here was calling bullshit on the extended lockdown.
    The video I posted isn't denying there are excess deaths, it's noting that these have historically followed other pandemics. And it's calling bullshit on the insinuations in Campbell's video about the cause.
    Spare me the "he never SAID...", it's clear what Campbell's agenda is.

  7. #6967
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    I am from the future, and yes things will change. Unless your in china

  8. #6968
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    Do they not teach grammar in the future?

  9. #6969
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked

    Misinformation #1: Natural Immunity offers little protection compared to Vaccinated Immunity

    Misinformation #2: Masks prevent COVID transmission

    Misinformation #3: School closures reduce COVID transmission

    Misinformation #4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection

    Misinformation #5: Young people benefit from a vaccine booster

    Misinformation #6: Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates

    Misinformation #7: Covid originating from the Wuhan Lab is a conspiracy theory

    Misinformation #8: It was important to get the 2nd vaccine dose 3 or 4 weeks after the 1st dose

    Misinformation #9: Data on the bivalent vaccine is “crystal clear”

    Misinformation #10: One in five people get long COVID

  10. #6970
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    And the virus came from a mammal being sold in a seafood market, rather than the very lab that engineered the very same virus. Funded by American cash. As per the admitted documentation.

    All conspiracy theories, regardless of the facts.

    You won't ever convince these people. They don't have the capacity to think beyond the latest "news" cycle.
    Für eure Sicherheit

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