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Thread: Anyone calling for Wenger to be sacked...

  1. #81
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    It is a good post but it's a strange response to my point which was about the level of disrespect shown to Wenger, not the questioning of him or thinking it's time for him to move on.
    Was in response to several posts really, not just yours. Any criticism I have of Wenger is reserved entirely to his role as the manager of Arsenal. I don't know the bloke personally. I don't believe (many of) the fans have any personal animosity towards the guy, some just want him out of the club so we can move on. There's a level of frustration that's being expressed, built up over several years. I don't want to see him verbally abused or attacked in person either and I think any fans who go that route might want to be careful as they could receive a dig in the gob from the fan beside them. Yes I remember what he did in the past, but in football it's all about what you've done for me lately, that's just the way it is. The business of winning is ongoing and glory is fleeting.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    A year ago, booing your own team off was considered brattish and counter productive.
    No it wasn't.

  3. #83
    Pat Rice LDG's Avatar
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    Tbh, I think most hardcore gooners have been exceptionally patient really.

    Most understand the necessity of what the club had to do six years ago.

    What they don't understand, is why, now, the policies that were adopted are not adapted....especially given their failings.

    Furthermore, regardless of money and transfers and all the big lovely things fans get so excited about, the basics of the game on the pitch have been ignored, and even the most ardent supporter of Wenger must be tearing their hair out wondering why, after the same errors in three/four years, have they not been sorted out.

    Therefore; having exercised patience, having been laughed at, having watched the dismal end to the season, only to be told "be patient", strikes a very sore nerve.

    There was a balance struck at the begining of last season. The "Wenger Out" brigade were shouted down. But the culmination of the same mistakes, the same unwillingness to strengthen, and the childlike behaviour of our manager on the sidelines has tipped that balance. Quite rightly, some of our fans are furious, and we all know what raw anger does.

    Like I said before. Wenger is not going to be sacked, but I do think all fans should be putting the pressure on the club to do what is right. But on 9th June, we actually do have to be patient over the summer.....but, there will be a whole different shit storm if we start the season unchanged, and with the same rooky errors.

    Therefore, I say, lump the pressure on the club. It's time the fans got up and spoke. There is no room for further patience IMO.
    It's better to burn out, than to fade away.

  4. #84
    Member Maestro's Avatar
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    fantastic post LDG

    Quote Originally Posted by LDG View Post
    Tbh, I think most hardcore gooners have been exceptionally patient really.

    Most understand the necessity of what the club had to do six years ago.

    What they don't understand, is why, now, the policies that were adopted are not adapted....especially given their failings.

    Furthermore, regardless of money and transfers and all the big lovely things fans get so excited about, the basics of the game on the pitch have been ignored, and even the most ardent supporter of Wenger must be tearing their hair out wondering why, after the same errors in three/four years, have they not been sorted out.

    Therefore; having exercised patience, having been laughed at, having watched the dismal end to the season, only to be told "be patient", strikes a very sore nerve.

    There was a balance struck at the begining of last season. The "Wenger Out" brigade were shouted down. But the culmination of the same mistakes, the same unwillingness to strengthen, and the childlike behaviour of our manager on the sidelines has tipped that balance. Quite rightly, some of our fans are furious, and we all know what raw anger does.

    Like I said before. Wenger is not going to be sacked, but I do think all fans should be putting the pressure on the club to do what is right. But on 9th June, we actually do have to be patient over the summer.....but, there will be a whole different shit storm if we start the season unchanged, and with the same rooky errors.

    Therefore, I say, lump the pressure on the club. It's time the fans got up and spoke. There is no room for further patience IMO.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    No it wasn't.
    Yes it was. Maybe not a year ago but when Eboue was booed off a few people on were a little snobbish as if such a thing was below them. Not sure if you were in that camp but there was a discussion and people saying people looking down on others with a certain attitude.

    There has always been that attitude on here from a select few. Say nothing and 'Wenger knows best' was the phrase. There is no need to go OTT over a few off hand comments. It's not as if Wenger has been pelted with rotten eggs or anything.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Was in response to several posts really, not just yours. Any criticism I have of Wenger is reserved entirely to his role as the manager of Arsenal. I don't know the bloke personally. I don't believe (many of) the fans have any personal animosity towards the guy, some just want him out of the club so we can move on. There's a level of frustration that's being expressed, built up over several years. I don't want to see him verbally abused or attacked in person either and I think any fans who go that route might want to be careful as they could receive a dig in the gob from the fan beside them. Yes I remember what he did in the past, but in football it's all about what you've done for me lately, that's just the way it is. The business of winning is ongoing and glory is fleeting.
    I really doubt even any hardcore fan will see wenger in person and lace him with verbal expletives. I really doubt it.

    But in online discussions -- due to their very impersonal nature -- people are more expressive of their opinions and can say what they cannot say in person.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDG View Post
    Tbh, I think most hardcore gooners have been exceptionally patient really.

    Most understand the necessity of what the club had to do six years ago.

    What they don't understand, is why, now, the policies that were adopted are not adapted....especially given their failings.

    Furthermore, regardless of money and transfers and all the big lovely things fans get so excited about, the basics of the game on the pitch have been ignored, and even the most ardent supporter of Wenger must be tearing their hair out wondering why, after the same errors in three/four years, have they not been sorted out.

    Therefore; having exercised patience, having been laughed at, having watched the dismal end to the season, only to be told "be patient", strikes a very sore nerve.

    There was a balance struck at the begining of last season. The "Wenger Out" brigade were shouted down. But the culmination of the same mistakes, the same unwillingness to strengthen, and the childlike behaviour of our manager on the sidelines has tipped that balance. Quite rightly, some of our fans are furious, and we all know what raw anger does.

    Like I said before. Wenger is not going to be sacked, but I do think all fans should be putting the pressure on the club to do what is right. But on 9th June, we actually do have to be patient over the summer.....but, there will be a whole different shit storm if we start the season unchanged, and with the same rooky errors.

    Therefore, I say, lump the pressure on the club. It's time the fans got up and spoke. There is no room for further patience IMO.
    Yes, good post.

  8. #88
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    For me its not about wenger going out and spending money ££££ its about addressing the problems on the pitch, this is why the "wenger out" movement has grown. He simply refuses to change his set up, this is a guy who makes stupid comments like judge me in May, well May did come and we finished fourth. Until he changes and he stops treating us fans like dickheads then I will support him...But this will never happen because he is a prick.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    Yes it was. Maybe not a year ago but when Eboue was booed off a few people on were a little snobbish as if such a thing was below them. Not sure if you were in that camp but there was a discussion and people saying people looking down on others with a certain attitude.

    There has always been that attitude on here from a select few. Say nothing and 'Wenger knows best' was the phrase. There is no need to go OTT over a few off hand comments. It's not as if Wenger has been pelted with rotten eggs or anything.
    I had a problem with the Eboue booing because he was booed while he was playing. It was deeply unhelpful IMO and just made him prone to more mistakes. I've never had a problem with booing players off, we have a right to make our feelings known, especially when it seems like they're not puttin the effort in. Effort is surely the minimum requirement.

    Why is there never a middle ground on here? I don't think Wenger deserves some of the abuse he's got on here. That doesn't mean I don't think he should be questioned and criticised.

  10. #90
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    It works both ways. Some people have lost all respect for Wenger. Some of it is OTT but what can you do? It's a side issue and not important. People talk to each other on here in a way they wouldn't if face to face.

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