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Thread: People called Romai, they go the house

  1. #1
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    People called Romai, they go the house

    Annual net migration to the UK in 2010 was 252,000 - the highest calendar year figure on record, figures show.

    The data from the Office for National Statistics showed immigration remained steady at 591,000 but there was a drop in the number of people leaving the UK.

    Provisional data from the ONS for the 12 months to the end of March suggest net migration has since fallen slightly to 245,000.

    The government has pledged to cut net migration to tens of thousands by 2015.

    The figures show the emigration of British citizens was at its lowest since 1998 at 136,000.

    Education remains the most common reason for people migrating to the UK.

    Provisional data shows 342,000 students arrived in the year to September 2011, slightly down on the previous 12 months.

    Immigration Minister Damian Green said the figures showed the government was right to take "swift action to overhaul the immigration system".

    Mr Green said: "Latest quarterly figures show a decrease in the number of student and work visas issued compared to a year earlier - an early sign that our policies are starting to take effect.

    "The latest net migration figures are also encouraging, showing a fall since the recent peak in September 2010, but we are clear there is much more to be done.

    "That's why I will be announcing reforms to settlement and the family route which will help bring net migration down from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands over the course of this Parliament."
    I can hear the Daily Mail spluttering in indignation from here.

  2. #2
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Mr Green said: "Latest quarterly figures show a decrease in the number of student and work visas issued compared to a year earlier - an early sign that our policies are starting to take effect.
    Yeah - so the universities now have less income from abroad making home students have to pay more, you stupid cunt.

  3. #3
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post

    I can hear the Daily Mail spluttering in indignation from here.
    The Daily Mail can splutter all it wants and then maybe try a little honesty (obviously kidding). Who benefits most from slave labour?
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    Member IBK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coney View Post
    Yeah - so the universities now have less income from abroad making home students have to pay more, you stupid cunt.
    But the social security system should have to pay less when those students stay on and then bring their families to the UK?
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    ah, some monty python there.

    (yes, i googled it)

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    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    The Daily Mail can splutter all it wants and then maybe try a little honesty (obviously kidding). Who benefits most from slave labour?
    The Daily Mail does not understand that if you stop the immigration, it will mean an increase of over 1% in basic income tax to cover the loss, because immigrants to this country make a net positive contribution. Sure - there are a few spongers, but there are a goodly number of indigenous spongers too. Most immigrants come here because they want to better themselves and in the process end up adding to what we have in a positive way. Just that the Daily Mail does not like them being brown, black and/or talking funny.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ice Berg Kamping View Post
    But the social security system should have to pay less when those students stay on and then bring their families to the UK?
    Nope. They tend to get jobs, in the main. See above.

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    Member IBK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coney View Post
    Nope. They tend to get jobs, in the main. See above.
    Putting the laughter back into manslaughter

  9. #9
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coney View Post
    The Daily Mail does not understand that if you stop the immigration, it will mean an increase of over 1% in basic income tax to cover the loss, because immigrants to this country make a net positive contribution. Sure - there are a few spongers, but there are a goodly number of indigenous spongers too. Most immigrants come here because they want to better themselves and in the process end up adding to what we have in a positive way. Just that the Daily Mail does not like them being brown, black and/or talking funny.
    The Daily Mail is an establishment mouthpiece like any other. It's job is to appeal to "them" who think they are better than "us", when in fact "we" know we're better than "them." Divide and rule. Globalisation is probably the greatest evil to fall on the planet since the fiat currency. Whichever cunt calculated that 1% statistic has an agenda, the figure is 100% sure to be incorrect just like any other government or NGO statistic. It will have been used somewhere by somebody to obtain an unjustified budget to embark on a jolly masquerading under the guise of useful work. Any fool could work out for themselves that immigration is entirely unnecessary in order for a society to sustain itself. But once you start importing people then the dynamics change and the consequences of the act can then be used to justify it. Hence you can build an ever increasing fuck-up while all the time pretending to fix a problem that is being deliberately exacerbated.

    If people want to come and live here then fine, I'm all for freedom of movement. But they should live to the culture and the culture should not be changed even by 1% to accommodate them. This is the UK FFS. There's always France if you want to live like the French, or Morocco if you want to live like the Moroccans. And so on. But the equally evil partner of globalisation, multiculturalism, has fucked up that notion too. What a crock of shit, pretending we are all the same and all equal and that tradition and nationalism and culture is somehow inferior to homogenisation. This processing of the human species is straight out of the Nazi playbook, and no surprise there because the same cunts who funded the Nazis are behind the foundations who promote this Kumbaya multicultural dogshit. And if you say, hey, I'd rather my culture wasn't completely destroyed - I kinda fucking like the way I live, well then you're a racist. Of course! Unless you agree to silently watch your race get wiped out you must be a racist. Makes sense. The Daily Mail sits in this fracture. It serves to drive two factions further apart. In other words it's evil. Like every other national newspaper, especially the "respectable" ones.
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  10. #10
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    The newcomers need to blend in to an extent - sure. However, this country has never been static and has gained from different people coming here - sometimes in waves, sometimes as a steady trickle - the latter being preferable as change is gradual and a good degree of stability remains.

    I like the mix that we get here but I don't for one moment thing that people coming here should have carte blanche to do and live just as they choose. I do not, for instance, think that children of non-English speaking families should have schools accommodate their language - they should all be required to attend school with English as the language to be used. It is not, as you suggest, racist to require that. When I went to work in Germany, I accepted that I would have to learn the language and use it in all areas because, quite simply, I was in Germany. I accepted their ways of doing things even if I was used to things being different in Britain. I fully accepted that if the way they wanted to do things was not to my liking, then I should bugger off somewhere else. We should do the same.

    I would accept immigration to this country provided there is an indication of the desire to stand on their own two feet and join in, accepting the British ways of living. That does not mean, for instance, that muslims could not have mosques, etc. but it would have to be accepted that the rules we play by are the rules that have to be applied. The Daily Heil plays the fear game and plays it well to their audience. The bleeding so-called liberals who want to give way on anything play to theirs. I don't accept either of them are right but until we can get a sensible forum to discuss things - like GW, for instance! - people are not going to get a sensible resolution.

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